Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
I just got back from seeing the film, I loved it! It was very "Douglas Adams" it felt like Hitch hikers. Having the old marvin, Simon..somthing (The actor in the orginial tv show) in it and right at the end the ship turning into Douglas Adams face was great. Stephen Fry doing the voice of the book was just perfect, and I think Rickmen did a great job as Marvin (I had my doubts)

They changed ALOT from the books, normall films just cut out, but this changed it, but I think it works out, the changes are good and make for an interesting films. Other people in the movies didnt like it, the friend I was with disliked it, afew people walked out half way, and I heard distastfull comments like "What rubbish" and "Utter rot" which made me want to lash out at them with a sharp bit of popcorn... bastards.

Anyhoo, I liked the film.
Thanks for the end of the film spoiler, now I don't have to go see it :rolleyes: *cries* :(
People walked out? It surely can't be that bad, the rewiews are mixed, but I'll take your word for it and see it either today or tomorrow. :)
Datrix said:
People walked out? It surely can't be that bad, the rewiews are mixed, but I'll take your word for it and see it either today or tomorrow. :)
meh people were said to have walked out of Lord of the Rings.. its usually the really sad anorak wearing fans who think they are the BIGGEST fan because they once got to meet the author at a book signing and thus know more about it than you. They post on newsgroups a lot now too and name themselves after characters and even behave like them. Quite sad really.

The film will be great, if they don't like it so what, they usually have shitty jobs and nobody likes them so their opinions don't matter anyway :p
The Dark Elf said:
meh people were said to have walked out of Lord of the Rings.. its usually the really sad anorak wearing fans who think they are the BIGGEST fan because they once got to meet the author at a book signing and thus know more about it than you. They post on newsgroups a lot now too and name themselves after characters and even behave like them. Quite sad really.

The film will be great, if they don't like it so what, they usually have shitty jobs and nobody likes them so their opinions don't matter anyway :p
People walked out of LOTR! The only time I've ever heard of someone walking out of a movie theater was from a friend of a friend of mines dad, who said one person walked out of The Exorcist, because they were "scared". :rolleyes:
Well, people in the UK must have higher standards, me on the other hand, will watch anything with explosions. :E
I can't wait, I'm seeing it later tonight.
The_Monkey said:
I have had premier? :O
No matter how long I stare at that sentence, it doesn't make any sense to me.
Ennui said:
No matter how long I stare at that sentence, it doesn't make any sense to me.
Well it did come from a Monkey, what did you expect, Shakespeare? :p
The Dark Elf said:
Well it did come from a Monkey, what did you expect, Shakespeare? :p
Thou doth supriseth me, milord.

Okay, so that was a horrid attempt at Shakespeare.
Ennui said:
Thou doth supriseth me, milord.

Okay, so that was a horrid attempt at Shakespeare.


That does surprise me much, my gracious lord.
Seeing the movie tonight. I have almost finished The Restaurant at the end of the Universe too, I'm a slow reader.
I've never read the books, but I probably should. I'm always hearing good things about them.

I know two people who walked out of LotR. My grandma, and her friend. They "thought the little people were stupid."
StardogChampion said:
I "aquired" the radio shows in .mp3 format. I'm not very far through though.
Are they as good as the books?

And thanks for the link, Shens. I get it now :D
Ritz said:
I just got back from seeing the film, I loved it! It was very "Douglas Adams" it felt like Hitch hikers. Having the old marvin, Simon..somthing (The actor in the orginial tv show) in it and right at the end the ship turning into Douglas Adams face was great. Stephen Fry doing the voice of the book was just perfect, and I think Rickmen did a great job as Marvin (I had my doubts)

They changed ALOT from the books, normall films just cut out, but this changed it, but I think it works out, the changes are good and make for an interesting films. Other people in the movies didnt like it, the friend I was with disliked it, afew people walked out half way, and I heard distastfull comments like "What rubbish" and "Utter rot" which made me want to lash out at them with a sharp bit of popcorn... bastards.

Anyhoo, I liked the film.

I think it's stupid that people left because although the film is different from the books, I've heard that the plot and characters were created by Douglas Adams. It's not as if some filmmaker went "Let's just change it a lot".

Douglas Adams probably didn't want a word for word conversion anyway. He had no problems in changing the general plot of the radio show for the books.
Feath, I didnt say the changes where bad...
Ritz said:
Feath, I didnt say the changes where bad...

Sorry, I was having a go at the people who left. They care it has changed, when they creator probably wouldn't.

EDIT: I've left a little edit so it's more clear.
I thought the movie could have been great. I say could, because the movie was great EXCEPT that they squeezed in this gooshy romance between Arthur and Trillian. Everytime they have a romantic moment (it happens often and feels VERY out of place) i just had to groan and look away. Other than that, I loved the movie.
Ennui said:
No matter how long I stare at that sentence, it doesn't make any sense to me.

Not to me either...but anywho, will there be four other films?
Douglas Adams himself said of the screenplay (that he wrote 80% of) "it will specifically contradict the other versions"

So there.
having not read the books, i guess i didnt get it, it just wasnt a good movie for me, i think it relied to heavily on references to the book (call me dumb for seeing it if you want) i went with a friend who loved the books, and he liked it but figured i didnt.
I saw the film last night, and it was excellent. It deviated a lot in minor plot elements (introducing new characters and the plot progresses in different ways) but it still has the same main plot and the characters are the same. Also, most of the funniest events are retained (such as the whale and bowl of petunias).

I didn't care for the new character, the supposed nemesis of Zaphod, nor did I care for Zaphod - he's a bit stupid in the movie, not as froody (<3) as he is in the book. I also could have done with less Vogons, but whatever, it was still bloody excellent.

Oh, and Marvin the Paranoid Android is still the man. Er, robot.

I saw it with 6 other people, only one of which who had read the book (in addition to me, of course). The other five loved it anyhow.
I saw the movie yesterday and it surpassed my expectations. I have been burned too many times with bad book-> movie conversions and was expecting the worst, and a few extremely negative first reviews only intensified the apocalyptic dread that consumed me as I entered the theater.

This is a film in which a lot of little things are all wrong, but the spirit of the book is there; it is a deeply flawed movie that is ultimately more than the sum of its parts.
Even though I cringed at the absence of the towel and frood entries, I was able to appreicate what was there.
In short, it could have been so much worse than it was. And for that, I couldn't be more happy.

Definitely worth seeing.
Yeah, I missed some of the funner stuff of the book like you said. But -

I did hear frood mentioned, in the introductions between ford and zaphod
I saw the movie last night, I was fully impressed. Acting was great, it was classic Douglas Adams, and as Ritz had noted, the appearance of the old Marvin was really a lovely easter egg. I approve.
Did anyone else stay durring the credits and see the part about "I'd never go anywhere without my towel." I had a hunch that they'd include something for the loyal fans who stayed behind. That part was pretty much word-for-word out of the book.
I really need to find/make a windowsblinds theme like the guide. Very impressive design.

The print at the theatre I saw it at seemed to me to have been damaged.
Near the beginning, when Arthur's tea falls off his table because of the incoming bulldozers, the film cut directly into Ford and Arthur drinking up before hitching a ride. Soooo much was missing in there. How much did the movie include? Ford talking the foreman into laying in front of the bulldozer? Ford explaining to Arthur that the earth was about to be destroyed? Or were all the prints like this?
I saw it too and was not moved by it at all.

It was a little funny, I only laughed outloud at one part and I was laughing histerically at it.

In the beggining when they zoom out of the ship with the "duh duh" music that NEVER stopped was outright hilarious

Other than that one part I was unphased and unimpressed.
MilkMan12 said:
I saw it too and was not moved by it at all.

It was a little funny, I only laughed outloud at one part and I was laughing histerically at it.

In the beggining when they zoom out of the ship with the "duh duh" music that NEVER stopped was outright hilarious

Other than that one part I was unphased and unimpressed.

Heh yeah that was funny :) the rest was pretty.. meh
Whenever I see this thread title I swear it says "Hitler Hikers guild"


Anyway, I want to see this movie... It looks promising even though I haven't read the books.
Danimal said:
Whenever I see this thread title I swear it says "Hitler Hikers guild"

That's because it does. :E
This post can be interpreted with an appropriate amount of sarcasm in direct corrolation with my misunderstanding of yours.
Ritz said:
Stephen Fry doing the voice of the book was just perfect, and I think Rickmen did a great job as Marvin (I had my doubts)
It has come to mya ttention that neither Stephen Fry nor Alan Rickman can put a foot wrong - they're so fabulous they excel at everything they do, so long as it's quintessentially British. Which "Hitch-hickers''" was, and rightly so. In fact, sod it - ALL the actors were good.
I'm with you: I liked it. It was very enjoyable. I've only heard the audio series, so I'm not exactly an afficianado, but I thought it did a lot of it very well.
It seemed to me that it was a proper cinematic adaption, mindful of the contrictions of movies (about 2 hours per film, or example), but still faithful enough to the spirit of things, if not the exact text.

Ritz said:
I heard distastfull comments like "Utter rot"
I think bravo to them. Not enough people say "utter rot" these days. Or "rotter". Or "zounds". I could go on, but I shan't.

So long and thanks for all the fish, so sad that it had to come to this, we tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen, so long and thanks for all the fish! :p
Danimal said:
Wrong thread, Gamehawk?
Lmao! Go see the movie!

Or read the books.

Both, actually.

Round... gound... ground. I'll call it ground! It's coming up so very fast... I wonder if it'll be friends with me?