Harsh Weather in Aftermath??


Sep 9, 2004
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What id love to see in aftermath is some nasty brewing stormclouds, wind thunder , then a nice big down pour with lightning n shit, though its probably to late for em to put it in, nothing, in my opinion, makes a game more immersive
Yeah, that would be good, I agree with you there
When you get taken up to Breen it is late afternoon, so maybe in Aftermath we're going to have some night battles.
Cause that would be pretty interesting, trying to guide your way through rubble-filled streets and dodging obstacles while getting shot at and attacked by the Xen wildlife
I would've appreciated different weather conditions and times of day in the game. It seemed like we only spent two sunny days and jumped two weeks.
I know, take boiling point for example. i know i know, buggy as fuk but i loved tabbing through the bush then a big storm coming overhead. 100 immersion factor!!
Jeez rain and wind would be awesome, but surely it would bring any of today's computers to their knees? (gfx intensity)
Well if the PS2 can manage it I'm sure we'll be okay.

Striders + extreme low visibility fog + rainstorm = win.
Have some nice bass thunder!

Especially hearing that on 5.1 surround sound! Seeing the sky light up with lightning then hearing a loud CLACK and then low rumble shaking the floor with all its might!

*grunts* Oh yeah.
Theres different weather loaded into Steam that we haven't seen in HL2, so hopefully some of that makes it into the expansion. I played the Substance mod "VR training" and thats played on a rainy night.. it's really cool.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
I would've appreciated different weather conditions and times of day in the game. It seemed like we only spent two sunny days and jumped two weeks.

1 week.

You can see rain in the Aftermath trailer, I believe.
I would love to have rain pouring down in Aftermath at a realy dramatic moment with it splashing on all the puddles etc but it would cause my computer to catch fire. And that might afect the imersion a bit.
*Checks AM trailer*
I don't see any rain.
bring on a storm mofos.

Fire, lightning, power of god or something
ríomhaire said:
*Checks AM trailer*
I don't see any rain.

When Alyx is stamping on the Antlion...I'll check again.

And yes, I can see it.
Samon said:
When Alyx is stamping on the Antlion...I'll check again.

And yes, I can see it.
Yep me too, definately there, good stuff. I haven't watched that in such a long time. I don't remember alyx saying 'i hope they dont remember...' when talking about the stalkers. THAT sounds awesome! :D
Samon said:
When Alyx is stamping on the Antlion...I'll check again.

And yes, I can see it.
Oh, I thought that was an effect to make it look oldish and worn.
J_Tweedy said:
Jeez rain and wind would be awesome, but surely it would bring any of today's computers to their knees? (gfx intensity)

I wouldnt think so. boiling point handeled it very nicely , and cold fear was just AWESOME....Maybe a setting that can be turned on for the high echelon computers??
Oh hell yes. Combine-controlled europe covered in snow = win.
Thief 2 had a fan mission with rain and thunder and a silent night. It was absolutly AMAZING. The graphics weren't good, but the mood, the sound, it all made it feel so authentic, and it didnt even matter how edgy it was, it still felt immersive Calandras legacy I think..
Yeah i know, something about shithouse weather in games really gets me into it. i have a logitec z-680 and when lightining hits the thunder booms out of the woofer, Awesome! i dont know why more devs havent caught on!

By the way, the minerva mod, ep 1 see you land on an island, not really bad weather but the wind is howling and waves crashing on the beach, check it out!
I'm all for harsh weather effects. In fact, I'm still waiting for a game to top the final level of Serious Sam: The Second Encounter...

You, the player, in a vast field between a courtyard and a cathedral, blasting away thousands of bad guys during a meteor shower!! :rolling: :eek:

Il throw my hat into the ring to say that harsh weather effects in games are always good for adding to a dark mood.

Also it looks to me like rain in the preview vid so looks like you will get your wish. :farmer:

Maybe some real spirited modders could work on a weather mod for the original, MODDERS UNITE!!!
Sulkdodds said:
Striders + extreme low visibility fog + rainstorm = win.
I wholeheartedly endorse this event/product.

I remember seeing this piccy...

...and being really excited at the prospect of fighting during a snowstorm, but then nothing. Soggy autumn is what we got. A battle during a downpour would be great.
Sulkdodds said:
Oh hell yes. Combine-controlled europe covered in snow = win.

There was originally supposed to be this big battle in some snow covered mountains with you, Alyx and her father (not Eli but "Captain" Vance) and a shitload of rebels going against Combine versions of Dog. But I don't believe it ever made it past the script.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
There was originally supposed to be this big battle in some snow covered mountains with you, Alyx and her father (not Eli but "Captain" Vance) and a shitload of rebels going against Combine versions of Dog. But I don't believe it ever made it past the script.

I believe what you are referring to is the short story in the "Raising the Bar" book called "Air Conditoner". I think that short story was primarily written to inspire the designers for that particular location. I don't think it was originally part of the script though, I could be wrong.

I hope if they bring anything that was cut out from the original design, it would be the Borealis. Maybe we'll be lucky and it'll be made into a level meant to showcase the Source engine's enhanced graphics in the future, like the Lost Coast which I believe was cut from the original as well.
i know there is a dm map featuring rain and it looked pretty good. the only thing that would have made it better would be splashes on the ground, but i'm sure valve can do it.
that is something i would love to see in an engine, the ability to simulate weather, glistening ground highlighted by streelights, different levels of wetness upon bumpmapped textures, win bending and making tress whip

i would ahve thought hl3 will use the physX chip to the sextreme making the world enven more immpersive, the design fo the source engine means modules can be swapped in and out so almost the hl3 source would be source 2.0 :)
I want to see snow covered streets and combine in snow camo and the headcrabs jumping out of the snow at you. I'm just thinking of some parts of hl2 that could have had weather in, it would have made them so much better....

Follow freeman = storm
Bridge = rain
Brak710101 said:
No, I think 2 weeks because your stuck in the slow portal with alyx for a week.


Day 1: City 17 to Ravenholm
Day 2: Ravenholm to Nova Prospekt

*Week goes by*

Day 3: Kleiners lab to Citadel
el Chi said:
I wholeheartedly endorse this event/product.

I remember seeing this piccy...

...and being really excited at the prospect of fighting during a snowstorm, but then nothing. Soggy autumn is what we got. A battle during a downpour would be great.

I think thats ash not snow.
well, seeing as there's commands in the console like "r_drawrain" and others that effect wind, it sounds like weather is already being thought about. I'm sure Valve will be able to make it work this time around, with Aftermath. They've had a lot of time to work on it.
I'd like to see wind work with source. Knocking things over, pushing them aside, affecting bullet trajectories, and in worst situations, affecting your movement.

That, and if wind worked in source, we'd be making hang gliders in Gmod. :p