Headcrab vs. Facehugger

Who would win?

  • Facehugger

    Votes: 67 51.5%
  • Headcrab

    Votes: 51 39.2%
  • Draw (tie)

    Votes: 12 9.2%

  • Total voters
Id say Facehugger. If this was a Zombie vs Facehugger poll id pick Fast Zombie or maybe a Poisonous Zombie. I dunno :/
A facehugger could completely destroy a fast headcrab and poison one, face huggers are bigger, much faster, and their tail is can get a very good grip. Facehuggers would whip the crap out of the headcrabs and therefore they win :)
As for Zombie vs. an alien... you're kidding...right?
An alien is very fast, very strong (they can punch through metal doors, with a little bit of time :) ) and are extrmely smart and patient....Alien wins again... Hell if it were aliens vs. xen aliens i'd still have to say aliens, they're entire planet is literally crawling with them...
what if the headcrab has been on the zombie for, lets say, about a year? GARGANTUA > alien
I bet the gargantua could easily kill hundreds of aliens and shat...Probably could kill the queen too..I mean what she got on him? Hes got big beams..Flamethrowers, hes kind of faster...And hes tough as hell.
Headcrab has claws, facehugger can only kill people with a throat to choke, and can't exactly but the alien embryo in a headcrab. Headcrab would just cut it up.
Lukes Wall said:
Yes, it's plausible. The headcrab is a parasite, but it has bodly resources for the "alien baby" to feed off.

Of course I can. The egg. The chicken as we know it is an evolution from a "less" evolved chicken. The evolutionary step was taken when one of these "less" evolved chickens laid an egg that resulted in the "modern" chicken.

I feel so geeky. :rolling:

It would be a f**cked up alien and would be the laughing stock of all aliens :LOL:

Anyway facehugger would easlily win,
Facehugger on prey http://www.nitrocomics.com/facehugger.jpg
Facehugger http://www.primates.com/orangutans/kiss.jpg
another facehugger http://altura.speedera.net/ccimg.catalogcity.com/210000/214800/214881/Products/8334915.jpg
That proves it: headcrabs are big enough so that facehuggers can impregnate them. Thus, facehugger wins.

And, people, and Alien can't lose it no-one can find it... :p
And I would advise you to see AvP. Not a great movie, but hugeass Queen. Faster than pretty much anything else that travels on two legs, takes a spear to the head and neck without dieing...

I think that Queen = Garg
my original argument still stands

but on the issue of alien queen vs garg , i am afraid i would have to say the garg would be the victor.

remeber it can stamp out red plasma that vaporises things and it wacks the crap out of u in no time. + it is also very fast.
Godesa said:
ppl are we forgetting the fast headcrabs and poison headcrabs? i think the fast headcrabs could kill a facehugger
Pah! A fast headcrab would still be slower than a face-hugger carrying some heavy shopping.
Nice poll stealing. www.planetavp.com
Headcrab is winning. The headcrab is better because it can attack without having a host. The facehugger is defenceless, one shot and its gone. Besides aliens are crap, they die fast to any type of gun. (Why didn't the people in the alien movies think of this?) Also the headcrab can leave its host and find another if the host becomes too damaged. Besides, we know the gnome would own a alien, there might be another step after gnomes even.
...Since when is a facehugger defenseless when it doesn't have a host, are you a bit slow Havoc??
The Headcrab is smaller, and can't hurt a headcrab, how can it claw it exactly? there just there so they can latch onto the head, they wouldn't be ablt to fight with them, a face hugger actually (even in the movies) whips it's tail around fast enough to make huge gashes in human skin, and they're bigger, and alot faster, therefore, they can own a headcrab. And those aliens that you think dies so quickly, they're workers, and yet still can punch through 4 inches of steel, tear through flesh as if it were tissue paper, and are actually extrmely smart, EXTRMELY smart, the alien would stealth kill the gonome, the gonome wouldn't stand a chance. And this is all just a worker alien, imagine a warrior, or a praetorian :)
headcrabs dont have to latch on to you attack, they don't do it to attack gordon, they have those claw things on their fronts. All they'd have to do is land on top of a face hugger and claw the shit out of it. But alien's could own just about any non-giant enemy in hl or hl2, they are just badass
Redjackel said:
headcrabs dont have to latch on to you attack, they don't do it to attack gordon, they have those claw things on their fronts. All they'd have to do is land on top of a face hugger and claw the shit out of it. But alien's could own just about any non-giant enemy in hl or hl2, they are just badass
As soon as it breaks skin the headcrab's buggered though, acid blood ain't nice.
An alien would shred any sort of zombie to bits.
Also, if a platoon of marines armed to the teeth was wiped out then i think id have no problem with a few genome/zombie ect.
True, but that's because it is lunging belly first at Gordon, puttiung all of it's momentum into the front claws, how is it going to claw a face hugger to death when it's on the ground? crawl on top of it?
And i doubt thier claws are very sharp, they do wal on them all of the time, so even if it did manage to get on top of a facehugger, the claws would do nothing because it doesn't have ANY momentum, they be completely useless, while the facehugger just has to whip it until it's dead, which will take while...