Hamas Mickey Mouse replaced by Nahoul the killer bee


Dec 22, 2004
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For about a month or two now, a children's show, The Pioneers of Tomorrow has been running propaganda on Palestinian TV in which a Mickey Mouse lookalike -- Named "Farfour" -- preached Islamic supremacy and and annihilation of the Jews. In the last episode, Farfour was beaten to death by evil Zionists because he would not hand over the documents given to him by his father just before he died. Now, it looks like Farfour has been replaced by Nahoul the killer bee:

Here is the episode where Farfour is martyred, protecting the Arabs' right to "Tel Al-Rabi(Present day Tel Aviv)" by not handing over the papers proving Arab ownership:

Farfour's first appearence, in which he teaches kids that they are creating the cornerstone for total, global Islamic dominance of the world, among a few other things: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi-c6lbFGC4[/YOUTUBE]

Farfour's death at the hands of the evil Zionists: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrieBhaGgHM[/YOUTUBE]

Nahoul the Killer Bee, Farfour's cousin, replaces him: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsuF1it68tg[/YOUTUBE]

Just wondering: The Muslims/Quran says that Jews are the brothers of monkeys and pigs... but after this, does that mean that Muslims are the brothers of Humans ****ing mice, and humans ****ing bees? And in one last scenario, the brothers of chicken****ers? -

Now, imagine if our kids-tv was like this in the morning! At least little Johnny could get some inspiration for what to do if someone cut down his trees/steals his lunchbox at school! :D
and next it will be klab kalashmignohuolar the orange dinosaur
I just hope someone burns that damn building/tv station down.
Lol, it's not every day you see Mickey Mouse getting killed by a Zionist.
Everything in their media is just so over-dramatized and exagerated to the nth degree....I mean, this is brain-washing plain and simple.

What's the solution to this?? Obviously not burning the building down...but honestly, something has to be done to curb this fanatical hatred. That video is just disturbing...it's not overly graphic or anything, but the message it's sending is just chilling...and the fact that it's just children watching...makes my stomach turn.
I think it is a bit graphic, you know, the whole thing with an Israeli beating a mickey mouse figure to death. That's not something you show children, and this is to say absolutely nothing about the message it conveys.

This is official Hamas TV, I would gladly have it destroyed. They send this stuff 24/7. The Israelis destroyed Gaza airport, now, in my opinion, it's time to shut down Hamas TV. Something has to be done, and you cannot reason with these people. A hellfire missile is obviously the solution if Israel doesn't want to send in Sayeret Matkal or the likes.
gotta love Nemesis' threads

video of cartoon crazy saying stupid things to bored looking kids ..who being stupid have no clue there's actually a person in the mouse suit, therefore he must be telling the truth ..replaced by a lady (?) in a poorly fitting bee costume ..wow their attempts at brainwashing must have been taught to them by the kgb

Nemesis solution to problem, revealed only after a dozen posts when he thinks it's safe to inject some extreme punishment for having stupid people in costume doing stupid things: wholesale slaughter

Nemesis said:
Something has to be done, and you cannot reason with these people. A hellfire missile is obviously the solution if Israel doesn't want to send in Sayeret Matkal or the likes

for once I agree with Nemesis, I really do wish the penalty for stupidity was death ...
Dude, I don't want slaughter, I just want to see the building blown to smitherines. Pretty much the same with Al Manar.

By the way, I predicted your post! How cool is that? :D
This really tipped you off, didn't it? Really sucks to see the death cult TV first hand, I know, but that's why I post it.
I'm gonna kick my self in the ass for asking this but Im bored.

So nemesis, what is your solution to this?
Destoying Palestinian infrastucture that Hamas can rebuild fairly quickly is hardly the answer.
This really tipped you off, didn't it?

no, actually I have no opinion either way: fanatics act fanatically, where's the surprise here?

Really sucks to see the death cult TV first hand

right, bumble bee death cult :upstare:

I know, but that's why I post it.

because a kids show is evidence of a death cult ....right

Evacuate the building, blow it up. It's that easy!

are you sure you dont work for the occupying governemnt? cuz that's usually what they do, ..except the evacuating part
Nahoul looks like a giant pinata! :D Maybe when this character fails (jee all of their "saviors" are getting killed ;)) maybe they can put in Havoor the walrus. Make him have the same squeaky voice too.
Destoying Palestinian infrastucture that Hamas can rebuild fairly quickly is hardly the answer.

Yeah, they can rebuild. But with the current civil war going on right now down there, it now seems twice as logical: By destroying the building, you prevent children from being brainwashed AND you distract Hamas from bombing barbershops. Isn't that a double-win by any standard?
Nemesis, keep up the good work! :thumbs:

It's nice to know someone is reporting the Islamo-Fasso agenda.

You see, this is why I like the forums:

CptStern - American Military, Political, and Social Failures/Logical Fallacies
Nemesis - Arab Military, Political, and Social Failures/Logical Fallacies

Perfect. Balance. And I love it.
I don't wanna hear anything about american or arabian phalluses :|
because a kids show is evidence of a death cult ....right


Well, hang on a second. This isn't exactly promoting a healthy relationship between Israel and the surrounding territories. The first stage of a becoming a member is brainwashing. "All Jews are evil, All Jews want to steal your land, All Jews want to kill you." -- This is a great message to feed your children who are already to quite enough. It may not be evidence of a death cult, but this certainly isn't going to mold a generation that's more willing to get along with it's neighbors.

Now, we all know Israel is not free from blame in this mess, but I haven't heard of anything like this being spouted on Israeli TV. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, hang on a second. This isn't exactly promoting a healthy relationship between Israel and the surrounding territories. The first stage of a becoming a member is brainwashing. "All Jews are evil, All Jews want to steal your land, All Jews want to kill you." -- This is a great message to feed your children who are already to quite enough. It may not be evidence of a death cult, but this certainly isn't going to mold a generation that's more willing to get along with it's neighbors.

yes however my statement still stands ..you even say so yourself

cptstern said:
because a kids show is evidence of a death cult ....right

Now, we all know Israel is not free from blame in this mess, but I haven't heard of anything like this being spouted on Israeli TV. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

true however their methods far more subtle than using a giant bee/mouse to get your message across

the delivery of the message might be different but the message is the same

kerberos: you just didnt put me at the same level of nemesis did you? I dont think I'd have been more shocked had you shot my dog in front of me ..the day I'm rightfully compared to a mental midget who wouldnt know a fact if it kicked him in hte head is the day I simply lie down and give up living
**** Islam. Muhammad wears girl panties.

There was nothing good on TV. Hopefully now i can watch some riots in the streets.
mental midget

You like that term, don't you? Filthy democrat.
I think I'm gonna make this into our little thing: Each time you call me a mental midget, I call you a "filthy democrat"! :p

Or I could just mock you for being Canadian by saying "EH?" every time I talk to you! For example: This is fun, EH?
You like that term, don't you? Filthy democrat.
I think I'm gonna make this into our little thing: Each time you call me a mental midget, I call you a "filthy democrat"! :p

Or I could just mock you for being Canadian by saying "EH?" every time I talk to you! For example: This is fun, EH?

Stern-baiting is fun, ain't it.
You like that term, don't you? Filthy democrat.
I think I'm gonna make this into our little thing: Each time you call me a mental midget, I call you a "filthy democrat"! :p

Or I could just mock you for being Canadian by saying "EH?" every time I talk to you! For example: This is fun, EH?

but I'm not american therefore not a democrat ....eh?
kerberos: you just didnt put me at the same level of nemesis did you? I dont think I'd have been more shocked had you shot my dog in front of me ..the day I'm rightfully compared to a mental midget who wouldnt know a fact if it kicked him in hte head is the day I simply lie down and give up living

Oh ... my ... god.

I should do this more often.

You see? This is why I LOVE the forums!

CptStern: American Social, Political, and Military Fallacies
Llama: Llamatic Social, Political, and Military Fallacies