Halo 3 - to buy or not to buy


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Will you be cashing out for Halo 3? I was never a great fan (gave it 7/10) and Halo 2 shucked. I mean it seriously shucked ass. Halo 3 might be better but either way, I'll get it just to see how the trilogy ends.:burp:
im not too sure, im definatly going to buy it no matter what, but i dont know why it is so hyped up. the hitman series for me was the greatest. halo is good, half life kicks ass, but hitman just rocked my world.
If you played through the first two, you may as well finish the trilogy. Halo 3 is supposed to answer all the questions that were left from Halo 1 and 2. Hopefully, it'll answer the questions that were left from the novels too...
If you played through the first two, you may as well finish the trilogy. Halo 3 is supposed to answer all the questions that were left from Halo 1 and 2. Hopefully, it'll answer the questions that were left from the novels too...

Thats my point.
Only if it comes out on xbox 1 as well, since I don't have a 360. If it's only on 360 then no
Its obviously only coming out for the 360.

And yes I do plan on getting. Plus, we got a new Halo novel coming soon. Can't wait for that.


cool, thanks for the pics! i dident know there was another coming! i love the books...
Even though I really don't like the series, it's the one game you're pretty much required to have as a 360 owner. I imagine it'll be fantastic to look at, too.
Aye probably. I enjoyed the first enough. Although I don't rate it as highly as most.
By the time it comes out I might actually have a 360 so I'll rent it at the very least to see if MP still sucks and beat the singleplayer.
New Halo novel? WOOOOO. :D

And yezzur I'll be buying Halo 3. I enjoyed the games (moreso Halo 1 than 2) so it's pretty mandatory for me to get it. Plus, Halo 2 online has kept me playing for at least a good 9 months now. As generic as some of the gametypes ge, and as annoying as some of the obnoxious, small-minded Americans get, I'm still on it, every night. Mainly because my freinds play, mind, but we have good fun. Sometimes.
I had to buy the XBOX just to play Halo 2

in the end, it was one of the worst gaming experiences in my life

MS won't make me buy another console, or Halo game either
If it's got anything like Halo's singleplayer with Halo 2's multiplayer and Gears of War's graphical power, I can't NOT get it.

And new books = win.
If it's got anything like Halo's singleplayer with Halo 2's multiplayer and Gears of War's graphical power, I can't NOT get it.

Here's hoping. I'd be happy with the originals single player and uber next gen gfx/physics.
When it comes on pc...or I'll just find a friend with a 360 and that game...shouldn't be too hard (just have to watch out for the freaks though).
If you haven't played Halo or Halo 2 on legendary yet, you are missing out on some seriously fun gameplay. So before you bash halo and say how bad it was, go play on legendary
I will not buy it. Halo 2 was very repetitive.

Halo does'nt deserve to be named in the same breathe as Half-Life.

Edit: Typo
what type of question is this...... 100% Yes/A must buy motherfooking game. :D
I don't understand why everybody says Halo 2 is rubbish. It's about as good as the first one.
I don't understand why everybody says Halo 2 is rubbish. It's about as good as the first one.
This is almost too obvious, but you just answered your own question.
I don't understand why everybody says Halo 2 is rubbish. It's about as good as the first one.

I disagree - maybe in multiplayer, but single player wasn't a patch on the first. The uber challenge and perfect balance was traded for a more 'herded' experience with less options for the player and less tactical combat. I still enjoyed it, though.
Halo was far better than Halo 2. But...that isn't really saying much.
This is almost too obvious, but you just answered your own question.

Sigh. Compared to the first Halo. I thought it was so obvious people wouldn't bother posting that sentance.

Warbie, I see what you mean about less choices for the player and stuff. Maybe it's not as good as the first one... It's still quite fun though, it's not a bad game.
I don't get why every body compare's Halo to Half-Life.

Halo imo is nothing more than an overated overhyped console shooter.
Halo and Half-Life are practically two different games. Only thing in common is fps and aliens :|.
I don't get why every body compare's Halo to Half-Life.

Halo imo is nothing more than an overated overhyped console shooter.

We're... not. You seem to be the only person saying them both in the first place. :|
I never played halo 1 or 2. Ive only played halo2 multiplayer at a friends house, and that was only twice.
Well, a year ago G4 tech Tv was comparing Halo to Half-Life, & on one of the show's Halo won...crazy talk.

G4 also voted Zelda having a better storyline than Chrono Trigger.

...Who the hell watches and actually listens to what G4 says :|.
How can you hate Zelda?! That's like hating puppies or ice cream or boobs. Anyhoo, Secret of Mana was better than them both. Woohoo, thread derailed \o/
Boobs + Ice Cream is an awesome combination.

Sorry, what was the title of this thread?
Sure - time travel, big hair, big eyes, twee music, all good :)