Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

I didn't read all of the pages, but you guys should read the hl2.net front page more instead of just coming to the forums... I posted this link a WHILE back :)
I should have another pattern out ofter my spring break, right now school is controlling my life.
hey slash, are u still working on the toys? :eek:
wow.. u have my respect man.. that is some really neat stuff.
Dr. Freeman said:
hey slash, are u still working on the toys? :eek:
wow.. u have my respect man.. that is some really neat stuff.

Right now i'm working on some school (For Money) projects, but once i get some free time, I'll start to make the vortiguant pattern(the alien slave from half-life 1).

And it looks like i'll be making a dozen of the headcrab 2.0's. My friend's of friends' are [real] game reviewers and they all want one, and they can't sew.
Can anyone who gets the pc gamer uk magazine please tell me what the headcrab surprise is in the may 2005 edition.
Flib>Noone said:
Happy Teh Birthday!
Now you drink beer legally, yes?
(Assuming you're in teh United Shtates of Mare'ka)

We play the SourceForts v1.4.2 this weekend in celebration, yes?

Thanks, I think i'm going to get my sourceforts on this weekend, it's been a while since i've sat down and played.
Nice work, these look really cool (especially the Antlion).

I couldn't sew to save my life though..

You should make these and sell them on eBay so I can buy one :)
I'm not having a good day today. My motherboard just stopped working(I think, it the "lcd" of anything else that could have broke). Hopefully I should get the replacement board soon, but that means no sourceforts for me this weekend.
I'm back. I got my pc working again. It wasn't my motherboard, but the power supply + power button.

I've started work on the vortigaunt pattern from half-life 1.

You should may a huge one and use it as a pillow!
I agree with Mike there, the awesomeness of these far exceeds my meager sewing capacity.
hey all, sorry i've been gone so long.

things are coming along great i see :D and i'll have a look out for that article in the pc gamer, my brother gets em so i'll have to wait till i go home.
MikeL15 said:

You should may a huge one and use it as a pillow!

I so need to, It will be a summer project.

Also i need to make the combine elite sd poster edition.
Well it's no surprise to see that your power supply went seeing as how your taste in hardware is flashy crap that makes it look gaudy. :(

What do you say, SourceForts 1.4.2 this weekend in my server ([Reb] Dedicated Server 1 - hosted by Flib inc.) in your own maps?
Make a massive bean bag big momma (gonarch), then you can play with its wierd testicle tit thing.
short recoil said:
Make a massive bean bag big momma (gonarch), then you can play with its wierd testicle tit thing.

I still have the big momma model lying around somewhere, I worked on making a pattern for it, but it's a really messy model. (I should try to use the source model instead of hl1)

Also I released a poster edition of headcrab 1.2 and a Grande edition. The grande edition will make a extremely oversized headcrab.
Wait a second...

What are you doing for (money, food, shelter) if you have time to make these gigantic uber models?

Not that I'm complaining :D
Flib>Noone said:
Well it's no surprise to see that your power supply went seeing as how your taste in hardware is flashy crap that makes it look gaudy. :(

What do you say, SourceForts 1.4.2 this weekend in my server ([Reb] Dedicated Server 1 - hosted by Flib inc.) in your own maps?

I'll see if I can play this weekend. I have an exam on saturday morning and i have to finish a group project.
3D2Toy.com will be down for a day or two. I just upgraded the account to have a real host.

500 Megs of space and a MySql Database.
good to hear the vortigaunt is being worked on. much love to you slashandburn *huggles*

Contact me on msn or aim if you would like to play this weekend.
I've been pretty busy the last few weeks, but this weekend might be a little less busy. :0

Oh, and the Vortagaunt is looking poony. :)
I almost have a user contribution scheme worked out, where I don't have to do anything, except click a button to add images of your favorite plush toys to the gallery. And also there will be a simple post system.
I need a few people/victems to try out my new gallery system.

Current Features
-Users upload their pics, I have no part in that process
-I must approve each image though, :)
-Each gallery item can have a name 30 characters long(may change it to 15 later)
-Registration / Login system, that requires you to activate your own account
-Post system so that you can complain/complement on other's people's creations.

Future things
-Those little post icons :) :(
-Password recovery system

PM me and i'll send you a link to the new gallery
OMG!!! LIKE W00T!!! lol okay, I'm calm now honest..... seriously though can't wait to get started on the vortigaunt. A summer project indeed :)

Thank you slashandburn!!! :D
Dublo7 said:
Its a wonder these havent gone into official production

It really is, I wonder why valve hasn't realeased an official headcrab toy yet. :sniper:

If it happens though I will be really sad.
Misha said:
OMG!!! LIKE W00T!!! lol okay, I'm calm now honest..... seriously though can't wait to get started on the vortigaunt. A summer project indeed :)

Thank you slashandburn!!! :D

Good luck on making a Vortigaunt toy.

I should be makeing another pattern, but I've been programming way to much layely, it may take a while for the next pattern release. Any Ideas for the next pattern?
DUDE. Your antlion is ****ing amazing.

Damn, I'd buy that from you if I could. I can't figure out any of the construction patterns.
mrkab00m said:
DUDE. Your antlion is ****ing amazing.

You. Are. Awsome.

Damn, I'd buy that from you if I could.

Thanks, When i get some time I'm going to make the vortigaunt and scare people with it.
slashandburn said:
Good luck on making a Vortigaunt toy.

I should be makeing another pattern, but I've been programming way to much layely, it may take a while for the next pattern release. Any Ideas for the next pattern?
A Combine Soldier/NovaProspekt Guard, or a Metrocop.

Do you have a donations thing? If I can make any of these I swear I'll give you a hundred bucks.

Damn patterns.
mrkab00m said:
A Combine Soldier/NovaProspekt Guard, or a Metrocop.

Do you have a donations thing? If I can make any of these I swear I'll give you a hundred bucks.

Damn patterns.

I'll look into making another combine pattern of some sort, but right now I've decided to make the gunship pattern, and then maybe the dropship pattern. The gunship is about 1/3 done, I just need to fix up the model some more.

The donation page is on 3d2toy.
slashandburn said:
I'll look into making another combine pattern of some sort, but right now I've decided to make the gunship pattern, and then maybe the dropship pattern. The gunship is about 1/3 done, I just need to fix up the model some more.

The donation page is on 3d2toy.

wow...ur still doing this stuff slashandburn? :D
well anyway u definitely have talent...if anyone from Valve are reading this thread..well hopefully they get involved ;)