
Jackal hit

Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
OMG WHERE THE HELL DO I COMPLAIN??? SOMEONE STOLE MY DAMN AVATAR!!! THAT I MADE!!! arghhh over at halflifesource.com. i was reading kadayi polokov's thread about them and clicked the link... and i scroll down a ways to "b33nz" and THERE'S MY AVATAR!!! OMG.

sorry, i guess it's a pointless thread, please close it if it's inappropriate... but... wtf why's anyone stealing my avatar? :flame: ;(
Yeah I had that happen to me here...I think it's Kyo or something....bah..it's almost the same damn thing...but with different coloring
OMFG HAHAHAHA .... i just registered at halflifesource.com ... my avatar is one that they set as a forum avatar. you choose it from a list hahaha

... i guess i should feel flattered. :bounce:

lol so hmm i guess that makes me less angry, and more... "hey that's pretty cool, they thought my little practice animated .gif was cool enough woooo"

now i want royalties :p j/k
Were you looking that the same thread where a certain idiot somehow gets the idea that we at HL2.net thought Fragmaster quit because of us?
yeah... it was the thread that kadayi polokov started and had closed immediately...

but! that website took my avatar lmao... (i feel famous now:p j/k)

heh i'm currently editing it so it has my name on it
Wooord Now Let's See Someone Steal My Avatar.

well, it shouldn't be that hard, but eh.
heh i just wish someone would ask permission to use it(although how could they have known it was my own avatar eh?) ... but it got me upset because i designed a website for this guy's company one time, and he liked the design, but then just randomly didn't want me working on his website design anymore, and got someone else to do it. well the site he currently has is almost exactly the same as one of the rough drafts i showed the guy. so ehhhh. oh well, no biggie.
Hmmmmm... now Im going to go off and do a search for my avatar's filename...
jackal, you should make a thread on their forums and say who the hell stole my fuc*ing avater!!!!!
and hopefully someone will tell you
I think you'd more likely find your post deleted.
PiMuRho said:
I think you'd more likely find your post deleted.

especially as many of the people over there would probally just say "you stole it from us" or something.

and that guy sounds rather annoying... kicking you off a project for no reason, then using some of your ideas...
Email the forum admins asking them to remove your property. It can't hurt trying.
Suicide42 said:
especially as many of the people over there would probally just say "you stole it from us" or something

I think Many is a gross exaggeration as to their numbers. I think the majority of online members/guests are merely figments of Andy Hodges egomania.
That's odd...did you "upload" the avatar to the webpage? I see on that list many from others in the forum, but not mine since I linked mine from some webpage (now gone :( ), so I'm wondering if the same program that uploads them also stores them in the database...
Oh, and Pi I do take offense at that "You would more likely find your thread deleted" comment. If it were blatantly rude and obnoxious, chances are that yes it would end up being deleted (not by me though necessarily), but if it were respectful, he would have the respect likewise returned (at least by the official staff, I can't speak for the jerkwads that we have over there :rolleyes:)
Besides, how many threads end up locked per day here?
I take offence at a lot of the comments on your forums that are directed at us, but I've long since given up trying to post there, because any reasoned argument or discussion is impossible against the endless tide of abuse and immaturity.
That and the fact that Andy saw fit to ban me because I asked to be taken off the mailing list.

Also, locked threads != deleted messages. It's rare in the extreme that we delete messages at all.
RblDiver said:
Oh, and Pi I do take offense at that "You would more likely find your thread deleted" comment. If it were blatantly rude and obnoxious, chances are that yes it would end up being deleted (not by me though necessarily), but if it were respectful, he would have the respect likewise returned (at least by the official staff, I can't speak for the jerkwads that we have over there :rolleyes:)
Besides, how many threads end up locked per day here?

Unless of course they are being rude obnoxious and insulting to Valve in which case it's perfectly acceptable, apparently? See Sniper X comments


BTW exactly how many 'real' members to you have? I popped the bubble over your membership claims yesterday in this thread:-


The facts are there for all to see that 31K members is a gross exaggeration.
RblDiver said:
That's odd...did you "upload" the avatar to the webpage? I see on that list many from others in the forum, but not mine since I linked mine from some webpage (now gone :( ), so I'm wondering if the same program that uploads them also stores them in the database...

i have my avatar saved on my comp and have it uploaded to this site to use...i had never heard of halflifesource.com until tonight hehe. i just thought it was funny/mildly flattering that someone took it and stuck it over at halflifesource.com. heh i'm over my anger for now hehe... since i added my name to my avatar. ah well it was just a practice thing anyways, maybe i'll make a REALLY cool avatar when i have time(and now that i know how to do it) :p

anyways :cheers: i'm famous. :p
PiMuRho said:
I take offence at a lot of the comments on your forums that are directed at us.

Huh? True, in the height of our heyday forum fights there were, but recently I can recall offhand one overt, that was the one to which Kad was responding. I think I've made some comments over there I based off of things I read here, but as far as I can remember they've not been derogatory, and I can't think of any from others.

As for the deleted != locked, true, but both are VERY rare over there.

Bah, I had hoped all this stuff was behind us and had been trying to get better relationships. Sucks this controversy had to come back to bite us both in the ass at a time when HL2 hype is growing at a high rate again :/
Jackal hit said:
i have my avatar saved on my comp and have it uploaded to this site to use...i had never heard of halflifesource.com until tonight hehe. i just thought it was funny/mildly flattering that someone took it and stuck it over at halflifesource.com. heh i'm over my anger for now hehe... since i added my name to my avatar. ah well it was just a practice thing anyways, maybe i'll make a REALLY cool avatar when i have time(and now that i know how to do it) :p

anyways :cheers: i'm famous. :p

Lol, maybe that guy visited here and decided he liked it so much he took it and was the one to upload it. Anyhow, I suppose that's a good face you put on it :p lol :D

...Still wonder how that happened, probably something vBulletin does...
RblDiver said:
Lol, maybe that guy visited here and decided he liked it so much he took it and was the one to upload it. Anyhow, I suppose that's a good face you put on it :p lol :D

...Still wonder how that happened, probably something vBulletin does...

yeah that's what i'm thinking... some random guy liked it and took it... although i'm prefer to think that the site staff liked it and took it. lol... i don't care if it's untrue, leave me my delusions.
RblDiver said:
Bah, I had hoped all this stuff was behind us and had been trying to get better relationships. Sucks this controversy had to come back to bite us both in the ass at a time when HL2 hype is growing at a high rate again :/

Whose ass is it biting exactly? Are we the ones faking our stats?
Oh shut up about the stats already. I said both our asses since a lot of unpleasantness on both sides happened, just as it is happening now.
Kadayi Polokov said:
BTW exactly how many 'real' members to you have? I popped the bubble over your membership claims yesterday in this thread:-


The facts are there for all to see that 31K members is a gross exaggeration.

"I noticed some other interesting things whilst I was there as well. Firstly in their member lists they have 30 members per page and 208 pages of members. We have 30 members per page and 433 pages of members. I'll let you do the maths on that one."

Oh, thanks for stealing my hard work! Not even a word of recognition for my sleuthing :/

RblDiver said:
Oh shut up about the stats already. I said both our asses since a lot of unpleasantness on both sides happened, just as it is happening now.

Well if you will go banning me for No reason whatsoever beyond the fracturing of the deceits you concoct regarding your sites membership size I don't really see a reason to stop bringing it up at every given opportunity.

'Nice weather we are having today'

'Yeah talking of weather, read this apparently www.halflife2source.com are lying devious ****s, who would of thunk it?'

'Say it isn't so joe, I'm shattered Andy Hodges was my role model'


Abom: I didn't want to drag you into this incase my post was seen as an 'offical' action by hl2.net against halflife2source therefore apologies for not giving you Kudos about that little fact
Kadayi Polokov said:
Abom: I didn't want to drag you into this incase my post was seen as an 'offical' action by hl2.net against halflife2source therefore apologies for not giving you Kudos about that little fact

Don't really mind, to be honest. It was in the IRC channel, so someone would have probably picked up on it anyway... it's just the truth of the facts.
Fenric said:
Knock it off the lot of you, ITS JUST A WEBSITE!

Not quite Fen

according to their homepage 'Half-Life Source is the largest Half-Life 2 game community on the web' they have a whopping 31k members apparently.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Not quite Fen

according to their homepage 'Half-Life Source is the largest Half-Life 2 game community on the web' they have a whopping 31k members apparently.
So? What does it matter, if their making it up then people will realise eventually. IF not that good for them having so many users. Your acting like a jealous child about it. It is just a website, whatever you appear to think, its not the end of the world, 31 thousand users or 12 thousand users, makes no difference, its still the same old tired pissing contests about who has the bigger site. Dude, the suns out, go sit in the garden or something.
Fenric said:
So? What does it matter, if their making it up then people will realise eventually. IF not that good for them having so many users. Your acting like a jealous child about it. It is just a website, whatever you appear to think, its not the end of the world, 31 thousand users or 12 thousand users, makes no difference, its still the same old tired pissing contests about who has the bigger site. Dude, the suns out, go sit in the garden or something.

Certainly is a change of attitude. Seeming that we just proved they actually have around 6000 members (probably much less than that because of clone allegations), there's little point in arguing that they may in fact have 30000 members. Logically it just doesn't make sense - if they had that many, there would certainly be alot more posts and threads on their board.
Fenric said:
Dude, the suns out, go sit in the garden or something.

Sunlight? you know how bad that stuff is for you? Christ why not just tell me to drink bleach cocktails :O
Kadayi Polokov said:
Sunlight? you know how bad that stuff is for you? Christ why not just tell me to drink bleach cocktails :O

Ah they took my Avatar too... damn them all!!! Im gonna sue :p
I also posted up over there about the members thing after seeing what Kadayi said. I tried to make the thread seem as neutral as possible and it seems to have paid off. Its still open and the people in it seem friendly enough.


EDIT: I would have given thanks to Kadayi and Abom for the info but I wanted to make it seem like a 100% honest and non-flaming question.

Please don't be mad. :imu: :p
It's just another anti HL2.net site full of CS players, it isn't worth concerning ourselves with. I don't want the kind of people who post on boards like that here anyway. Unless they have actually done something to you that is really quite annoying, you should just forget about it and let them bullshit all they want.
The Mullinator said:
I also posted up over there about the members thing after seeing what Kadayi said. I tried to make the thread seem as neutral as possible and it seems to have paid off. Its still open and the people in it seem friendly enough.


EDIT: I would have given thanks to Kadayi and Abom for the info but I wanted to make it seem like a 100% honest and non-flaming question.

Please don't be mad. :imu: :p

Can someone test this for me (non-mod)? Go into our forum's members list, and check how many people you can see on each page, and see how many pages of members there are. By their statement, people who choose to be invisible can't be seen on the members page (all 24000 of them, heh), therefore it should theoretically be the same for our forum.
The Mullinator said:
I also posted up over there about the members thing after seeing what Kadayi said. I tried to make the thread seem as neutral as possible and it seems to have paid off. Its still open and the people in it seem friendly enough.


EDIT: I would have given thanks to Kadayi and Abom for the info but I wanted to make it seem like a 100% honest and non-flaming question.

Please don't be mad. :imu: :p

Andy Hodges is probably asleep, thats why your post is still there dude.