
RblDiver said:
Jackal, as far as I have seen you've been pretty respectful and polite about the issue, so I put in a good word and asked Andy to see if he can do something about your freaky eye heh.

thanks man :D
Morons and idiots. hrmph, I didn't even try to flame anyone, nor did I say anything bad about the site. Oh well.
The Mullinator said:
Morons and idiots. hrmph, I didn't even try to flame anyone, nor did I say anything bad about the site. Oh well.

shhhhh! they're still watching us!
Is it just me or has the thread been deleted now? :)
Dedalus said:
i thought you were going to have a word with them?

WTH, they dont wanna talk. They want war !!!! :sniper:

And Munro keeps trying with his smilies.
I'm being ignored.
Munro said:
Is it just me or has the thread been deleted now? :)

Indeed, it seems even in their flame forum it was attracting far too much attention for the admins liking so they removed it. Perhaps because even there the facts were still undeniable :O

Apparently us 'HL2.net kiddies' raised uproar to score brownie points with you HL2.net Staff (So next time there's a vacancy going in the admin team, you know ... ;) ).
Kadayi Polokov said:
Apparently us 'HL2.net kiddies' raised uproar to score brownie points with you HL2.net Staff (So next time there's a vacancy going in the admin team, you know ... ;) ).

Only if you sell 10 packets of cookies, my young Kadayi! Then you'll earn your 'perfect member' badge that you can sew onto your coat! Oh yes.

I so hope they're reading this.
Abom said:
Only if you sell 10 packets of cookies, my young Kadayi! Then you'll earn your 'perfect member' badge that you can sew onto your coat! Oh yes.

I'll put it between 'reckless endangerment', and 'wanton abandon' ;)

/me heads off to hawk cookies
i hereby up the ante to include "sexual favors". :dozey:

"wanton abandon" indeed! :eek:
Lil' Timmy said:
i hereby up the ante to include "sexual favors". :dozey:

"wanton abandon" indeed! :eek:

Hey don't knock it until you've tried it :D