HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
I look at the trailer, i notice that the AI in Half Life 2 not as good as Halo 1 or 2.

Halo 1 the AI, really know how to avoid no matter what and they can differentiate a lot of things...

But in Half Life 2 trailer, they see the bad guys, they hide behind something and shoot, but when the enemy is near you, they won't run away no matter what!

Any comments?

Chua Wen Ching :p
possibly because the combine soldiers are battle hardened and are ordered to kill you by a superior officer? :D
HL2 AI in the E3 video's is toned down (confirmed by Gabe)
huh? like that also can?

I never know that.. i would prefer realistic behavior AI.. maybe as good as Black and White...

but hl2 physics are superb! No kidding.. they make my jaw open wide!


I never play the beta, i am worried the AI are scripted! and it will be no fun.
Are you joking? The Halo AI is shocking! The marines are absolutely USELESS. The aliens run around a bit, lob a grenade sporadically, hide behind a rock, only to run back out and get shot.

Not exactly my idea of fantastic AI.

Regardless, the game can be incredibly fun.

Anyone notice that that whole 2nd half of the game is just running backwards through areas you've already been through? LAZY DESIGN! I'm playing through the game for the first time and I can say I'm very disappointed with some of the decisions Bungie made...
Well really? But halo 2 preview is more convincing...

the bad guy jump on top of the jeep, and try to drag you out of the jeep...

well i don't think HL2 can do that.. coz i never see it in the trailer...

I think black and white AI are even better.. i don't think HL2 is suitable game to train AI.. haha!

i have to agree...black & white's AI is great (the creature)
but no use having that in HL2
Originally posted by chuawenching
toned down? What you mean?

They made the AI less difficult. Probably so they could get through the demonstration without dieing constantly. It's hard to show off all the little bits of the game when you've got to worry about getting your ass handed to you constantly.
The HL2 AI is much better than Halo, they fight back rather than running away all the time but will take evasive action to grenades and getting slaughtered, they seem to be albe to improvise anything as cover and work in teams.
The beta/trailers are a few months old, i'm sure they've been improved alot since then (also they were toned down in the trailers).
Originally posted by Non-Sequitur
Anyone notice that that whole 2nd half of the game is just running backwards through areas you've already been through? LAZY DESIGN! I'm playing through the game for the first time and I can say I'm very disappointed with some of the decisions Bungie made...

Bungie was rushing the game to get done in time for the Xbox launch (Microsoft told them, "Halo WILL ship with the Xbox"), so they had to scrap a lot of levels that they knew they wouldn't have time to finish. Most of those were in the 2nd half of the game, so the team just had you run backwards through them.

This is also the reason why the flamethrower didn't make it into the Xbox version and why the tank only makes a couple of appearances. Fortunately, there's no release pressure for Halo 2, so expect it to not have these problems. :D
Oh could be possible...

I hope the AI will be better and think more than i do.. but don't take my role as a hero.. haha!

Later i can't kill anyone...

In half life 2, everything can be used (i mean when you press 'e')

i saw when u ride on a jeep and move in the landscape (the trailer).. somewhere near the cliff of the hill.. there is a tank..

wonder can i drive that tank.. or can i use that special gun and lift up the tank and throw to the bad guys?

Originally posted by Gamera
The HL2 AI is much better than Halo, they fight back rather than running away all the time but will take evasive action to grenades and getting slaughtered, they seem to be albe to improvise anything as cover and work in teams.

It's hard to judge the AI when all you've got to go by is the E3 demo and an imcomplete leaked version of the game. During that once sequence in traptown where you rip the heater of the wall and use it as a shield, the combine just sits there when he reloads. If some guy is walking torwards you with a giant heater, don't you think you'd take cover before reloading?
Originally posted by GorgeousOrifice
Bungie was rushing the game to get done in time for the Xbox launch (Microsoft told them, "Halo WILL ship with the Xbox"), so they had to scrap a lot of levels that they knew they wouldn't have time to finish. Most of those were in the 2nd half of the game, so the team just had you run backwards through them.

This is also the reason why the flamethrower didn't make it into the Xbox version and why the tank only makes a couple of appearances. Fortunately, there's no release pressure for Halo 2, so expect it to not have these problems. :D

Well that makes alot of sense! Bloody Microsoft. I was enjoying every level, up until "The Library"... where the game started getting repetitive. It's a shame - the game would have been a REAL classic had the environments been as consistently original as they seemed to be in the first levels. I thought I was in for something really special.

I've seen the Halo 2 preview and I can only hope that this one lives up to expectations. It looks pretty damn amazing...
Yeah halo2 is amazing.. but i simply like hl2 physics... well i hope i can do more physic like... blasting every single buildingi see in the city... with a gun and grenades...

more realistics.. i can use the buildings to kill those tall tall monster (scanners is it?)

I just wonder what are the AI concept used in hl2?

Flocking and rule based?
The AI in the beta isn't fantastic. However, the console has hundreds of messages complaining about missing physics objects and AI scripts / objects - which might explain things. Obviously the hacker didn't get away with everything.
Originally posted by Comreak
It's hard to judge the AI when all you've got to go by is the E3 demo and an imcomplete leaked version of the game. During that once sequence in traptown where you rip the heater of the wall and use it as a shield, the combine just sits there when he reloads. If some guy is walking torwards you with a giant heater, don't you think you'd take cover before reloading?

Traptown is all broken, bugbait is just fine. (except for a couple who seem to be stuck in position)
stuck into position... traptown is all broken.. what does that mean?

I never play any beta.. so i not sure what you guys mean.. can share?

As long we don't talk anything illegal should be ok.. :)
Originally posted by chuawenching
stuck into position... traptown is all broken.. what does that mean?

I never play any beta.. so i not sure what you guys mean.. can share?

As long we don't talk anything illegal should be ok.. :)

Well, I don't know about the beta but in the E3 video, the combine soldier just sits there while he reloads. It might be because they toned down the AI in those videos. Who knows.
Originally posted by chuawenching
stuck into position... traptown is all broken.. what does that mean?

I never play any beta.. so i not sure what you guys mean.. can share?

As long we don't talk anything illegal should be ok.. :)

Sure, (far as I know this should be ok :D) the different maps were for different purposes, the sea floor is for demonstrating the buggy, traptown is for demonstrating physics in action, the street is for AI as is bugbait and the lab is for speech and facial movement.

It seems that Valve is the rush to make E3 demos stuck a few people in position and scripted some small things to make sure they got exactly what they wanted, instead of having to re-recored the videos over and over again. As traptown isn't an AI demo that's fine. Two of the Combine in the first bugbait corridor seem to be unable to move and just shoot and duck, but everybody else can.

Just played bugbait again, watched a few duck behind beds to reload and another hide behind a pillar, sometimes they won't bother hiding if you're very close and they can kick (if not suck in position) or you're already under attack and reloading only takes about 1.5 seconds.
Originally posted by chuawenching
But in Half Life 2 trailer, they see the bad guys, they hide behind something and shoot, but when the enemy is near you, they won't run away no matter what!

Any comments?
Why don't we wait until Valve is done with the game before we start picking it apart, k?
I think Halo had an impressive AI for its time. Keep in mind, it's already been two years people. And you shouldn't dumb it down to lobbing grenades and hiding. I'll admit the marine AI wasn't too impressive, but Elites were good at what they did. They'd quickly back-pedal,strafe, even jump n' roll out of incoming fire and grenades. That was impressive, rather than the usual turn n' run. But I guess you can say it was pretty much hid & shoot. As far as Halo 2 goes, I've heard some mighty amazing things. Elites climbing walls, drop ships avoiding you to safely deliver troops, even enemies realistically splitting up: one goes to find reinforcements, two may converge on your area, others will take up sniper positions, flushing you out with grenades, the works. Certainly sounds impressive to me. I don't know which AI will be better in the end. Hl2 will provide a largely diverse populus of enemies, not that Halo won't, but it's a mutual military organization. This leaves Hl2 with the ability to cover attributes to each specific race, like Halo 2, but thanks to large populus, it's quite possibly more diverse. There aren't going to be more than six or seven races in the covenant in Halo 2. However, I think both titles will be extremely impressive. I've heard VALVe boasting over 50 different enemies. There are three headcrabs, the tall one, the black one, and the classic one. Though they are all headcrabs, they can have a different AI, because they are different.

man i have halo and the ai is crap...ok it is ok but the ai in halo is NOT as good as hl2.
But in Half Life 2 trailer, they see the bad guys, they hide behind something and shoot, but when the enemy is near you, they won't run away no matter what!

What a dumb question hu ?

In the real life, the military guys run like a baby when see the enemy or try to eliminate the target ? Think about it.
I'm sorry but how do you know if HL2's AI is crap? If you havent played the final version of the game?
dude, during the E3 demos and all others, the AI was toned down so they could show off the rest of the game without having to worry about someone shooting at them. Also, if you notice, the amount of health taken away from any shot was decreased significantly to almost nothing.
i have Halo and have to say that the AI is crap. overall i think the game is crap, it gets vary tedious and repetitive after only the first few levels. all u seem to do is fight the same enemies over and over again but in larger groups before u are introduced to maybe 1 new enemy. im prolly not even a quarter of the way thru the game and have uninstalled it, its really that bad
I found it [AI in Halo] to be poor as well. You go to run over them in the Warthog and they jump out of the way. So you think, 'that's neat'. But you can spin around and run over them again as they take so long to get up. They make no other efforts to roll over sideways to avoid my impending rubber mallet of death that is my right front wheel.

But man those little guys, what they yell is hilarious.
Although I was blown away by the e3 vid - the sections theat involved fighting the combine dudes looked rubbish.

Not sure which is more suprising - how bad these parts looked or how come noone else has mentioned it. It typified everything that is usally bad about pc shooters - getting shot without reacting, standing still and upright in a gunfight :/ - and generally looking like cheap CS bots.

I have great hopes for HL2 - and there's still time :)
Sure, lets discuss the ai on two games that arent released :rolleyes:
ok azz0r lets carry on talking about that beta shall we?
Why not ? - what has been seen looks pretty lame ...... yet noone seems to mind.

This is a dicussion forum about a game that hasn't been released :) - should we post anything?
Talk about it by all means, but viewing some of these posts I just think its really pointless - you seem to be really heavily judging either game when neither is complete.

BTW Halo 2's ai will be almost completely scripted, its a console game so they can cut down on cpu cycles by scripting alot of it.
True - but scripting can work well. I find the enemy in Goleden Eye/Perfect Dark/Halo far more convincing than the AI in any pc game i've played (PC SP FPS generally suck :/ - lucky there's MP :) )

Hopefully HL2 will use little scripting yet be as convincing.