HL brought us boxes... will HL2 bring us barrels?


May 16, 2003
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Half Life 1 is known for bringing us rooms full of boxes and crates where Gordon honed his crowbar skills looking for health and ammo. Boxes everywhere you couldnt escape... except on Xen.

So looking at the E3 vids and CS:S vids... anyone else think HL2 going to be the game known for bringing us barrels on every map to used as weapons and in physic puzzles? Barrels here.. barrles there.. barrels everywhere! :eek: :eek:
So far, we've seen plenty of different types of physics weapons.. sawblades, canisters, barrels, crates, wood planks, soda cans (lol), etc.

I wouldn't worry about there being an overdose of barrels.. unless you actually want to see barrels everywhere :)
Hehe, I want crates AND barrels. Crates make a scrumptious noise when you hit 'em with the crowbar.

Stress relief :D
Diffrent Kinds of Crates!
7,000 Polygon Crates and 13,000 polygon Drums!!!!
Please, dear god, not another crate frenzy. I don't know whether I could take millions upon millions of barrels popping up in every first person shooter til HL3.
Doom really did Barrels to death. In fact, Doom 2 had a level called Barrels of Fun, which ironically was not fun at all.
ShadowFox said:
Doom really did Barrels to death. In fact, Doom 2 had a level called Barrels of Fun, which ironically was not fun at all.

I always thought that pipes had replaced boxes... atleast for the time beiong. Just take a look at Unreal Tournament 2003/2004
I read somewhere that Gabe wanted to have it in HL2 so that the first thing the player sees is a crate, but the rest of the team talked him out of it. Nice sense of humour that guy has :)
Barrels definatly seem to be the "default" object in HL2.

It is the subject of most physics statements, "Say you have a barrel and..."

But that won't be the case in the actual game itself. Oodles of objects for us! Yay!
Vegy has a point.

although the Crate Phenomenon has been about since the days of duke. lol "I need to fill this room with something.." ... "just fill it with boxes"
Andy018 said:
Vegy has a point.

although the Crate Phenomenon has been about since the days of duke. lol "I need to fill this room with something.." ... "just fill it with boxes"
-But this is supposed to be an office?
-Well, we'll say lots of midgets work there and they need something to sit on.
-But the boxes are a foot taller than the desks.
-Look, you wanna keep this job or what?
It wasnt the (huge) amount of crates that bothered me in Half-Life, but the fact that you need to hit them at least 50 times before they break.

I hope the crated in HL2 wont have as many nails to hold them togheter.
i wish the barrels could be kicked. imagine rolling an explosive barrel towards a combine with your foot, THEN shooting it.

much more stylish than hitting them with the manipulator.
It seems to me that health and ammo will be given to you by freidnly NPCs (like your fellow C17 insurgents) and enemies more than crates, because there's hardly any around. Barrels + Manipulator will be loads of fun though, I can't wait.
that would be crazy if you could pry open the barel with the crow bar =D
Once upon a time, crates (and to a lesser extent barrels) ruled the world of FPS games because they were simple, low poly objects you could place everywhere when you ran out of ideas. Quake 2, anyone?
Then as graphics improved and polygon counts increased, people started to think: wait a minute, crates are cubes, and cubes suck. Let's start placing masses of pipes and unidentifiable complex machinery on the walls. It might make no sense at all in real life but it will sure make your vid card choke to death.
The future wasn't looking good for the crate, but then along came rigid-body physics. Once again, game designers wanted lots of stupidly simple objects in their maps so that players could have hours of fun firing rockets at walls of boxes. And that is Half-Life 2 will bring: THE SECOND COMING OF THE CRATE...
ShadowFox said:
Doom really did Barrels to death. In fact, Doom 2 had a level called Barrels of Fun, which ironically was not fun at all.

I just played that level after I read it, and yes it does suck :-D
thund said:
Once upon a time, crates (and to a lesser extent barrels) ruled the world of FPS games because they were simple, low poly objects you could place everywhere when you ran out of ideas. Quake 2, anyone?
Then as graphics improved and polygon counts increased, people started to think: wait a minute, crates are cubes, and cubes suck. Let's start placing masses of pipes and unidentifiable complex machinery on the walls. It might make no sense at all in real life but it will sure make your vid card choke to death.
The future wasn't looking good for the crate, but then along came rigid-body physics. Once again, game designers wanted lots of stupidly simple objects in their maps so that players could have hours of fun firing rockets at walls of boxes. And that is Half-Life 2 will bring: THE SECOND COMING OF THE CRATE...

maybe the combine are mass producing crates?! Their main stage in their route to world domination!
Crusader said:
Hehe, I want crates AND barrels.
Here ya go! :E

Seriously though, I don't think valve will mass barrels. Think about it: they want to show off physics in their videos, right? Then why not choose segments of the game with barrels (a great physics demonstration) all over the place? I could be wrong though.

u mean
So far, we've seen plenty of different types of physics weapons.. sawblades, canisters, barrels, crates, wood planks, soda cans (lol), etc.

wait wait wait!... u mean u can pick up all that stuff and bash people with it?!
:bounce: :imu: :D :rolleyes:
inkined said:
u mean

wait wait wait!... u mean u can pick up all that stuff and bash people with it?!
:bounce: :imu: :D :rolleyes:

Have you watched all the HL2 vids?

i have real crap internet... ...5 hour loading time but i assume that means u can :)
inkined said:
i have real crap internet... ...5 hour loading time but i assume that means u can :)
Yes you can. There is a video that shows gordon cutting some zombies in half with sawblades+manipulator.
Grigor said:
maybe the combine are mass producing crates?! Their main stage in their route to world domination!

Phase One= Produce Crates
Phase Two= ?????
Phase Three= Rule The World
Something just struck me, in HL1, the security guard at the airlock;
"go right on through sir, looks like you're in the barrel today."
Phase Two = Put headcrabs in the crates to scare the living sh*t out of unsuspecting superheros.
I seriously think for a next gen game - HL2 shouldn't have something as primitive and cliched as barrels, flameable barrels kept as furniture has been done to death.
lans said:
I seriously think for a next gen game - HL2 shouldn't have something as primitive and cliched as barrels, flameable barrels kept as furniture has been done to death.
Well you know, barrels do exist. Mainly outdoors how ever...
The clever manipulation of game physics will open the first crate and reveal the crowbar within.
Hahah, that seems a bit ironic. A crowbar in a crate.
Kouler said:
Hahah, that seems a bit ironic. A crowbar in a crate.

wow that confused me so much I got dizzy... a crowbar in a crate... :rolling:
but barrels and crates aren't the only interactive furniture. Now we have derelict cars - certainly something that's never been done before.

and something else to speculate on... where are all the wheels???
CR0M said:
and something else to speculate on... where are all the wheels???

They stole them for the wicked buggies :rolling:
Icarus said:
Phase One= Produce Crates
Phase Two= ?????
Phase Three= Rule The World
:D :D :D :D
I really, actually fell off my chair when I read that. Nice one!