Hate Emails by the fireplace with Richard Dawkins

+1 for Dawkings
-10 for those middle aged douchebags
Laughing tears.. This should be a 5 minute daily clip HBO series
This makes me proud to not be christian/catholic, Dawkins win.
"Your destiny is all ****ed up!"

Yeah, this needs to be a series. Or printed in fortune cookies.
The guy's a tool, his ideas are completely retarded and to be honest he gives atheists everywhere a bad name. And before you pinpoint possible bias, I have militantly atheistic friends who agree with me.

Not to mention that video is bullshit, he is centralizing around all the retarded sounding emails and reading them in a stupid way as to make them sound even more stupid, why doesn't he read the magnitude of counter-theories from actual scientists, Christian or not, and see how well he debunks them. He actually refused debates with Christian scientists in the past, I wonder why...
The guy's a tool, his ideas are completely retarded and to be honest he gives atheists everywhere a bad name.

And before you pinpoint possible bias, I have militantly atheistic friends who agree with me.

Not to mention that video is bullshit, he is centralizing around all the retarded sounding emails and reading them in a stupid way as to make them sound even more stupid, why doesn't he read the magnitude of counter-theories from actual scientists, Christian or not, and see how well he debunks them. He actually refused debates with Christian scientists in the past, I wonder why...
You put them down, but you sound just like them. He wasn't reading them in a stupid way except for including the grammatical mistakes. He was pointing out their vulgar rage, stupidity, and the irony that these so called 'good people of God' wish him harm in various descriptive ways.

I've often heard Dawkins name thrown around, but I've never heard or read anything the man has said. Would you like to point out an idea of his that is "completely retarded" for us Americans? If it's a really stupid idea, it should be quite amusing. I don't know where to start...
The guy's a tool, his ideas are completely retarded and to be honest he gives atheists everywhere a bad name. And before you pinpoint possible bias, I have militantly atheistic friends who agree with me.

Not to mention that video is bullshit, he is centralizing around all the retarded sounding emails and reading them in a stupid way as to make them sound even more stupid, why doesn't he read the magnitude of counter-theories from actual scientists, Christian or not, and see how well he debunks them. He actually refused debates with Christian scientists in the past, I wonder why...

Haha, oh Shift. Why is it that, whenever faced with something they think to be trite or unnecessary from someone whose views they don't share, people will always accuse them of prioritizing that over something they deem to be more useful or constructive. Like he ****ing owes you or the christian community a thing. Yeah, the video centers on stupid emails. It's called Hate Mail By the Fireplace. Did you expect a well-rounded and serious deconstruction of all of his mail, whether positive or negative, well written or stupid, without bias or exaggeration? It's meant to be funny. Perhaps you noticed the people laughing. Christ (sorry).

Your friends can dislike him all they want (nice sample group, by the way). He is not representative of atheism any more than Benny Hinn is representative of Christianity. Just because he's putting his face out there to defend his own views does not give him any responsibility to respond to every jackoff who wants to split hairs over evolutionary theory, or the origin of the universe, or the creation of morals, or whatever other tired subject he's already beaten into the ground a million times before.

Anyway, which of his ideas do you find to be retarded? By the way you worded this, and the way you cited disagreement from others, I'm assuming this isn't something scientifically verifiable, but a view he holds on religion or something.
The guy's a tool, his ideas are completely retarded and to be honest he gives atheists everywhere a bad name. And before you pinpoint possible bias, I have militantly atheistic friends who agree with me.
What idea's are you talking about. I'd love to hear solid criticism of them.

He refuses debates with 'christian scientists' becuase he is a real scientist and they are not, debating them makes it appear as if they are on an equal level as him, which they are not. He often debates real science with other Scientists, however, Christian Science is an oxymoron.
If i recall correctly he tried to refute some of Dawkins' arguments before, however it turned out that the arguments were ones he'd gotten painfully wrong then admitted he didn't know what Dawkins' was even arguing about in the first place.
He refuses debates with 'christian scientists' becuase he is a real scientist and they are not, debating them makes it appear as if they are on an equal level as him, which they are not. He often debates real science with other Scientists, however, Christian Science is an oxymoron.

Christian science? I meant actual scientists who are also Christian, saying they aren't the same level as Dawkins is rubbish.

Haha, oh Shift. Why is it that, whenever faced with something they think to be trite or unnecessary from someone whose views they don't share, people will always accuse them of prioritizing that over something they deem to be more useful or constructive. Like he ****ing owes you or the christian community a thing. Yeah, the video centers on stupid emails. It's called Hate Mail By the Fireplace. Did you expect a well-rounded and serious deconstruction of all of his mail, whether positive or negative, well written or stupid, without bias or exaggeration? It's meant to be funny. Perhaps you noticed the people laughing. Christ (sorry).

Your friends can dislike him all they want (nice sample group, by the way). He is not representative of atheism any more than Benny Hinn is representative of Christianity. Just because he's putting his face out there to defend his own views does not give him any responsibility to respond to every jackoff who wants to split hairs over evolutionary theory, or the origin of the universe, or the creation of morals, or whatever other tired subject he's already beaten into the ground a million times before.

No he doesn't owe me or the Christian community anything, but I dislike him because of just how offensive he is to followers of a religion, and Christians especially. I mean putting his face out there to defend his own views? Defend? All he does is attack, instead of just addressing the idea of God etc and countering it logically (which I know he does) he also just attacks the entire Bible, describes God as a 'malevolent bully', accuses any believer as being weak and ignorant, that faith is just a 'great cop-out', all stuff that will just blatantly offend ANY Christian, I mean why the hell do you think he gets so much hate mail? He can forward his scientific theories on the matter without being so directly offensive to Christians. And Dawkins is pretty much one the main front runners for the whole New Atheism trend, so I would say he is definitely a main representative to the idea.

And he hasn't beaten them to the ground at all, there are counter arguments you know, a lot of them, its not all whatever Dawkins says is the truth because he doesn't follow a faith, science and logic can be applied from both sides of the argument. There are many books I've read on the topic, but I'm not getting into ANOTHER me vs. Dawkins debate on here, I really cannot be bothered, if you want my views on it then find the magnitude of previous topics on the matter.
No he doesn't owe me or the Christian community anything, but I dislike him because of just how offensive he is to followers of a religion, and Christians especially.

Oh, oh, oh, surely not offended? That nasty, virulent Dawkins man calling not only you names, but God too! The sheer audacity of it.
see, even I, a Chrisitan, can laugh at these mostly ridiculous statements.
but I'm not getting into ANOTHER me vs. Dawkins debate on here

Oh, praise Jebus. I really wasn't looking forward to having to argue about how all your evidence is false AGAIN. Since, you know, there is no evidence at all for God's existence.
Oh, oh, oh, surely not offended? That nasty, virulent Dawkins man calling not only you names, but God too! The sheer audacity of it.

Yes because when people try to be offensive to atheists, they adopt a hard rock shell, and patronise the hell out of the offender using their superior intellect...
Oh, praise Jebus. I really wasn't looking forward to having to argue about how all your evidence is false AGAIN. Since, you know, there is no evidence at all for God's existence.

Hey, speak in the plural. There are many more interesting gods than Christianity's boring psychopath.

Yes because when people try to be offensive to atheists, they adopt a hard rock shell, and patronise the hell out of the offender using their superior intellect...

Surely it depends on the atheist? And are we still using this word "offensive"? Obviously you are in fact very offended, and have been for some time. What happens when you are offended?
Surely it depends on the atheist? And are we still using this word "offensive"? Obviously you are in fact very offended, and have been for some time. What happens when you are offended?

I cry when I'm offended but I'm just enjoying myself now, and nope I've yet to come across an atheist who reacts differently. Sorry to stereotype, but this is just from my experience remember, I'm sure you never patronise people Samon :)
Shift, rather than debating whether Dawkins is offensive or not, why not get to the crux of the matter and put forward some of these arguments yourself.
I'm sure you never patronise people Samon :)

Stop patronizing Samon with your sarcasm and mis-spelled words.

Shift, rather than debating whether Dawkins is offensive or not, why not get to the crux of the matter and put forward some of these arguments yourself.

Because, don't you know? He has already, and we ignorant lot just ignore it, under claims that its "wrong, and heres why..." then we don't even back up our claims so its pointless to argue with people who believe in science on faith.
I cry when I'm offended but I'm just enjoying myself now, and nope I've yet to come across an atheist who reacts differently. Sorry to stereotype, but this is just from my experience remember, I'm sure you never patronise people Samon :)

It's not the atheist in me that is patronising you.
Stop patronizing Samon with your sarcasm and mis-spelled words.

It's not a spelling competition!

Because, don't you know? He has already, and we ignorant lot just ignore it, under claims that its "wrong, and heres why..." then we don't even back up our claims so its pointless to argue with people who believe in science on faith.

Because there is no point, it goes on and on and on and on and on for pages, I mean it was fun debating it all like the first 20 times on here but frankly its just boring now. I practically know every counter-argument to my own anyway, I've used them that many times already, so anything you say I probably already saw it coming. Besides most of you on here just quote Dawkins all day long when it comes to religious debates as if it was your own words, I mean sometimes line for ****ing line. I may as well just buy his books rather than debate on here.
I used to participate actively in threads like these, until I realized they're pointless. They're not constructive or beneficial in any manner and they only reduce our tolerance. Grow up and quit adding fuel to the fire. When you get older, you'll realize it's okay to have a difference of opinion. Shocking, I know right? The people I choose to spend my free time with are quite diverse, but holy cats, we've managed to become close as brothers (ask CowPunk).

But then again, this is an internet forum.....
I used to participate actively in threads like these, until I realized they're pointless. They're not constructive or beneficial in any manner and they only reduce our tolerance. Grow up and quit adding fuel to the fire. When you get older, you'll realize it's okay to have a difference of opinion. Shocking, I know right? The people I choose to spend my free time with are quite diverse, but holy cats, we've managed to become close as brothers (ask CowPunk).

But then again, this is an internet forum.....

How old do you have to be until that happens? Because Stern is like 160 and still rails on religion. Just because I think religion is silly doesn't mean I can't get along with people who are religious. As an American, I'd have very, very few friends if that were the case.

These discussions, whether or not they change the views of people arguing in them, are not pointless. That'd be like saying having public debates is pointless. Its not about trying to convince each other, though one can certainly hope, but more for people on the sidelines just listening.
These discussions, whether or not they change the views of people arguing in them, are not pointless. That'd be like saying having public debates is pointless. Its not about trying to convince each other, though one can certainly hope, but more for people on the sidelines just listening.

They only become pointless when the same stuff is thrown out each time like on here, its just one huge case of de ja vu.
Stop patronizing Samon with your sarcasm and mis-spelled words.

Says he who comes from a country where they failed to keep up with the removal of the 'z' from common words.

Sorry to stereotype

No you're not. But you're definitely doing far less stereotyping than some people here:

This makes me proud to not be christian/catholic, Dawkins win.

I mean, seriously? What he did was nothing more than selectively repeat some of the most childish messages he'd received, in a patronising tone. It's hardly mature. Plenty of people write shitty, ignorant hate-mail, and you don't need to be religious to do so. They just have a label, so it makes it easy for you to identify.

But, you know, it's probably good that he shared the hate with us. Gets it off his chest. In a civilised and non-threatening way. Without targeting any one group of people.
Yes because when people try to be offensive to atheists, they adopt a hard rock shell, and patronise the hell out of the offender using their superior intellect...

I'm curious, how can one actually be offensive to an atheist? "Ooh, look at mister non-believy, all... not believing in stuff! Haha, what a ****."

I used to participate actively in threads like these, until I realized they're pointless. They're not constructive or beneficial in any manner and they only reduce our tolerance. Grow up and quit adding fuel to the fire. When you get older, you'll realize it's okay to have a difference of opinion. Shocking, I know right? The people I choose to spend my free time with are quite diverse, but holy cats, we've managed to become close as brothers (ask CowPunk).

But then again, this is an internet forum.....

Here's the thing - I don't really care if you're christian. I'm not going to shower you with praise, but I won't hold it against you, either. Some of the nicest, smartest, most hard-working people I've known have been christian, and I don't really have any trifle with the fact they're religious because I know, at the very least, it brings them some kind of solace. I absolutely respect the right of any person to be religious, but that doesn't mean I have to respect the religion.

Like you said, this is an internet forum, and as such I don't really feel the need to pull my punches as much. If you don't like it, you're under no obligation to respond, but I'm not going to just keep quiet about certain things because people might be - gasp! - offended. Like, yeah, if your dad just died, I'm not going to joke about it or something because that would just be a dick thing to do. But religion is an idea, and ideas are open to scrutiny. If you can't defend your idea on it's own merits, then people will probably not take it very seriously. That's how it works.

But yeah, these threads are mostly pointless. :p
Trying to bash the faith out of Shift is the only thing keeping this forum going until episode 3 drops.
We feed on the religiosity that we beat out of the religious here. Lately, there haven't been many. So hungry..

I like to think we've converted our share of nutbags to the Church of Atheism though.
I don't get why people say debates like these are pointless. Didn't Razziar used to be quite religious but de-converted due to this forum?