Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SPOILER THREAD


Dec 8, 2004
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What with the book coming out in 27 hours and 21 minutes, we need a place where the contents of the novel can be discussed as we go. But please don't post any "so and so dies" rumours in the next 27 hours and 19 minutes.

I'm so excited. Although I hope it won't be an anticlimax.

I need to read it before school on Monday or people will tell others who dies etc. Not what I want.

I am most looking forward to the inevitable Bill Weasley half-werewolf vs. Fleur Delacour half-Veela riot at their wedding.
Mr SoandSo gets monkey aids and dies. oops.
Looking forward to it. Anyone on this forum who posts spoilers before the release will suffer the most severe of consequences.
The WHSmith here in Wolverhampton have uncovered a suscious package apparantly and a bomb squad, from Herefordshire of all places, are on their way down. No news on it yet, I got told by a mate who just got back from town.

But annnnnyway, yey for new book. I'm off to Lincoln for the weekend so I'll pick it up there. Hopefully.
Aye, I break up tomorrow but I didn't know it continued next week. :| Laaame.
Our book publishers looking forward to it. Christmas release will make extra money and kids who will post translations on the internet will be sued. Nice support of fans here, I'm not a big fan but I feel sorry for them.
The NY Times has posted a review of the book with minor spoilers, such as what the title refers to. I won't post a link, but you can find it yourself.

As for myself, my girlfriend and I are going to get a copy (I'm gonna get the 7-book set later) Saturday evening and read it together.
Ugh, some of our crummiest newspapers over here have published spoiler-laden reviews already. JKs sharks are already on the scent though, so there is comfort in that.

I am waiting in line with a bunch of people at midnight to snag an early copy and read til I am done. Can't wait!! (No dressing up though. :D)
That sucks, antipop

Will buy it first thing on Saturday, probably spend most of July reading it.
Someone said on Richard & Judy that they thought Harry was being groomed as the best wizard thingy to trick Voldemort, when it's actually the guy that was born on the same day as Harry who's actually the most powerful.

I don't read it, although I've seen a couple of the movies.
Snape kills Gollum


Batman kills Snape and Harry.
Then the 8th book will be about the fight between Batman and Superman for the Title of the Universe. Batman wins that one too.
I heard J.K.Rowling couldn't be arsed with it anymore and killed off all the lead characters apart from Ron, because shes fond of ginger folk.
I thought Vold killed himself by his own spell reflecting?

Oh wait, this is a "before release" thread.
My dad said his unit got a whole shipment of the books in boxes written "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL SIGNED DATE!!!"
I am not looking at anything in this thread. I scrolled right down to the quick reply box. I just want to say, screw the lot of you. I've been catching spoilers out of the corner of my eyes all this week on the internet. I already know too much.

God damn it, can't I go anywhere without a Harry Potter spoiler thread? Were I a mod I'd temp ban the lot of you.

Anyway I'll return to this thread after I'm done reading the book. Which will probably be Saturday.
I bet it was all a dream.
this is the plot of the next harry potter book:
Snape is best character in Harry Potter universe IMO. I hope he will not die.
I went on ytmnd for some reason. I really cannot remember. They ****ing spoiled the book for me by some site title. Of course I got interested and clicked on the damn thing. All I'm going to say is that the final chapter is interesting and there will be piles of bodies everywhere in the end. It's just a major blood bath and I really don't know all the people who die because it was an exerpt. They did say some names which I am ****ing kicking myself in the face argh! Amazon sent me an e-mail saying the book is getting ready to ship. Bloomsbury should have a live webcam reading of the book tomorrow at midnight. *I just had to d/l the grainy pics of the book just right now. Just reading the chapter titles and it sounds epic.
There was a thread in the PvP forums, that said who all lives and who dies, and a lot of other stuff. I want to show off an flaunt my knoweledge, but I don't want to get punished :(
There was a thread in the PvP forums, that said who all lives and who dies, and a lot of other stuff. I want to show off an flaunt my knoweledge, but I don't want to get punished :(
Too true. I was re-reading the books and I'm a 1/4 of the way through book 5. I'm saying **** it including the waiting part. It's like Rowling has all these secrets in her head for all these years and just put them down. Ever corner with every page has a new shocking secret! :rolling: The first chapter is very awesome. I WANT TO SPOIL IT ARGHHH! I will not though.
Curse the gods! I just read a pretty drastic spoiler.

Ah well.
JK Rowling kills herself at the end of it. It's ****ing wicked.