hl2 @ alpha stage...

jonnyapps said:
just my speculation. As i see it Valve have probably got their game at a stage where they can definitively give a target release date. The only way they can impress fans at E3 after so much happening to disappoint them, is to blow us away with some kind of genius concept or graphic implemented in HL2 and then right at the end go 'oh yeah, and it'll be out tomorrow'. I'd bet my 2 cents that gabe pulls out a gold copy from his over large pockets at the end of the show and blows us all away

And then takes 6 months to deliver, as with CZ :dozey:
brisck1 said:
Well alpha is a pre-play testing state, and I can tell you now that if this is indeed true, then there is not a chance of us seeing it for another 6 months as this is the average time required for thorough testing.

gabe's already said his dad's played through the game (took him 60 hours incidentally)

and in the official emails thread gabe's said the whole game is playable
The games just being fine tuned , what els is there to say on the matter....

Ill stand by my prediction (and alot of otheres predicitions) HL2 will come out July after tweaks have been made!
lol look at my sig cenmocay ur not the first to say that. steelhed said it back last aug i think. i thought he was a joke :/
*slaps cenmocy* :LOL:

The SDK meeting if being held soon , i find it hard to see why they release SDK in May when HL2 released in September , doesnt make any sense to me
It is finally approaching the release finish line. I like saying we are in Zulu-Delta phase. I'll have to use that in an interview.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lobster [mailto:*******************]
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 8:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Clarification of Alpha Beta Zulu-Delta watsit

Hi Gabe

Isn’t it amazing how someone can give a group of people the same information, and each of these people retells it differently, thus confusing the entire community!!

Anyway this is in reference to a Belgian magazine that has claimed Half-Life 2 is currently in “Pre-Alpha” status, other magazines (PC Gamer and such) have said the game is in the tweaking tuning stage (pretty much finished)

I know you can’t really say but how close is the game to completion? Does pre-alpha status mean there is still a lot to do, or does it mean the game is finally approaching the release finish line!


¬ Bill



So, after all pre alpha doesnt mean anything... :naughty: :afro: :smoking:
It will truly be a good sign if SDK is released in May. Didn't they say it will release before E3?
I think we are going to see every month under the sun between now and the day Valve gives us a date, there are only 365 days in a year and 13'000 signups to a forum, its crazy i tell you, CRAZY! I have become desensitized to all release theories, just gonna wait and see.
Omg Check The Info From Valve Thread!!!!!!!!!!!

Hl2 Is Officially!!!!!!..................................





damnit, beaten to it.
Gabe "It is finally approaching the release finish line."


Sorry I had to get that out. :)
Crusader said:
Gabe "It is finally approaching the release finish line."


Sorry I had to get that out. :)

gabe only said that because the person emailing him said that...see..its all about building trust and rapport with people, that works especially well with ladies, basically reword what they say to you and say it back to them a little differently and there is a psychological connection made.
OH MY GOD, You mean gabe is coming on to me?? :O

*Hides his doughnuts* MINE!

At least it acts as a counter balance to the people worrying about the alpha thing, we all know we arnt gonna find out anything drasticly new for another, 8 days 10 hours 6 minutes and 8 seconds, so moo!
OMG OMG it's a conspiracy!1!1!! Gabe is a psychologist, who is actually a robot, who has been manufactured only to make the greatest game of all time. But he actually doesn't even know anything about the game, and actually the game doesn't even exist. They are just messing with the society, and soon the 3rd World War will start. And all the computers in our planet will be destroyed, and King Arthur rewards me for discovering a new revolutionary way to travel in time. Space travel will reach new levels, and life will be discovered from the deepest corners of the universe. Soon an alien race which mankind would call the Xarg'klings, will attack Earth and we all will starve and be forced to work as their slaves. Mankind, as we know it, will be exterminated and Earth will be drained from all of it's energy sources, and Half-Life 2 gets delayed to December 2005.
"Half-Life 2 gets delayed to December 2005"

it was sounding good until u said that :/
From the Marketing Management book by Phillip Kotland.

Alpha = finished product to be tested by the insiders
Beta = finished product send out to outsiders(customer) to test

So, Alpha here really means the game is finished and now be tested. If nothing is proved wrong, then its finished.
omg ivzor cumzzor in meh pantzzorrs11!!teh stuff21398797289798797

Lol Zulu delta! dont release it until you see the whites of Gabes eyes!
Well alpha is a pre-play testing state, and I can tell you now that if this is indeed true, then there is not a chance of us seeing it for another 6 months as this is the average time required for thorough testing.

Nonsense. Alpha is THE playtesting stage, when you first get to see the game in working order. It may be in sorry state, or it may be near done, but this is when you do most of your internal playtesting (though Valve, with its pipeline, seems to have done constant playtesting throughout). And it sure sounds like HL2 is mostly getting tweaks for playtesting, which is a good sign.
In alpha you could run in a world without any or little content. Then in the beta stage the monsters/items/essentials are added and the beta-testing begins..
gabe only said that because the person emailing him said that...see..its all about building trust and rapport with people, that works especially well with ladies, basically reword what they say to you and say it back to them a little differently and there is a psychological connection made.

The Beta stage is typically a last call for bug squashing and minor gameplay tweaks (like lowering the damage of an overpowered weapon or making Gordon run a bit faster) before release... not a content-adding phase. Whether it is an internal or external beta makes no difference (MMORPGs tend toward the latter whereas most other games tend toward the former).

The term "Alpha" is much more open to interpretation. Some content is probably still being added. Some light to moderate code changes are probably occurring. The way Gabe described the current state of HL2 it sounds like they are almost ready to make the jump from Alpha to Beta... but it might be another couple of months until release.
Ummmm.... why is everyone talking about "alphas"

Gabe said it is "pre-alpha", which means HL2 isn't even at the alpha stage yet...

Please note Gabe did not say Alpha but rather Pre-Alpha!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Doom3 leak was termed an "alpha" by many and 18 months later there is no Doom3 on the shelves. Since HL2 is pre-alpha please don't say the game will be out in 2 months, cause you know that's crazy!!!!!
Xtasy0 said:
Omg Check The Info From Valve Thread!!!!!!!!!!!

Hl2 Is Officially!!!!!!..................................

damnit, beaten to it.

Well last time I was at these boards it was in Charlie Foxtrot Status so thats quite an improvement.
The Doom3 leak was termed an "alpha" by many

I'm sorry, let me rephrase that a little:

The Doom3 leak was termed an "alpha" by MORONS. There, that's better. id called it "not even an alpha" if I remember correctly. It was a bunch of script kiddies that convinced themselves that it was an alpha, merely by circulating rumors amongst themselves.

Though the state of Doom3 in that leak was what looked to be pretty much an alpha, it was only three levels. Alpha generally refers to the entire game being fairly workable, not just one or two demonstration areas.
OMFG! This thread has turned into post after post of "no alpha means this and beta means that! I'm right and THE INDUSTRY IS WRONG!"

Whatever 'stage' it may be at, the game is still heading for a summer release (whatever stage is now, its possible). Now just shut up arguing and wait for e3/the game.
RoguePsi said:
OMFG! This thread has turned into post after post of "no alpha means this and beta means that! I'm right and THE INDUSTRY IS WRONG!"

Whatever 'stage' it may be at, the game is still heading for a summer release (whatever stage is now, its possible). Now just shut up arguing and wait for e3/the game.
Hey, look at it from the bright side, we're staying on topic. ;)
LOL zulu- delta stage. I almost died when I read that for the first time. Seems even Mr. Newell has a sense of humor. Good news that it is pretty much done though.
You guys are pathetic.
Just because some illegal leaked files you have downloaded are called "alpha" when they are 2 seconds into development doesnt mean EVERY game labeled an "alpha" has the same meaning.
Tons of companies use "alpha" for different meanings.
Here at Gearbox it has a totally different meaning than I previously thought.
And please dont ask me any questions about it, especially dont PM me or I will put you on ignore.
Algor said:
You guys are pathetic.
Just because some illegal leaked files you have downloaded are called "alpha" when they are 2 seconds into development doesnt mean EVERY game labeled an "alpha" has the same meaning.
Tons of companies use "alpha" for different meanings.
Here at Gearbox it has a totally different meaning than I previously thought.
And please dont ask me any questions about it, especially dont PM me or I will put you on ignore.

Wow. Because some of us HAVEN'T been saying that at all. Ahem... :rolleyes:
Algor said:
You guys are pathetic.
Just because some illegal leaked files you have downloaded are called "alpha" when they are 2 seconds into development doesnt mean EVERY game labeled an "alpha" has the same meaning.
Tons of companies use "alpha" for different meanings.
Here at Gearbox it has a totally different meaning than I previously thought.
And please dont ask me any questions about it, especially dont PM me or I will put you on ignore.

free translation:
"I know something you don't but I'm sure as hell not gonna tell you"

seems someone needs a hug ;)
Well Valve does use a strange approach to game development (cabal system?)
So i'm sure they have different terms they use to express how far along in the total development phase they are.
Most likely we will be seeing half life 2 in stores with in 2 to 4 months after E3 (give or take of course :) )
I hope its even sooner but we never can tell. One thing we know for sure though, release date speculation just leads to more and more spectulation and nothing else.
Apos said:
Alpha generally refers to the entire game being fairly workable, not just one or two demonstration areas.
Aren't you the one who keeps saying there's no precise definition? My understanding is that "alpha" refers to the first working version of a program, even if it is lacking content and features. An alpha is worked on until the software is "feature complete". At that point it is designated as "beta".

But this is all irrelevant. By all accounts, Half-Life 2 could conceivably be completed in as little as two months.
Algor said:
You guys are pathetic.
Just because some illegal leaked files you have downloaded are called "alpha" when they are 2 seconds into development doesnt mean EVERY game labeled an "alpha" has the same meaning.
Tons of companies use "alpha" for different meanings.
Here at Gearbox it has a totally different meaning than I previously thought.
And please dont ask me any questions about it, especially dont PM me or I will put you on ignore.

Blah blah blah, good for gearbox, meh, you guys should work on playing your own games, especially when noobs beat you :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

On topic, they could finish the game this month if all thats left to do is tweaking and tuning. Their coders are teh GODS!!!!!!!! :afro: Shouldn't be so difficult either, just time consuming.
I wouldn't brag about working at Gearbox.

Anyways, Gabe said clearly in an email they are in the finalization stage, so, it can't be more than 5 months away.
Algor said:
You guys are pathetic.
Just because some illegal leaked files you have downloaded are called "alpha" when they are 2 seconds into development doesnt mean EVERY game labeled an "alpha" has the same meaning.
Tons of companies use "alpha" for different meanings.
Here at Gearbox it has a totally different meaning than I previously thought.
And please dont ask me any questions about it, especially dont PM me or I will put you on ignore.

So what do you do at Gearbox, Algor? Make the coffee? Clean the toilets and empty the bins? Or is it something with a bit more responsibility like handing out the post :LOL:

Hmm, would a guy from Gearbox come here and call some of us pathetic? And why do I find that "And please don't ask me any questions, especially PM..." comment somewhat amusing? That's a hard one.
Because you just know that noone wants to know his name on the boards let alone bother to PM him.

A bit to far up his own arse for my likeing.

No offence of course ;)