hdr wtf


Feb 12, 2005
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the topic of this thread may be decieving, but yes i know what hdr is, and i do not appreciate it. i know it is technologically amazing and very pretty, but is it really going to be fun. i thought the original lighting in hl2 looked amazing by itself. with hdr, you have this new "retina" idea. sure it seems cool at first, but don't you think it will get annoying after a while to have to pause to "adjust your eyes" everytime you step from a light spot to a dark spot, or vice versa. on paper it sounds cool and realistic, but when it comes, i bet many of us will not find it to be fun. expecially when in that moment, you can't see the combine shooting at you because you're temporarily blinded. i swear, if i get killed in dod:s because of my "retinas," some one is going to pay
I dont' think it'll take more than like a second and a half for your eyest to adjust

I don't mind if I die from it though.
I'm not sure how HDR is gonna play out...to mee it has its good points nad its bad points.
Bad= System Requiremnets; unnecessary brightness/darkness (extreme ends of the spectum are annoying to me)
Good= Things that are not over or under bright look much better oppesed to normal lighting.
Defpotec22 said:
the topic of this thread may be decieving, but yes i know what hdr is, and i do not appreciate it. i know it is technologically amazing and very pretty, but is it really going to be fun. i thought the original lighting in hl2 looked amazing by itself. with hdr, you have this new "retina" idea. sure it seems cool at first, but don't you think it will get annoying after a while to have to pause to "adjust your eyes" everytime you step from a light spot to a dark spot, or vice versa. on paper it sounds cool and realistic, but when it comes, i bet many of us will not find it to be fun. expecially when in that moment, you can't see the combine shooting at you because you're temporarily blinded. i swear, if i get killed in dod:s because of my "retinas," some one is going to pay

No one in far cry 1.3 complained....:|
jondyfun said:
No one in far cry 1.3 complained....:|
the hdr in far cry wasn't as advanced either...

(at least i don't think it was)
Its a necisary step to creating more photorealistic video games.

Yeah, its mostly just prettyness.
Defpotec22 said:
the topic of this thread may be decieving, but yes i know what hdr is, and i do not appreciate it. i know it is technologically amazing and very pretty, but is it really going to be fun. i thought the original lighting in hl2 looked amazing by itself. with hdr, you have this new "retina" idea. sure it seems cool at first, but don't you think it will get annoying after a while to have to pause to "adjust your eyes" everytime you step from a light spot to a dark spot, or vice versa. on paper it sounds cool and realistic, but when it comes, i bet many of us will not find it to be fun. expecially when in that moment, you can't see the combine shooting at you because you're temporarily blinded. i swear, if i get killed in dod:s because of my "retinas," some one is going to pay

Hey how about this, go outside right now, then come back in. Bitch at your mom that your eyes are adjusting. :rolleyes:
I don't care about HDR or "Bloom" in the least. I'm not shelling out for a 7800 so I can see some slightly prettier reflections, or to be blinded.
It's more than just 'eye adjusting' though. It will show what is in front of you in new light rather than everything being lit the same. It's considered a 'pretty' option just like AA and AF are.
In the video that was in steam weekly news I actually thought the one with out HDR looked better than the one with.
jondyfun said:
No one in far cry 1.3 complained....:|
The HDR made Far Cry look worse, only because it accentuated the really average art-direction of the game. And some of the outdoors scenes were messed up. Why are clouds at night brighter then the sky for example? Odd stuff. Still, it did make some things alot prettier to look at
Think about it dude, you die in DOD:S becuase some smart bastard was hiding in the shadows outside a doorway that was brightly lit, and you couldn't see him because your eyes are adjusting, it can work both ways can't it? Can't you go outside and hide by a door, waiting for some kraut to run out the doorway, see him pause for a few seconds to adjust his eyeballs, and you run up behind him and shovel the hell outa him?

You're just thinking of the bad, think of the good too!

You think Valve isn't incorporation HDR into tactically affecting the gameplay and plot as well? Please...
When people play DOD:S they will have it off anyways. It offers no edge to playing, and in fact puts you at a disadvantage. Sure you may be able to hide from someone b/c of hdr, but that only works if they have it enabled. If you have it enabled they can hide from you.
605Scorpion said:
You think Valve isn't incorporation HDR into tactically affecting the gameplay and plot as well?
If everyone had HDR forced on, I think it would create some really interesting new gameplay.

Remember those dingy stairwells in DOD, where it's pitch black and nobody can see jack shit? With HDR, the player who's been lurking in there awhile will have the advantage. He'll be able to see everything clearly. Hence, the guy who's walked in out of the glaring sunlight will get spaded.

But the flipside is he'll be fecked when he goes back outdoors.

Or if someone shoots out the shutters on his window, changing the light levels in the room - That could almost work like a flashbang.

Of course, none of this will happen while people are still playing without HDR.
I guess on the next-gen consoles we'll see compulsory HDR on online FPSes.
Then the gameplay possibilities will emerge.
Noobulon said:
If everyone had HDR forced on, I think it would create some really interesting new gameplay.

Remember those dingy stairwells in DOD, where it's pitch black and nobody can see jack shit? With HDR, the player who's been lurking in there awhile will have the advantage. He'll be able to see everything clearly. Hence, the guy who's walked in out of the glaring sunlight will get spaded.

But the flipside is he'll be fecked when he goes back outdoors.

Or if someone shoots out the shutters on his window, changing the light levels in the room - That could almost work like a flashbang.

Of course, none of this will happen while people are still playing without HDR.
I guess on the next-gen consoles we'll see compulsory HDR on online FPSes.
Then the gameplay possibilities will emerge.
Nicely said Noobulon. Games where you can do things like that would just be amazing.
You know, in real life, I don't ever notice these things. I'm looking out my window right now, and I notice my eyes adjusting, but it's for a split second, and it's not a split second i'm blinded by light. Just a split second to get used to the lighting. Look back at my wall, and my eyes adjust again. Same thing, i'm not blinded at all.

The only time I get blinded by the light is at nighttime, when my room is pitch black. I take a few seconds to adjust then, blinding seconds. I doubt that this'll have a large impact on games now that I think about it. Maybe splinter cell type games the most, where you're sneaking around at night.
I don't really look at it in that way. I think of it as better looking, rather than the eye retina deal..

I think the HDR will be nice to have in HL2, because of the realistic looking figures, sharpness...etc...My dad and I saw a nvidia tech demo and G4, and he was amazed by it (HDR), and he barely plays video games at all...
Of course it's eye candy o_O.

I really doubt it has such an impact on visibility like some people claim, you won't be "blinded" because of HDR. If anything, it makes darks stand out better in the distance, so that sniper will be slightly more visible than if HDR wasn't enabled.
I am loving the sounds of HDR tbh, but i will not be using it until i have built my brand spanking new system as my FPS is bad enough at the moment on this one lol, either way i'm liking every bit of it.
sinkoman said:
You know, in real life, I don't ever notice these things. I'm looking out my window right now, and I notice my eyes adjusting, but it's for a split second, and it's not a split second i'm blinded by light. Just a split second to get used to the lighting.

I guess the same thing could be said, that we don't notice bump-mapping in real life.

HDR done properly (like all effects aiming towards realism) will probably become background.
You won't "notice" it as such, but if it was taken away you'd know...
Noobulon said:
I guess the same thing could be said, that we don't notice bump-mapping in real life.

HDR done properly (like all effects aiming towards realism) will probably become background.
You won't "notice" it as such, but if it was taken away you'd know...

Kinda like a bass guitar.
I'd notice if a bass guitar was taken out of a song...

I agree with it in the HDR context though.
I suppose there is an issue with realism over gameplay here. Already I think that in gameplay terms HL2 lost out somewhat to the original game. HDR lighting is obviously something that could effect the gameplay quite dramatically in certain areas. I think this is what the Lost Coast is all about. It's (hopefully!) going to demonstrate how this effect can not only enhance the visual aspect of the game but also effect gameplay in a positive way. For this to work the HDR lighting will obviously have to be carefully considered in relation to gameplay mechanics & as long as this happens it will be a positive thing.

Am I right in thinking that HL2 will NOT be updated to take advantage of HDR? If this is the case then it's likely for the reasons I've just suggested - Certain parts of the game as is will be hampered by the new technology rather than improved by it. Making HDR work in HL2 would probably require certain areas of the game to be changed in some way. Of course all of this is assuming that HDR lighting will have the kind of dramatic effect that people here are suggesting.
OMG TeH Reality has HdR OmFg !!11!!!1111!!!! I was in a class room for a whole hour today studying law only to go outside blinded by the light OmFg !!!!11111!!!!111 Real Life is Ub3r 1337 !!!!
Sgt.Murray said:
OMG TeH Reality has HdR OmFg !!11!!!1111!!!! I was in a class room for a whole hour today studying law only to go outside blinded by the light OmFg !!!!11111!!!!111 Real Life is Ub3r 1337 !!!!
HDR is just a gimmick! Get over it. I didn't know Far Cry had HDR as standard, and I'm less inclined to try even a demo of it now as a result.

Since when are computer games meant to ape real-life? Computer games, especially FPSs, have served us fine for over 10 years now, and THEY never needed any HDRs - and of course, they were programmable to do so all the way back then, so don't give me any crap about it being otherwise, capische?
Foebane said:
HDR is just a gimmick! Get over it. I didn't know Far Cry had HDR as standard, and I'm less inclined to try even a demo of it now as a result.

Since when are computer games meant to ape real-life? Computer games, especially FPSs, have served us fine for over 10 years now, and THEY never needed any HDRs - and of course, they were programmable to do so all the way back then, so don't give me any crap about it being otherwise, capische?

Wait, you think HDR was possible back in 1980?
OmFg DuDe !!!!1111!!!111! Yo Is Not TeH 1337 OnE !!!111!!!!!
Pesmerga said:
Wait, you think HDR was possible back in 1980?

I was talking about FPSs, Pesmerga, which have officially existed since the days of Wolf3D. I'm not talking about 3D frickin' Monster Maze here, you know!
oooooooooo, chant with me, "FLAME WAR, FLAME WAR, FLAME WAR, FLAME WAR"!!!!!!
Whats with all the hating? :(

HDR is just a nice visual effect that'll make games look a bit more realistic.
We don't need it... just as the older FPSs didn't need it. But it's a nice thing to have, right?
actually, now i think about it..... your right, screw you all, he speak TeH 1337 TruTh !!!1111!!!!!11
sinkoman said:
Think about it dude, you die in DOD:S becuase some smart bastard was hiding in the shadows outside a doorway that was brightly lit, and you couldn't see him because your eyes are adjusting, it can work both ways can't it? Can't you go outside and hide by a door, waiting for some kraut to run out the doorway, see him pause for a few seconds to adjust his eyeballs, and you run up behind him and shovel the hell outa him?

You're just thinking of the bad, think of the good too!
Of course, you can camp in the dark hallway inside that doorway too, don't forget. Anyone coming in from the bright outside wouldn't be able to tell you from the wall for that initial second. It's realistic, but it's also exploitable. But the question is, are you going to risk it all on whether the other guy has his HDR turned on? Most people don't have vid cards that can run HDR at a good framerate. We're safe for now, IMHO.
Hdr wont use up much fps from what ive heard, Lost coast is only hardcore because of the Polies per map and high res textures, Everything mapped in some sort of way (mostly bump), etc.