halflife2 poems post em here lol



:borg: hi well guys the wait is over just look back and see all the hype the what if,s and the the rest of the topics that valves creation has caused its got to be the most talked and wrote about game ever just look at the threads-posts [silly amounts] so lets have some celibrative poems here,s my 1st one lol

:smoking: For times new and old man that wait nealy made me bold but now the wait is over cuz halflife2 went GOLD ;)
Half-life 2 is going to R0xorz,
your b0xorz,

Needs a little work, but I think if I tweak it up-a-bit, I can sell this baby retail.
LMFAO hahaha that pwnz!!11 do you get that poem with the gold package :naughty:
`unreal said:
LMFAO hahaha that pwnz!!11 do you get that poem with the gold package :naughty:

**** the gold package. Its going to recieve its own Limited Edition package - The 'Harry package'. You will recieve the gold poem, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 3, Counter-Strik0rz: Source, Free glow in the dark poem, inflatable woman and a pen (a big pen).

I must warn you to avoid disappointment, purchase your packages quickly since it is limited. The pacakge is available through Steam now and I accept, all forms of money transaction (even put it in an envelope and post it).
me thought i would i add to my poem

;) For times new and old, man that wait nealy made me bold, but now the wait is over cuz halflife2 went GOLD well done gabe and yer crew, big respect for all of u,for now is the time that credit is due,for valve are the masters that got a 98% revew :afro:
There once were some people at VALVe,
Who worked from five-thirty to twelve,
They've sent us a clue,
About Half-Life 2,
Now we wait til' the game's on the shelves.
Half-Life 2 will soon be out,
to satisfy the masses.
But since the DM has been left out,
Valve can still kiss my asses.

(Well, I'll probalby still play the SP game, but you know what I mean.)
Valve and Vivendi oh woe be them,
Valve and Vivendi oh the legality,
Valve and Vivendi oh Half-Life 2 has gone gold!
Valve and Vivendi oh what a story to be told!
Valve and Vivendi oh gimmie HL2 now
Valve and Vivendi oh uhm...cow.
Valve and Vivendi oh grr im mad.
Valve and Vivendi oh my rhymes are bad :(
Oh you know what? stfu. HL2 IS GOLD BABEH! YEAH!!! :D

There once was this popular game,
which name was surrounded by fame.

But then it got leaked, and *delayed* so to speak,
but who cares, it's gone gold anyway! :D
steelslay said:
:borg: hi well guys the wait is over just look back and see all the hype the what if,s and the the rest of the topics that valves creation has caused its got to be the most talked and wrote about game ever just look at the threads-posts [silly amounts] so lets have some celibrative poems here,s my 1st one lol

:smoking: For times new and old man that wait nealy made me bold but now the wait is over cuz halflife2 went GOLD ;)
your poem makes no sense to me
DrunkPanda said:
your poem makes no sense to me

who cares it rhymes, i didn't see you do that. :p


Half-life 2,
i need you.

To experience once more,
the gamplay i adore.

Immerse me one more time,
before I commit a serious crime :cheese:

ofcourse i'm just kid.... *get's dragged away by the cops*
thank god my only crime,
happens to be my rhyme =)

"If half-life 2 sucks, i owe you all 10 bucks"

c'mon people it 's not that hard! Make a poem :D
Halflife 2 oh halflife 2, every night i dream of you.
With action, story and some things new
If i wait any longer, i'll turn freaking blue


Half life two and the whole Valve Crew.
how we all have been waiting for you
slowly we lost faith as delays became true
but that is quite alright, Doug would say
we would see gold soon (hell it happened yesterday)

so now we wait, like we always are.
this times theres a date, lets hope they dont slip too far.
There once was a man from Nantucket... Ooops wrong one.

For years we've been waiting.
For years anticipating
For something to fullfill all our needs.

It's Gold and provided
I don't get too excited...
Ooops, I think i just came in my jeans!

Here's a haiku:

Half-Life 2 is gold
It will be out in a month
Pity I am broke
Poem Entitled - The saga of my life.

I turn on pc

Take a crap


Whats happening with the Rc ?

F*** me

Poem by Me
The game was first revealed last year,
The news was a surprise..
And at E3 it had no peer
"I can't believe my eyes!"

But though release was very near,
And none of us could wait,
The truth was what the fans most feared
The game would come out late!

Of course, after the source code leak
The fans began to shout:
"Our new PCs will be antique
When Half-Life 2 comes out!"

But now the game is gold at last
And all the fans are crazed
Forget about the toubled past
Prepare to be amazed!

Yes, Half-Life 2, when it's in stores,
Will be worth every cent
Hell, magazines are giving scores
Like 98 percent!

So jump around, create a scene
We're soon in for a treat
For on November 17
Our lives will be complete :D

erm... until Half-Life 3 that is.
Alyx is so hot
She makes me have to go to the pot
If she wasn't in the game i'd probably rot
I want to go out with her a lot
Heres another haiku

I spent 40 bucks
Just for a hat and a box
Oh well.. I'm a fan.
halflife2's release is finally in sight
merry christmas to all and to all a good night :/

Half of my life//
i've been waiting for Half Life 2//
You too!?//

I searched for official sites//
but I found Hl2.net, oh cripes//
I joined in, I am cool//
but to my realization we're all fools//

Valve delayed the game like "GOD DAMN YO!"//
Everybody said it was gonna pull a DNF "Fo Sho"//
Next thing you know//
Doom III is released UH OH!!//

Luckily it sucked cow cock//
and all the chicken head D3 fans left the flock!//
Everybody in the forums left the D3 Forums alone//
It was time to bury it's stale bones//

Gabe Newell loves to **** with us//
by a series of tests, it was just too much!!//
so many retarded threads-"OMG hl2 DATE SPECOOLATION"//
sooo many information//

So much info it could fill 20 gigs on my Harddrive//
and now finally, we got it YAY!//
Soon we will play!//
and be gay!!//

Half life 2 is gold//
Half life 2 is comin Nov 16th//
I am a Half Life 2 nerdy chink//
Soon, I will play it while wearing pink!//
Roses are red
Violets are blue
HL2's gone gold
Wait? One freakin' month? Damn.
Half life 2
bald ist es vorbei
das warten auf ihn
gordon rocks steam
ich werd dann wohl zocken
und zombies wegrocken
bis dann meine augen
ihr werdets kaum glauben
und ihr werden erschrecken
vier augen und ecken
bekommen, wie bei vielen
das kommt wohl vom spielen
den Gman werd'ich suchen
die headcrabs verfluchen
mit schildern dann werfen
um strider zu treffen
und geiseln befrein
zombies bring' zum schrein
und schlussendlich am ende
wenn das spiel ist vorbei
26stunden meine vier wände
wart ich dann auf half life 3

it's german, i can't rhyme in english :p

btw.: logic yours is really great!
Das ist gut!

unfotunately the only real German I know is "Ein Glas Bier, Bitte!"

And, "Wiederholen, Sie, etwas langsamer, Bitte!"

and, I hope I got those right. I nned a stacked German exchange student to come and tutor me. please. :naughty:
i had a steam voucher,
i still do,
but i want the box,
what should i do?

50 bucks is a lot
but it's worth half life two
maybe i'll use my voucher
and buy the box too

gordon is orange,
alyx is ugly.
but i still love them,
cuz it's half life 2.
There once was a man from Black Mesa
Who came down with a really bad case of
Crowbar to the brain -
There was no other way
To get the headcrab off his face-uh.

Half Life 2 has lots of characters oooo//
Like the G-man, Gordon's boss, he works for gov. too!//
he's a creepy fella, turning old and blue//
He likes Alyx, but too bad he can't even screw//

Alyx likes G-man as well, but a 21 and a 70 year old?//
Everytime she thinks of him, she thinks of R kelly sex tape//
"OMG! That's just like child RAPE!"//
So she goes out to seek Gordon, to go out on a date//

Then there's DOG, he likes Alyx as well//
Damn a love triangle, swell...//
He is jealous of Gordon and secretly works for Combine//
He's about to bust caps in Gordon like it was Columbine//

But luckily Gordon is a nerd, quick and agile//
He takes his crowbar, instead of his nail file//
and breaks that DOG like China dishes, very fragile//
BAM! Clank Clank! In his head, now dog is dead//

Dr. Breen steps in the scene//
that mofo looks creepy, old and mean//
he wants to take over City 17//
But Gordon won't let his ass, that ****in' fiend//

Gordon gets help from Dr. Kleiner//
He hands Gordon the MANIPULATOR!!//
That mofo is now SUPERIOR!//
And he says "Gordon get the **** out my lab, take the ELEVATOR!!!"//

Then Alyx's dad comes in, Eli Vance//
He loves to dance//
even though he only has one leg//
That shit is also pegged//

So in the midst of the battlefield//
Gordon kills some Combine troops//
With the Resistance fighters//
They fight like poop!//

Until Barney Calhoun comes in!!//
he's like poison!//
He's gung ho guns BADASS!//
He says "I'll buy you a beer when this is all over"//

Then Mossman comes out of nowhere//
with her ugly hair//
and she's jealous of Alyx//
Man, what a whore//

When everybody is dead//
Zombies come and want yer head!!//
Have faith! Father Gregori here!//
He has bad ass with booby traps//

ANd that is the end of intro on main characters.
er yes

Alix Mcdean said:
Valve and Vivendi oh woe be them,
Valve and Vivendi oh the legality,
Valve and Vivendi oh Half-Life 2 has gone gold!
Valve and Vivendi oh what a story to be told!
Valve and Vivendi oh gimmie HL2 now
Valve and Vivendi oh uhm...cow.
Valve and Vivendi oh grr im mad.
Valve and Vivendi oh my rhymes are bad :(
Oh you know what? stfu. HL2 IS GOLD BABEH! YEAH!!! :D

yes thats very valve and vivendi
Little Jimmy bought half-life 2 and said this sucks!
Then Little Jimmy went to the forums and said this shadowss sucks! omg pixelz r ruined!
Then Little Jimmy got *BANNED*
pyroCow said:
Little Jimmy bought half-life 2 and said this sucks!
Then Little Jimmy went to the forums and said this sucks!
Then Little Jimmy got *BANNED*

Wow, that moderator would have to be a complete asshole.
Harryz said:
**** the gold package. Its going to recieve its own Limited Edition package - The 'Harry package'. You will recieve the gold poem, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 3, Counter-Strik0rz: Source, Free glow in the dark poem, inflatable woman and a pen (a big pen).

I must warn you to avoid disappointment, purchase your packages quickly since it is limited. The pacakge is available through Steam now and I accept, all forms of money transaction (even put it in an envelope and post it).

Woah thats odd and weird
Gordon freemon,
This man had demon semon
And got Alyx Screamin
Gordon penus started leanin
She asked why is it leanin
"Gordon said PHYSICS is the meanin B*TCH
seasons released not
and passed dark hope leaked, faith swayed,
but now we're gold. Score.