Halo has GONE GOLD and gues the release date?

Yes, this is round about the time that games that are going to be released on the 30th of September should go gold.

But remember, these dates aren't set in stone. They can go Gold earlier or later.
If HL2 gets delayed, I get to play with Halo til' it comes.
Works for me.
valves time is ticking away.......

[Don't make excessively long posts that go nowhere]
hl2.T3h.5uck?...?? with a name like that what the **** are you doing here anywhoo??
I do think that Halo probably won't do as well as HL2 if they're released on the same day... but I don't think HL2 will crush it. Halo's a great game and there are a lot of people (like myself) who have been waiting a long time to have it on their PC.
Perhaps they're just preparing for the inevitable. This way, they can claim Halo's poor sales were because of competition from Half-Life 2 rather than simply admitting that nobody bought the game because it sucks.
When it comes down to it, all these games get released anyway, So in the end, to us the gamers, there all great, and can quite happily take up room on my shelf, hehe
Originally posted by hl2.T3h.5uck?
dur, yes sur, abomination sur

Abom|nation, and I'm so glad we see eye-to-eye here. Have a nice day!
I already know 4 people (Personally, not over the internet) that are gonna get their computers upgraded specially for HL2. -not: NOT for halo.
I guess dedicated fans will buy both, though.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
According to a recent rumor, Vivendi is going to release a press release tonight about HL2, most likely the release date.

edit: oh yeah heres the site :http://www.vivendiuniversal.com/vu/en/home/index.cfm

That would finaly give us some info then. I would appriciate it, when they told us something.

That misterious attitude is so :flame:

:sniper: :x

( i know, bad english)
Are you kidding me? Half Life 2 will crush Halo like an ant(lion)! Seriously don't care much for the PC version of Halo since I played it on the Xbox already. And considering they are omitting Coop play (for reasons beyond belief since it took them long enough to port the damn game that should have been on the PC first), I can't see it doing well in the PC marketplace. I personally won't buy the game, not until at least some mod maker makes a coop mod so I can lan play with my son. I have seen the videos and seen the , ahem, gameplay and am not to impressed with it as I am for the release of HL2. If HL2 gets delayed I will continue playing BF1942 DC and RavenShield til it comes out, but Halo will be a rental at least (yes, in Canada you can rent PC games :p)
i was gonna make a threrad abotu this, i think its interesting that Halo was given a sept 30th release date. perhaps they have been following all the confusionw ith hl2 and knew how badly everyone wanted a sept 30 date, so they were like, hey, lets release ours on the 30th so when everyone goes to the stores for HL2 they see its not there, but lo and behold, theres Halo! or its just a coincidence. i dont know
Or they go to the store and, Hey! there's Halo and HL2. Wich should I buy? Hmmm ... (1 milli second thinkage). *Runs home with HL2*
I'm building a new machine, but only after HL2 is out.

I predict we'll get the benchmark program on the 30th, along with the ATI 9800TX announcement from Alcatraz.
man halo sux. i'd buy hl2 over halo any day, but thats just my opinion....halo = download...hl2= PURCHASE.
Originally posted by bizzy420
man halo sux. i'd buy hl2 over halo any day, but thats just my opinion....halo = download...hl2= PURCHASE.

Download? Man you suck.
Originally posted by bizzy420
man halo sux. i'd buy hl2 over halo any day, but thats just my opinion....halo = download...hl2= PURCHASE.

I've been playing the beta 1.5 of it now for some time :cheers:
Ah yes, got to love the pirate low-lifes and their pathetic rationalizations.
Originally posted by Garp
Ah yes, got to love the pirate low-lifes and their pathetic rationalizations.

Uhh...I wouldn't call us low lives...I've already purchased my copy of Half-Life 2 in full at my local EB...but if someone on IRC gets it before it hits store shelves, then I'm gonna try my all to get a hold of it
in a shock Hl2 Forum Poll today, Voters announced they would buy HL2.
im a low life because i dont wanna spend $$$ on halo? i dont wanna spend my money for halo because its a crappy game imo, but hl2 on the other hand is going to be a great game ( atleast i hope so), and i will buy that.
Some guy in another thread said he called Vivendi and they said they would release a press release tonight about HL2.
Originally posted by bizzy420
im a low life because i dont wanna spend $$$ on halo? i dont wanna spend my money for halo because its a crappy game imo, but hl2 on the other hand is going to be a great game ( atleast i hope so), and i will buy that.

THAT'S the pathetic rationalizion I'm talking about.

What you're saying is: "I hate that shirt, but I'm going to steal it anyway. The company doesn't deserve my money because I hate it. That OTHER shirt I like...I won't steal that one."
Hmm a press release would make sense now since Ati has launched that flash movie too....so maybe there's something exciting thats about to happen
Hmm a press release would make sense now since Ati has launched that flash movie too....so maybe there's something exciting thats about to happ

yeah i hope so man
Agree, halo is really a "download-game". The beta is pretty nice in MP. You can do some nice jumping with the warthogs and ghosts. :E
gart, so you've never downloaded anything? i mean, i guess it is a poor rationalization, but im not rich. i buy what i feel is worth my money.
I'll buy HL2. i'll Aquire Halo. I refuse to pay for it after making us wait an extra two years for it
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Some guy in another thread said he called Vivendi and they said they would release a press release tonight about HL2.

You know, I find this doubtful.

Go to http://www.vugames.com/corporate_news.do?quarter=2&year=2003

Those are all the Vivendi press releases regarding games. Search back a bit and you'll notice something is very absent. There is no mention of Half-Life 2 at all.

And there are plenty of other Games that were announced but not Half-Life 2.

I remember reading that Valve is handling all of the PR of Half-Life 2. I would expect any announcement to come from them.
Originally posted by Garp
THAT'S the pathetic rationalizion I'm talking about.

What you're saying is: "I hate that shirt, but I'm going to steal it anyway. The company doesn't deserve my money because I hate it. That OTHER shirt I like...I won't steal that one."

Now THAT is pathetic. It's not like i would have bought the games i downloaded if i couldn't download them.
As long as this thread has been semi-hijacked, I'd like to place some of the blame for warez on game publishers, for their inflexible pricing schemes. Every game should have a pricing scheme like HL2. I'm not interested in Halo PC to the tune of 50 dollars, but if I was offered the ability to download it and play for a month for 10 bucks, heck yeah, I'm all over that.

Hell, I wouldn't even WATCH most movies if I didn't have the option to rent them for 2 bucks. 20 dollars for a DVD I'm going to watch once or twice? Pfft. When publishers start providing more flexible purchasing options for PC games, warez will decrease drastically.

And another thing... Halo PC is COMPLETE now, why shouldn't I be able to pay a fee and download it today? Why should I have to wait for hundreds of thousands of CDs to be pressed and boxed before I can play it? And why should I have to pay extra fees to the publisher and the retailer for distribution and manufacturing and assembly and in-store advertising, when I don't really need/care about that stuff? I want 95% of the money I pay to go directly to the development of the game, and of future games.
I am not going to buy it unless the multiplayer is extremely fun... I will rent it though, and play the singleplayer portion and try out the mp but I can almost guarantee it won't be as fun as games like BF1942 unless they reinstate the Coop mode that was hugely popular in the xbox version.

As for downloading games.. it's the same as downloading music, and 90% of you download music. I think it's ok, just as long as you buy the game if you like it as there is nothing worse then paying 50 bucks for something that sucks and you can't take back.

Or you can wait for the reviews, but those are mostly biased in some way and it's hard to believe most reviewers unless all of them agree it's a top notch worthwhile purchase, but by the time that happens the game is usually a month old already.

I don't agree with piracy of games, but then again, it will take all this piracy for someone to realize that we don't want and won't buy games unless they are of high quality.

Half Life 1 sold over 8 million copies, BF1942 is selling like crazy, and for some unknown reason so is the Sims.. and yet all these games can be downloaded on Kazaa or other p2p program.