Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse

I'd grab a gun and go on an expedition to retrieve the nearest "one way" sign. I'd affix this to the door of the hotel pointing out. While we are intelligent enough to consciously break the rules, the zombies are not and will be unable to enter the hotel.
Someone should get on a stage and start reading "Zombie Survival Guide".
It's on my bookshelf, about 2 feet away, next to my US Army Survival Manual.
I would laugh manically as my zombies eat you all.

I need to go back to work on my vi, err vaccine for ummm bad jokes. Yes, the vaccine for bad jokes.
I'd possibly run off on my own, because I know that I can't trust any of you for shit... So, can we get our tickets in advance? Come on. Wouldn't such a thing be awesome..
Oh, and considering that Munro got the tickets, We're probobly having the Expo in his basement.

I found out...

That munro set us up

Drag Jintor along with the above (And try to find a fifth shotgun). I'd be a bit wary of AL though, for all we know he's the one controlling them <_<

I'd also bitch a little about how we should be getting a helicopter and not a bus (original > remake), then enjoy the buttsechs.

Come on, we need some chixx0rs.

We have to bring the chixx0rs too...
Hmm, if this actually did happen, Absinthe, Smoke, Ennui and Short-Recoil would be good people to be with for survivability.
Bliink died in a tragic zombie accident, try again.
We're all together in a large building? Alright.

Defense. Koola, Recoil, Jintor and Insano, you barricade the main entrance. When you're done, take care of any other entrances you find, but leave the roof clean. We may want to throw things at the horde, such as bullets.

Absinthe, Danimal and Zephos, take whatever material you need and do your best to attach a zipline to the nearest building. We will need something more secure later as the strain builds up (such as a cage), but it will do for small scouting tasks and supply ferries.

Public relations. Ennui, Laywer, you keep everybody calm. There will undoubtably be those amongst us that panic, either out of sheer terror or some demented need to play the part of the generic alarmist and eventually get everyone killed.

Necessary evil. Should anybody go this far, they shall be hurled off the roof. We take no chances with idiots.

Weapons. Evo, Sui, and Stiggy, you guys take care of weapons. If it's blunt, grab it. if it's a pole, sharpen it. Walls of nails to prop up facing the zombies should they break in. Hell, landmines, I don't care so long as we can use it in an offensive/defensive manner. ANY AND ALL GUNS AND/OR LIVE AMMUNITION WILL BE GIVEN ONLY TO THOSE WHO CAN USE THEM EFFECTIVELY AND RESPONSIBLY.

Further supplies. We will be in need of fuel, and light. Using the zipline (by this point hopefully a stable cage, a kind of horizontal elevator) volunteers will search local hardware stores, electrical outlets, anywhere that stores camping gear such as lamps and bedding. Fuel will be hard as most fuel stations will most likley have been raided, so some brave bastards will most likley need to creep down out of sight of the shambling dead and siphon fuel from cars into jerry cans.

Food. This could be a problem as most food will consist of perishables, a bad thing to have in an outbreak. Since frozen food is out of the question and nobody can live on snacks alone, we may need to think about converting a section of the roof or an upper level into a greenhouse. Most likley the roof, for better all around light.
Cans and other non cooking food will be ferried across as it is found, to provide surplus and variety.

Sanity. It may also be wise to soundproof main living areas (once they are suitably secure of course) as the noise of thousands of walking, moaning, banging corpses will eventually drive even our strongest members batshit insane.

Miscelanius. Everyone else will be given a task relative to their abilities, rewiring power outlets, cooking, washing, cleaning, even decoration.

If you have no desire to assist, you can go and entertain our undead friends banging at the doors.
Smoke: I love you.

Obeying orders now.
The more we have running supplies the better.

Oh, <3 you too Jin. But god help you if you so much as get scratched.
Y helo thar buttsechs from Birmingham :D

I would be bringing beer (naturally) and also raid my local national arms manufacturer Fabrique Nationale. I hope you guys like M249s, P90s, Five-Sevens and F2000s :D

I personally would give myself two Five-Sevens and lots of ammo (very light!) or a P90 and a backpack with the corresponding ammo bricks (pistol and SMG use the same munition type).

Anyway, bbye again D:
Sure, I'll do the dangerous job of getting close to the zombies, and making sure they can't get in.

Sounds like fun to me.
At HL2.con, crowbars at the very least will be compulsary.
Sure, I'll do the dangerous job of getting close to the zombies, and making sure they can't get in.

Sounds like fun to me.

You'll have Short recoil with you, stop complaining and get hammering!
Along with access to supplies, there'll need to be a reachable pharmacy for medicine etc...

for the infected penises.
:D! Now, someone get me a sword and a bow that deals fire & thunder damage, and some fine amber arrows!
NOW! Oh, and I'm not playing it anymore. like.. 70 hours? Meh. Change location!
In addition to keeping things calm, I'll protect Shippi from you horndogs.

Also, we need someone tough to execute people once infected. It's not an easy job, but Pi Mu Rho can do it.
In that case, I'll protect the horndogs from Shippi.
Zombie Apocalypse / Buttsechs revolution
We're all together in a large building? Alright.

Defense. Koola, Recoil, Jintor and Insano, you barricade the main entrance. When you're done, take care of any other entrances you find, but leave the roof clean. We may want to throw things at the horde, such as bullets.

Koola Mena reporting. Task request completed.

Standing by.