Here's hating PC Gamer UK


Apr 26, 2006
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I quote it for a minute:
"Every good argument begins with an observation - Craig's was that the Mini-striders in Episode Two were in fact the Houndeyes from the origanol Half-life."

The worst part comes now, when they say its true, without any proof. They've done this before, claiming there was an expansion were ou would play as Alyx coming, and I hate them all.

"Turns out the Striders, BULLSQUID!?!?!?!, Houndeyes and Ministriders are all part of the same family of creatures."

WTF?! I can except the Houndeye argument (just about) but Bullsquids...WTF. These guys are always saying stuff like this. This thread will prolly get closed/deleted. it was jsut good to get this of my chest.
it's obviously not true, don't the bullsquids and houdeyes come from xen anyway? striders don't.
:rolleyes:Sounds like quality journalism.:rolleyes:
A computer mag I used to read did a fake scientific report on headcrabs once, it was OK - but at least it was based (IIRC) only what was seen in the game.
I dont know where you are reading these things from, because I have been getting their mag for ages and I dont recall any of it
It's on page 4, 5 or 6. Not sure.

Why are you getting so angry about it?
They also said TF2 was originally supposed to be a WW2-based game. Yes, you heard me right. TF2 was supposed to be set in WW2. Nice one, guys.

Then they said some bullshit about how TF2 "purists" wouldn't like the new look, when in fact most "purists" accept the look because it fits the ridiculous nature the TF series always had.

What can we conclude? PC Gamer talks out its ass a lot of the time.
well to be quite honest, the rest of the mags are not any better, PC Gamer does come out with some ridiculous comments sometimes but its a lot better than some of the crap I have seen in other mags
I still pick up PC Gamer because they have more pretty pictures. And I find Vederman amusing. But I really don't bother with such publications on the whole.
Plus I think their game rating system is very accurate, basically the sort of score i would give the games, and yeah they show a lot better screenshots and pictures inside. They also LOVE Half-Life 2, and they all love Alyx, none of the other mags seem to lol, but yeah, I think they get overreacted about certain issues sometimes and can come out with a load of toss, but its the best mag out there in my opinion. Oh and their competetions always release awsome prizes!
Can't speak for the UK version, but the swedish version of PCG is great, very informative and entertaining, and very seldom stupid.
I dont think that whoever wrote that ever payed attention to the story of Half-life, Houndeyes and Bullsquids are alien races from planets that has nothing to do with the Combine, they simply got stuck at the boarderworld Xen which the Combine uses as a express rout to many new systems to rule.

How could these aliens be converted into mechanical robots? We know that the strider, is infact, organic inside (seen from the lithograph of Dog tearing a strider up at valve store). But still, the mini striders are 100% mechanical im sure. Besides, they never made the Vortigaunts mechanical, they just strapped them with gear and controlled them, no combine-like convertion, so why wouldnt they do the same with the rest of the aliens?
Until I fight a mini-strider and it runs around chirpping then shakes its arse before sending out a shockwave I will laugh at UK PC Gamer.

Also, I don't remember houndeyes shooting ammunition but hey maybe I am biased unlike the quality folks that work on that mag.
You aren't saying the Combine were on Xen, are you. (they weren't)
pfft speculation at its worst
what we know is that the Nihilanth and co are not combine controlled at the time of HL1
Yeah I agree it was at it's peak when Matt was there but I will still read it
pfft speculation at its worst
what we know is that the Nihilanth and co are not combine controlled at the time of HL1

Yes, which is what I was saying. And that the Combine weren't on Xen at that time.
How could these aliens be converted into mechanical robots? We know that the strider, is infact, organic inside (seen from the lithograph of Dog tearing a strider up at valve store). But still, the mini striders are 100% mechanical im sure. Besides, they never made the Vortigaunts mechanical, they just strapped them with gear and controlled them, no combine-like convertion, so why wouldnt they do the same with the rest of the aliens?

All the synths are organic. All of them. Mini striders included. It wouldn't make sense if the full sized ones had innards and the mini ones were robots.
i wouldn't go so far as to use the word hate...maybe "here's to looking in a bemused fashion at pcg"
when in doubt, make sh*t up

We went over this. Many times. This isn't bulls**t, this isn't dubious speculation, this isn't a very well-informed guess. This is someone from VALVE telling you that you're wrong. (also, that you're a dickhead).

Also, *semi*-organic. Organic things don't usually have metal vents, rotors, or guns.
I dont see how any of this is related to PC Gamer, I hae not read anything about this and I have been getting all of their mags for a few months now...
PCGamer US hasn't failed my intentive skrooping yet... so they definately aren't stupid. But obviously PCGamer UK is, for suggesting such a notion...
PCGamer US hasn't failed my intentive skrooping yet... so they definately aren't stupid. But obviously PCGamer UK is, for suggesting such a notion...
Now why would you go and do a thing like that? PCGUK may not be as good as it used to be, but it's still leagues better than the shite you guys put out.
Yeah, PCGUS is shite as well. I thought their episode 2 preview was the best. "Maybe we'll find out what the Combine really are, and what they are doing on Earth."

As if that wasn't clear enough in HL2 already. :rolleyes:
Yeah, PCGUS is shite as well. I thought their episode 2 preview was the best. "Maybe we'll find out what the Combine really are, and what they are doing on Earth."

As if that wasn't clear enough in HL2 already. :rolleyes:

lmfao! idiots...
They're not called mini striders as Wikipedia will tell you, they are called Hunters, everything you need to know about Half life (until Laidlaw releases another of his scientific reports) is at Wikipedia. But I do hope we get to see houndeyes again, they kick ass
Some of you sound like Star Wars fans or some other sci-fi crap.

Just because they said something incorrect makes it the worst magazing ever? Wow...
Some of you sound like Star Wars fans or some other sci-fi crap.

Just because they said something incorrect makes it the worst magazing ever? Wow...

No, it's because they repeatedly say incorrect things and demonstrate a profound ignorance, making it a wonder as to how they're still considered a gaming publication.

Read, asshat.
HL2's resident Xenobiologist enters the thread, reads...

"Every good argument begins with an observation - Craig's was that the Mini-striders in Episode Two were in fact the Houndeyes from the original Half-life."

Anger rising. Stupid theory...heard it too many times. Can't take it anymore. Three legs and single-segmented body does not the same species make. Why must people keep making this "connection" between the two species? Time and time again I refute, but the idiots just keep coming. And a "professional" gaming journalist now? "In fact"...Jesus. The day that's fact is the day G-man takes off his skin to reveal a gray, tells Gordon he's his father, and Adrian walks out from behind a tree in the wastelands and says, "Hey guys, I'm alright! I've been here all along! Lol, what've I missed?"

He continues to read, and that's when...

"Turns out the Striders, Bullsquid, Houndeyes and Ministriders are all part of the same family of creatures."


*throws chairs, smashes tables, breaks through walls and upturns cars*

Someone will pay for this outrage! Sweet, merciful crap, how could anyone be so dense as to even...I can't even fathom what could've inspired...thought boggles the mind! Grasp over language...fading! Usual eloquent and long-winded self...being enraged, violent beast! Can't think...someone must pay...outrage...GRARR!
And somehow this topic is going to solve the problem?
Welcome to an internet forum, where people complain all day about things they cannot change, and absolutely nothing gets done. Enjoy your (meaningless) stay.
Who cares if they made an invalid assumption. I think you find that no magazine is perfect, and that ALL magazines come up with ridiculous opinions. Just because PC Gamer made a mistake in assuming that they were all from the same family, they are a crap magazine?

Urr how about no...