Have you been abducted?


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
take the test

Theres a 92% chance that I have been abducted by aliens.

How Hot Is That? All the SI Fi chicks will be all over me. :)
is that thing long enough?

i got 12% because my nose gets dry and it bleeds, and it asks things that everyone gets, like ringing in the ear.

EDIT: i counted and its like 70 questions lol
That test isn't actually testing if you have been abducted by aliens, some of the things it asks is just down to blatent paranoia. But anything to do about sleeping is asking about "Sleep paralysis".

When you are asleep, you can't move, this is so you don't act out your dreams. Now, sometimes you wake up and you still can't move. This is called "Sleep paralysis" and quite a number of people suffer from this.
Its a fake test thats ment to be funny. just takes it or not.
2% but i did get bored at the end answering the questions so i presssed lots of 'no's, i think i only answered one yes
32%, oh I my, I knew they were watching me outside of my window.
I don't need to take no damn test. The little green buggers come around twice a year and levitate my sorry behind onto their
pulsating green-blue sphere and give me various unnecessary
medical testts that always seem to involve an anal probe.
Makes you wonder... Wouldnt it have been easiest to have a single question:

"Have you ever been abducted?"

I stopped reading after a while, so 98% chance it is :p

But the statement is false of course. Me and Abducto Corporation deny any involvents into such activities, such as the abduction of Fred Greenbay from Tampa at 6:32 PM last thursday at his home when he was all alone, or the abduction of Leah West from Chicago at 4:31 PM monday. There are no classified experiments of the sorts in the company, as we have proven over and over again by offering the news an astonashing access to 1% of the classified experiments material.
dang only 42% i guess im just going to have to go outside late at night with a sign that says take me, take me.
Originally posted by strong_sad
dang only 42% i guess im just going to have to go outside late at night with a sign that says take me, take me.

The truckers will get you first.:cheese:
midget truckers, they use phonebooks and wood blocks.
Holy shit, most of those things are part of my life now!

But I only got 46% for some reason :D
Originally posted by Zerox

too many answear yes without a reason

I had a reason, I've got alot of social anxieties and I have horrible insomnia

But I dont think ive been abducted by aliens.
It' weird really, aliens have an "anal" probe, to think that they come from galaxies far, far away just to look up your ass.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
It' weird really, aliens have an "anal" probe, to think that they come from galaxies far, far away just to look up your ass.

The idea of anal probe is quite stupid. We have no reason to think that aliens know that human has an anus. And I don't think an alien would travel years and years over millions of km and hide to study us. Direct communication would be more logical, well if aliens aren't scared of us. Gabe Newell can be quite frightening.
I got 28%.I had that sleep paralysis a couple of times before and I also had some of those dreams where you kinda see something in the future and it happens a month or year later.
I got 4%- the first 2 questions, It asked, have you ever waked up un-able to move or open your eyes or speak? It press yes. Sometimes, I wake up, I know that I'm awake, but my body is to weak and I panic. And sometimes, I go to school and my friends tell me that I have a scar. I have one right now on my stomach.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I got 4%- the first 2 questions, It asked, have you ever waked up un-able to move or open your eyes or speak? It press yes. Sometimes, I wake up, I know that I'm awake, but my body is to weak and I panic. And sometimes, I go to school and my friends tell me that I have a scar. I have one right now on my stomach.
I bet those damn aliens got to you.Bah...they better not try to abduct me while I'm awake.I'll have a shotgun waiting for them.I'll blow there big ass heads off there little necks.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
^ Don't you think their weapons would be more advanced?
If they was going to abduct you I don't think they would use weapons.Because why would they kill there "lab rat".Who knows they might be a peaceful race with no weapons.
For some reason, I really believe that we aren't alone, and humans are destined to become a galactic ruler lol:p
By at the rate were growing we probally would rule this galaxy.
Umm, if nothing else is claiming it we do technically even if its inascessible.... uhh however unless we figure out some sort of portaling tech. or something in excess of light speed travel were all going to be dead in anywhere from like 5000 years or less is what most people speculatre, some speculate within the next few hundred years.. Being that even if we dont kill eachother through nuclear power, pollution, etc. the sun is going to expand creating much hotter temperatures and begin killing all land creatures as it forces humans into the ocean where eventually we all expire and die unless before that time we become an advanced enough civilization to escape to other stars with hospitable planets or somehow gather enough energy technically to be able to somehow restrain that form occuring. Both very unlikely.
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Umm, if nothing else is claiming it we do technically even if its inascessible.... uhh however unless we figure out some sort of portaling tech. or something in excess of light speed travel were all going to be dead in anywhere from like 5000 years or less is what most people speculatre, some speculate within the next few hundred years.. Being that even if we dont kill eachother through nuclear power, pollution, etc. the sun is going to expand creating much hotter temperatures and begin killing all land creatures as it forces humans into the ocean where eventually we all expire and die unless before that time we become an advanced enough civilization to escape to other stars with hospitable planets or somehow gather enough energy technically to be able to somehow restrain that form occuring. Both very unlikely.
Thank you bearer of bad news....
This is so dumb:
"Do electrical devices mess up when in your pressence?"
No shit, you're body is 90% water. You'd think the radio signals be messed up.
Edit: Just re-did the test-18%
This is so dumb:
"Do electrical devices mess up when in your pressence?"
No shit, you're body is 90% water. You'd think the radio signals be messed up.

What the hell are you on about? Why would a body of 90% water affect radio signals so badly?
Does your computer fry in your presence?