Have you played the leak?

Have you played the leak?

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Hell no. I never even thought about doing it.
yea, it was pretty stupid...other then playing with the physics and changing the models around so u could start a server and have a friend come in and they werent that ugly default black model and spawn some buggys or boats :p
The_Monkey said:
Any talk about the leak is forbidden.
Our own moderator here, ComradeBadger, gave me permission to do so. It is not forbidden to make a thread/poll on whether or not you actually played the leak. :O
User Name said:
Our own moderator here, ComradeBadger, gave me permission to do so. It is not forbidden to make a thread/poll on whether or not you actually play the leak.

Yeah I checked. CB did make a thread about this. My wrong, sorry.
Haha, I remember when it was first leaked. I made 3 threads on this all all 3 were promptly deleted. =D
Haven't played it. It's, from what I hear, a very incomplete version (that's obvious anyway) and I want to be fully surprised when I play the real game. I haven't played the leak really for the same reasons I stay away from spoilers.
i really dont think the leak matters people have told me that its nothing like they think the really version of HL2 is, they actually told me it sucks.
Uhhh....hell no. I don't see the need to. Heck, if you wanna play around with physics, CS:S is begging to be played.
im going to try and download it after i play through HL2 just to see what i was able to resist for so long.
kaf11 said:
im going to try and download it after i play through HL2 just to see what i was able to resist for so long.

No way I dont ever want to play it!

I go to this lan event every so often, Last time, few weeks ago, someone had the leak and it spead like wild fire around the room. I didnt think twice about not playing or copying it. Only saw a bit of it on a friends screen but not much, Only him shooting a zombie.
I have played the leak at a friends house for about 5 minutes. I had hoped for more, but it made the wait more tolerable.
there wasnt even a story line or anything in it so its not like it would ruin anything. just some empty random maps that werent finished. and as for the physics comment, cs source wasnt out when it was leaked so.
I went over a friends place and he was playing with it. I gave it a try its not like im going to hell if i tryed it. Nothing really important. Messed around for 5 mins. Keep in mind im spending about $150 on hl2 so ya.
Yes... sadly I couldn't help myself... I only skimmed through one level though... and it didn't show me much.
I played the last level. It was fun blowing the g-man into that portal putting him on the Xen for the aliens to eat him....sweet ending.

I played it, I was amazed by the buggy, and the physics, and the ant lions. But It did not have sound, so meh.

I only got spoiled by the squad system, that's all.
Over all time : 6 hours.

Btw, it played really good in my 64 Mb card
I just heard that it was very poor and that everybody was angry because Valve said that there were not so much scripts as in HL but there were ( doors were opened by nobody cos the models were not there ) now everybody says it so cool with all this scripts getting the story telled so I never played it it was not necessary
I dl it. Played it for like two hours, then deleted it. The physics were fun, but everything else was extremly buggy and sometimes, in outdoor scenes, half of the ground were gone.
Admin_Winnuting said:
Yeh ok, Sorry I told you we get to shoot zombies, Im very sorry!
Heres another spoiler... WE PLAY AS GORDON FREEMAN!

Dude, didn't you notice the ;)? It was a J O K E. But then again your post was maybe a joke too. *confused*
:hmph: Oh man how could you?? I was still asking myself who we are gonna play you are so **** ;) sorry had to ask myself why writing this

how can i qute right i dont get the "originally posted by" line? i know wrong forum bla bla
The_Monkey said:
Dude, didn't you notice the ;)? It was a J O K E. But then again your post was maybe a joke too. *confused*

Abit hard not to take it as a joke, As if you didnt know we shoot zombies. I guess I should of added a ;) to my post.
Admin_Winnuting said:
Abit hard not to take it as a joke, As if you didnt know we shoot zombies. I guess I should of added a ;) to my post.

Yes, without ;)s there is no way telling whether it's a joke or not. ;) <---see!!!
Why does anybody care anymore?

The leak was crap, it had nothing worth playing in it, other than fannying around with the physics.

its not like your some uber net rebel if youve played it, your just a person who has the most basic net skills and knows a warez site.
I gave it a try over the summer. I don't know if there were better versions of it available, but my game was incredibilty broken. Levels were empty, textures missing everywhere, no gun models showing up. I just played with the physics gun for a little while and then deleted it. Didn't play any of the story bits.
I downloaded it but didnt play it i messed around with the modelviewer and models that came with it, and listened to the music....nothing more.
Funny how everyone plays at their friend's house...

Unlike them, i'm not gonna lag i played a couple of hours (on an ATI rage 128 pro card !!! and still got 26 fps in small rooms) and got the story spoiled listening to the .wavs.
Admittedly, I have. I found playing with the physics is the most fun i've ever had in any full game. Too bad the physgun is gone. =[

I played nothing that would spoil the story though. Only the techdemo map which was shown in E3 2003, and some customs.