high quality hl2 vids in new pc gamer

Dr0ndeh said:
i agree with abom, only the gman section is in good quality. the audio is all good tho.

here are a couple more screens ive taken, in the 'error' pics you can see that when the NPCs are firing the rockets, they are appearing from thier heads, not the rocketlauncher.

In the error2 pic - is that Alyx firing the rocket...?

Sure looks like her.
Its not working... The PC Gamer vid is not working. It won't connect..
that link isnt working. timeout..... busy? But 1 thing, 11 pages long on asking for a upload is sick.

edit: vid is up. go go go :p
try again.. We're experiencing some extreme traffic so far this month. We've done about 600Gb on one of our servers and I bet the other has done at least that much. But it worked for me, so try again. :)
bless Third Core Networks for it all(well, I do own it) and visit us when we get our portal out. We're in the habit of getting the files before most people.
-TaNaKa- said:
edit: vid is up. go go go :p

It is not working for me.. I got the GMan vid to work perfectly, but the other one is not working..
did it download and not work or did it not download? please be patient, we're hosting these and the XP SP2, so we're swamped this month out..
nice, i get the same sound sync problems, but tabbing through frame by frame shows off a few things i didnt notice before, the strider kicking the car looks real heavy, lol
I have a problem playing it, what did you use to play it properly?

I tryed WMP, Quicktime....
I think so, i dont even know what that means :p It only shows the beginning like 3 sec and then it freezes. The sound keeps playing. And then i get a error ....