hands above the sheets!


Nov 30, 2004
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ever been caught "in an embarassing situation" (hope you get my drift here) either by your self, or with bf/gf? personally i never have, but have heard some funny stories about others. my friends mom told us that when my friend was 5 or 6, she caught him lying in bed naked with a life size barbie doll. he denys this today, but i think it happened. go ahead, tell yours if you have any
come on, dont be shy now :)

edit: me? no, never :angel:
Good thread!

I can't think of anything that bad, except my current girlfriend and myself's first kiss outside the school was witnessed by one someone else who turned out to be the best mate of my girlfriends long long long term best friend who is really possessive of her. Yeah so....quite embarrassing. I saw him later and he said he saw nothing (phew!) but then he also said...but i'm not stupid (oh dear)

Things are ok now though
Mum walked in on me and my girlfriend one night (we were in my room - I was supposed to be sleeping on the sofa). She left quickly, called me downstairs:

Mum: "You're supposed to be sleeping down here!"

Me: "I wasn't asleep"

Not the brightest of answers...
Is it just me or does sharing masturbation stories over the internet with people whom you've never met before seem kind of creepy?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Mum walked in on me and my girlfriend one night (we were in my room - I was supposed to be sleeping on the sofa). She left quickly, called me downstairs:

Mum: "You're supposed to be sleeping down here!"

Me: "I wasn't asleep"

Not the brightest of answers...
roflmao. not the best alright. :LOL: , off topic but getting hit by an apple in the school yard, people used to have food wars during break, i laughed at those who got hit, then i did. ;(
I've never done anything that i could be embarassed about, so i have never had one of these situations.
One time I was going south with her stretched on the bed when her mum walked in. Well, at least she knew she was being taken care of.
No but in that Ownage video, a guy walks in on a fat guy cracking one off.
Doesn't this thread have a sexual orientation and then therefore illegal?
CREMATOR666 said:
not exactly.

Ok, well, don't really lead an exciting life but i did see a video for "trainables/Retards" about sex education that taught them how to act in public. One of the scenes in it was a mother who walks in on her little boy who is having a good play under the covers with himself and she says "Billy, i know what you are doing and you aren't doing anything wrong, i am very proud that you have reached this part of your life where you want to explore your body and your sexuality and apologise for walking in, i will make sure i knock from now on". Now if my mum caught be doing that and said that to me, i would be scarred for life.

But there was a guy on another forum who comes into the irc channel and says that he's just be caught masterbating right before he climaxed to some porn. He said when he heard the door opening, he only had enough time to either close the porno site down or put his penis away, so he went for the site. Both his parents gave him a talk and promised to knocked from now on.
Razor said:
Ok, well, don't really lead an exciting life but i did see a video for "trainables/Retards" about sex education that taught them how to act in public. One of the scenes in it was a mother who walks in on her little boy who is having a good play under the covers with himself and she says "Billy, i know what you are doing and you aren't doing anything wrong, i am very proud that you have reached this part of your life where you want to explore your body and your sexuality and apologise for walking in, i will make sure i knock from now on". Now if my mum caught be doing that and said that to me, i would be scarred for life.

But there was a guy on another forum who comes into the irc channel and says that he's just be caught masterbating right before he climaxed to some porn. He said when he heard the door opening, he only had enough time to either close the porno site down or put his penis away, so he went for the site. Both his parents gave him a talk and promised to knocked from now on.

I dont know about you lots, but I always have the best excuses :E
CREMATOR666 said:
I dont know about you lots, but I always have the best excuses :E

Checking for testicular cancer? Itches? Something worse?
Shodan said:
Checking for testicular cancer? Itches? Something worse?

No, it depends on the situation. :naughty:

"I was just going to to try using condom" maybe? :p

of course not, that would be stupid
When I still shared a room with my bro I once walked in and he was lieing on his bed naked wanking off but he covered it so quickly I could pretend like I didnt see...

trust me, not something you want to see

/me cries
I pop in the weasel, and always have some movie 2nd in my winamp playlist (Forrest Gump or Pulp Fiction) so just zip and click.
I don't have to worry about getting caught "expirimenting" with my self since I'm exceptionally quick with my hands. :naughty:
Teta_Bonita said:
I don't have to worry about getting caught "expirimenting" with my self since I'm exceptionally quick with my hands. :naughty:
ohh behaaave.
Teta_Bonita said:
I don't have to worry about getting caught "expirimenting" with my self since I'm exceptionally quick with my hands. :naughty:

wait .... did you just make fun of yourself? heh ;)
No-live 2 said:
When I still shared a room with my bro I once walked in and he was lieing on his bed naked wanking off but he covered it so quickly I could pretend like I didnt see...

trust me, not something you want to see

* No-live 2 cries
aw man thats nasty :x
We have locks in my house at uni. They're invaluable.
Although I did leave my curtains open when I had a lady friend in a state of undress in my room once. My room faces onto our street and my housemate was walking down the road beaming at me from there.
It was only embarassing when he tried to come into my room...
I was once tied to my girlfriends bed and my girlfriend's dad walked in. Thank god I was only topless. He went bright red and said something and ran out. It's kinda helpless when you are tied.
Feath said:
I was once tied to my girlfriends bed and my girlfriend's dad walked in. Thank god I was only topless. He went bright red and said something and ran out. It's kinda helpless when you are tied.

Your damn lucky he wasn't one of the "over-protective of his daughter" type dad's or that would have been a bad time to be tied to the bed.
Feath said:
I was once tied to my girlfriends bed and my girlfriend's dad walked in. Thank god I was only topless. He went bright red and said something and ran out. It's kinda helpless when you are tied.
Was she still in the room or did she leave you tied up on her bed with the rest of her family in the house?
Feath said:
I was once tied to my girlfriends bed and my girlfriend's dad walked in. Thank god I was only topless. He went bright red and said something and ran out. It's kinda helpless when you are tied.

Haha, what's it with UK people and being tied to your bed? Alot of UK'ers on IRC have at some point or another been tied to their bed by their spouse, even ComradeBadger. :E
CrazyHarij said:
Haha, what's it with UK people and being tied to your bed? Alot of UK'ers on IRC have at some point or another been tied to their bed by their spouse, even ComradeBadger. :E

Heh, we Brits like our light bondage. ;) Whats this about ComradeBadger? Sounds interesting...Spill it!
Oh god, my last girlfriend had an "over protective father" Imagine 3 months of "you're not good enough, boy."

Her mom was worse, Imagine walking down the street with your girlfriend, your friends are nearby and GFs mom shouts "Make sure you use protection!"

That is embarrasing.
CrazyHarij said:
Haha, what's it with UK people and being tied to your bed? Alot of UK'ers on IRC have at some point or another been tied to their bed by their spouse, even ComradeBadger. :E

Our woman are scary, they have to make it so we can't run away.

(note: not actually true).
Me and my girlfriend were getting hawt... so we went upstairs. Her dad turned up, so I ran downstairs to get my clothes, (i had a change in my bag, in panic i didnt know where my old clothes were)... he caught me in my little white boxers in the kitchen :p

sooo embarrasing !
oldagerocker said:
Me and my girlfriend were getting hawt... so we went upstairs. Her dad turned up, so I ran downstairs to get my clothes, (i had a change in my bag, in panic i didnt know where my old clothes were)... he caught me in my little white boxers in the kitchen :p

sooo embarrasing !

I read that and thought that he 'caught' you and butt sechs.

Hahahaha oh man, this brings back good memories.
Reminds me of the time my gf and I were "experimenting" downstairs, and I had just taken her bra off when my mom walks downstairs on us. She's really light on her feet, so we didn't have any warning whatsoever of her coming downstairs, so my gf grabs the two closest things and covers her boobs.

Nothing like having Burnout 3 and Pandorra Tomorrow over your chest. :p
SimonomiS said:
Heh, we Brits like our light bondage. ;) Whats this about ComradeBadger? Sounds interesting...Spill it!

BTW: I heard that George Bush said something like: "there is a great bondage between mothers and their children" :D LMAO
I was with this noisy Ozzy bird a couple of years ago on vacation in Thailand. She screemed so loud that it attracted attention. When I was in a position to look over my shoulder, I saw about 5 or 6 gardeners looking at us through the window. When they saw me looking at 'em they just beamed back. :naughty:
Yeah, I've been caught with it out a number of times, most by myself, once with a girl. Good thing I've got my own apartment now, or surely there'd be more incidents on the way.