Hk Mp5a*


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score

modeled and rendered in 3d studio max

i'm working on the normal maps right now
Nice. do you think you could post a wireframe? (also check your pms)
around 14k right now

i've kinda calculated that the lowpoly model will be around 2500
That's really sweeet :)
Keep up the good work !
That is a very porfessional looking model. Great job. Check your PM.
2 words...amazing ;)

Would i be right in thinking that you can do a bumpmap for weapon models and reduce the numer of polys even more?
Firegold, check your PMs, there's about 10 messages asking you to join their HL2 mod.

(I'm not one of them, I'm just telling you to get ready to say no to lots of people.)
Originally posted by ankalar
Firegold, check your PMs, there's about 10 messages asking you to join their HL2 mod.

(I'm not one of them, I'm just telling you to get ready to say no to lots of people.)

thnx for the warning ank <3 =P
Whoa, great work man, you are the kinda modeller i would liek to have on my team if i were running a mod.

Keep up the great work.
Awesome models. I notice you even put the seam in the roll pin on the front handguard. Seroius attention to detail here!

Cant wait to see it in a lower poly game playable version.
Thats an awesome model...What exactly did you make it for though :)
That's a lot of polys dude. Does this mean vehicles don't have a low poly limit too? For instance, can I make an 8000 poly tank or should I stick to 3000?
Thats a really sweet model! Looking forward to see the lowpoly one!
WOW. thats really good. infact, that's the best model I've ever seen.

How are you genereating normal maps in max? I'd love to know, the only way i have found to do it is to buy some plug in (forget the name) But if there is a free solution to generate normal maps could you pleeeeeeeZe share with us! Ace model by the way.. but isn't it easier to do the low poly first and the work the high poly from the low poly model to get your normal maps? (thats how i always heard of it done) but i could be wrong, good job either way :)
To Darkware :

I think u should keep as low as possible but on the other hand a 8000 poly tank can look lotsa better then 3000, so consider this a useless post... ;)
thats the best model ive ever seen, no joking. btw, what is the poly count for an HL2 weapon model ( like an MP5 ) atm ??
They say view models will be around 3000, but since we can already get that in HL1, they'll probably be able to be pushed to 6000+
Weapons will be 2000 triangular polygons, you shouldnt push it to much over that count
Originally posted by ChrisArt
Weapons will be 2000 triangular polygons, you shouldnt push it to much over that count

Actually Chris thats what I thought at first too but I think Valve said thats how many their's used, not a technical limitation but a design choice.
unless im mistaken.. weapons dont use normal maps bc its inorganic and all the edges are practically modelled. character models use normal maps for the unmodelled shading details which can only be accomplished through a skin... or high poly model. And im not 100% sure.. but I think a normal map is only compatible with the D3 engine bc the normal map is dynamic and not just a shading tool. im not a normal map expert either.. those are just some facts i picked up.
Originally posted by Infinyte4D
unless im mistaken.. weapons dont use normal maps bc its inorganic and all the edges are practically modelled. character models use normal maps for the unmodelled shading details which can only be accomplished through a skin... or high poly model. And im not 100% sure.. but I think a normal map is only compatible with the D3 engine bc the normal map is dynamic and not just a shading tool. im not a normal map expert either.. those are just some facts i picked up.

Pretty much anything can use normal maps.
i want to trying and model, anybody know where i can get a demo of a software for modeling?
Isn't this an mp5a2? Anyways, It looks GREAT. I have saved image as allready.