HL2 Before or After September 1st?

Release before or after September 1st?

  • Before (or on Sep 1st)

    Votes: 55 17.7%
  • After

    Votes: 255 82.3%

  • Total voters


Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
My friend and I are arguing about whether the game will come out before or after September 1st. I think it will come out on or before. He thinks afterwards. What do you think, and why?
It will definitely be after.

Their current release date estimate is mid september to early october.
Why would they start preloading so early though? I know it's only elements that won't change, but still...
BaNDiT said:
ban Azrael, his vagina stinks.
If I see any more posts like this from you then you're banned.

You know the rules.
Oh, and this time, it will be a permanent ban after you got away with a 7 day ban last time. You're lucky I've only just realised it was you or you'd be banned already.
im just kidding, arzael is a good friend of mine, and he knows im joking.
later, my gf works at an store, they have 25 nov now and they where 1 of the first that pushed the release date back last year.

I hope that they are wrong tough.
Before September 1st ?? hahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahhahahah
I reckon on or before Sept 1st. I don't really know why (just like everyone else)....just a feeling I get.

I don't mind either way though, cause this game/engine/dev tool is going to be outrageously good.

PS: For all you Poms, Johnny Wilkinson is not bad for a Pom...pity he should be playing Aussie Rules though.
Seems odd they'd start preloading so soon if the game is really over a month away (assuming the preload starts on the 17th like Gabe has suggested). I say if it's not September 1st then it'll be very soon after.
it will be end of august or early september
Mountain Man said:
Seems odd they'd start preloading so soon if the game is really over a month away (assuming the preload starts on the 17th like Gabe has suggested). I say if it's not September 1st then it'll be very soon after.

well maybe to u.
i think part of why they are pre-loading so early is to reduce Steam servers bandwidth usage later and also.. pre-loading HL2 while having the CS:Source beta going on is sort of like a stress test to see how well the Steam network reacts. :)
Mountain Man said:
Seems odd they'd start preloading so soon if the game is really over a month away (assuming the preload starts on the 17th like Gabe has suggested). I say if it's not September 1st then it'll be very soon after.

This has been discussed numerous times. Their starting very early so people with bandwidth caps and 56k can be fully pre-loaded on the day of release.

Edit: Thats some fast postin' Dr. Freeman :thumbs:
I doubt the game will come out before sep1st if the pre-loading starts on the 17th.
september,30 2003 was probably a typo and meant to be 2004 :)
i wish it was before sep 1st...

but it can't be :(

dart321 said:
This has been discussed numerous times. Their starting very early so people with bandwidth caps and 56k can be fully pre-loaded on the day of release.

Edit: Thats some fast postin' Dr. Freeman :thumbs:

do 56k'ers need more than a month to download 1gb or less? sry about the silly question but that is kinda a LONGGG 4$$ time to download it. :/

I dont think it is because of that....
The people voting before or on 1st September will be quite disappointed.
We'll we've been dissapointed so many times, that we are quite ready to be dissapointed again. Who knows, me might actually get a suprise.
HeAdAcHe_BR said:
i wish it was before sep 1st...

but it can't be :(

do 56k'ers need more than a month to download 1gb or less? sry about the silly question but that is kinda a LONGGG 4$$ time to download it. :/

I dont think it is because of that....

First off, just HL2 itself (not including CS:S or HL:S) is 2 GB (or around 2 GBs right?) compressed, around 3.4 uncompressed. I'm not to sure about the download time myself. You do have to remember that people can't just leave the computer running 24/7. Most people will need to get on and actually use the internet for some things. Secondly, the amount of timeouts/dropouts for a 2 GB file could very well be in the double digits. I can't imagine why any 56Ker would want to pre-load, Valve must feel different. Any 56kers care to remark?
What you all have to think about is, what if it does come out before. Imagine how good life will be. We'll have about a week or so before school starts again! Plus, imagine how amazed you'd all be. :p I voted before just because I'm hopeful.
The amount of time needed to make copies of the game probably puts it off being the 1st of September. But I don't expect it to come out any later than September.

CS:S seems to be very stable, according to some people so I expect not many bugs will show up.

It all depends on when Valve decide that they've got all the data they need from CS:S and send the first RC to Vivendi. Technically, it could go gold next week, even before CZ owners get to play CS:S. There's been at least 10,000 players on CS:S whenever I've checked the stats. That means that every second 2.7 game hours are played. That's a lot of testing for the source engine.
I have a feeling it would be out on the first week of september (not before or 1st)
either mid to late september or after in my opinion (I still stick with the 30th :D)
I think early October is when you'll see it richly distributed on store shelves worldwide - Ach, at least there will be something to play once the nights start gettting dark again here in old blighty!!
I doubt Valve expects 56k'rs to purchase HL2 over steam.

I voted after, but first week of Sept. is still a possibility IF the CS beta goes nearly flawlessly (meaning no significant Source or Steam bugs, not no bugs at all) so that the gold date is one week later, leaving a week or two for hitting store shelves. It's all contingent upon that; other than that, I don't think Valve really knows, itself.
I SAY SEPTEMBER 15th.. after all, it is a month that doom 3 got released :p
I think the pre-load is a very good sign, but they still will have to squash any bugs with CS:S and finalize everything. That would leave pretty much zero time in august to get the game out. And that's not even giving them two weeks to mass produce the game.

My guess, if all goes well and nothing horrible happens: sept 14-21 seems reasonable to me.

If anything major happens....first or second week of october might be closer.