HL2 delayed again?

Yeah its a mistake, its just retail outlets guessing the date again and simply hedging their bets and trying to get in more pre-order sales

Nothing to worry about ... well, maybe ;)
Fenric said:
Yeah its a mistake, its just retail outlets guessing the date again and simply hedging their bets and trying to get in more pre-order sales

If I recall, last time they were 100% better on release dates then Valve was....
You recall incorrectly.

The retail shops changed their dates at least 3 times that I remember including Sept 30 and several different dates after (most of which were before today's date). That makes them wrong 3 times and Valve wrong once.
it doesn't matter, the only way they would know the release date is if valve/vivendi gave it to them lol They aren't phsycics, so they either made it up or heard it from valve, and either way its not real reliable. I haven't heard an official announcement so just wait and see, hell you've been over 5 years with out the game, you can go a few months more.
awfully optimistic fenric.

I've only seen delays from them, HL1, TF2, CSCZ and have yet to see them release something on time....so im leaning towards delayed again since the odds favor it a hell of alot. just wish valve would let people know if its delayed or not. I have no faith in their release dates whatsoever. prove me wrong valve.
You got a better chance of a 737 landing on your house then Half-Life2 being released on their first official release date :)
Fine, because the current release date, however vague, isn't their first official release date...
WhiteBoy said:
You got a better chance of a 737 landing on your house then Half-Life2 being released on their first official release date :)
First it's than not then.

Second of all, you could replace Half-Life 2 with any game. Apart from a few rare exceptions, games never release on their first release date. However, I think people have conveniently forgotten that because Valve was so sure of their 30th release. Even coming out against Vivendi.

So yeah, I agree.

Valve have been wise in not setting another data.
Can a game with no official release date be "delayed"? Yes it was delayed from sept 30th, but now it's more of a "when it's done" stance and therefore no date to be delayed from, or to.

Valve got burned very badly sept 30th ...it looks like this time there will be no release date other than a, "It's gold" announcement.
HybridM said:
First it's than not then.

Second of all, you could replace Half-Life 2 with any game. Apart from a few rare exceptions, games never release on their first release date. However, I think people have conveniently forgotten that because Valve was so sure of their 30th release. Even coming out against Vivendi.

So yeah, I agree.

Valve have been wise in not setting another data.

anyone who corrects someones spelling on the internet should be casted into a infernoeeeeee hell and hitler should have his way with.
Vivendi said April 2004.

I think Vivendi should at least come out and say "Half-Life 2 will not be released in April. It has been pushed back to an unspecified date". Just to put some closure on that April date they said awhile ago.

And they should do it pretty soon.
Ahnteis said:
You recall incorrectly.

The retail shops changed their dates at least 3 times that I remember including Sept 30 and several different dates after (most of which were before today's date). That makes them wrong 3 times and Valve wrong once.

What do you mean Im wrong?

While Valve stated Hl2 would come out in September 30th, Eb, Amazon.com and many other stores is website has posted November....

AND GUESS WHAT!?!?! after valve missed their release date, the went over to November......

Then we starting seeing stores push the date back as far as March and April of 04,

AND GUESS WHAT!?!?!! Valve said they got hacked and pushed it back another 20 years....

So, at this point Retail stores 2, Valve 0....

and lets not forget Condition Zero JESUS CHRIST
I never heard anything about november, Ever.

Edit: Condition zero Is being delayed by Vivendi.
i think june is when it will come out.... or july or maybe august the first game was delayed just about a year so this one too!!!. Well good things come to those who wait
uhhhh.... I think vivendi is the curse of valve. Repeatedly they have announced release dates that valve want nothing to do with. Valve tries to be good and say 'when its done' and vivendi screws it up by announcing a (albeit vague) release date. I still hold out hope for april though.

On another note, we seem to have had a lot of new members recently. Takes me right back to the september days, when the mods were tearing around trying to stop delay threads popping up... :)

for the 104943834834th time.

Gamestores know nothing more than we do and are saying September because it will be out before then thus making the stores look good.

if you said february and it comes out in april you look stupid.
if you say september and it comes out in april then it looks good.

simple as that, theres no grand conspiracy theory where game stores find info out and then forget to tell any1 where they are getting this info.
people were saying stuff like that last time dougy, and last time the gamestores and shops were all right.
frances_farmer said:
people were saying stuff like that last time dougy, and last time the gamestores and shops were all right.

Alot of gameshops still were listed as September 30th, then alot changed to april, while others changed to december.. I'd hardly call them all right, they were going by the general concensus
Dougy said:

for the 104943834834th time.

Gamestores know nothing more than we do and are saying September because it will be out before then thus making the stores look good.

if you said february and it comes out in april you look stupid.
if you say september and it comes out in april then it looks good.

simple as that, theres no grand conspiracy theory where game stores find info out and then forget to tell any1 where they are getting this info.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that 2 separate retailers have the same date of September 2004 and we are only in the month of January. It could be significant that they list a date 5 months after the month of April, and they would not do this unless they got a hint from Valve or Vivendi that they could not make the April speculated shipping date :bounce:
Lets try to make this simple:
What do you mean Im wrong?
I mean you are incorrect. In error. Wrong.

While Valve stated Hl2 would come out in September 30th, Eb, Amazon.com and many other stores is website has posted November....
Yes. Valve stated *1* release date. That date was incorrect. That is the only release date they have ever given for HL2. Valve has 1 error.

Amazon et al on the other hand have said Sept 30, November, December, February (among others). None of those dates have been correct. That makes at 3+ errors by the retailers.

AND GUESS WHAT!?!?! after valve missed their release date, the went over to November......
No, Valve never said November. That would be the retailers.

Then we starting seeing stores push the date back as far as March and April of 04,
Yes, we ARE seeing stores pull more dates out of thin air.

AND GUESS WHAT!?!?!! Valve said they got hacked and pushed it back another 20 years....
No, Valve said they got hacked and the game delayed. They have not said another date.

So, at this point Retail stores 2, Valve 0....
You need to learn counting and/or math.

and lets not forget Condition Zero JESUS CHRIST
Condition Zero is not made by Valve. It's being done by third party developers. And this discussion is about HL2.

I'm fairly certain Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the development of HL2 OR Condition Zero.
I think if I owned halflife2.net I'd try and sell it quick, coz Half Life 2 appears to be a white elephant.
yeah, but it doesnt mean the forums should dissapear. theyre the best hl2 forums out there imo
Why would valve need another year after their original release date? That's 2/3 of a normal game's dev cycle! Yes, I know HL2 is not a normal game, but still, they've had 5 years to work on this beast. There's no way that we're going to have to wait until fall. I just can't accept that.

Also, if they do miss the April window, it will be the third release "period" that they have missed. Let's not forget that after the 9/30 debacle they said they were targeting a "holiday release". In my mind that counts as a release date of sorts. Maybe every season they'll announce more slippage. So we've got our fall and winter slippages all ready. April would be the spring. July probably the summer. Maybe we could mark the solstices and equinoxes by them. Pagan peoples would dance around poles at every missed release. Years would go by and the village elders would gather the children around the fire and show them tattered screenshots from PCGamer, telling them that one day a great game would be released, maybe not in their lifetime, but someday and that it would be good.
We haven't been waiting that long... Think about the TF2 fans that have been waiting for a few years now
The longer we wait, the more time Valve has to make the game better, the better the game, the happier we become, the happier we become, the more we have fun! Would you rather have the game now, and it be a bore, or wait a few months and have it perfect? Personally I'd rather wait...
Go give that perspective to the Duke Nukem Forever fans Six Three.

You will be publically stoned :D
AudioRage said:
I never heard anything about november, Ever.

Edit: Condition zero Is being delayed by Vivendi.

I think Steam's the reason for the CS:CZ's delay, not Vivendi. It makes zero sense to sit on a game that supposedly went 'gold' back in November 03.
I have a strong really bad feeling that the game will be delayed..

But DAMN , I hope to god these rumours are false , I'd shit myself if the game would be delayed..
I'm sceptical that the game will be delayed as far as September, but if ultimately it means that Valve release a better, enhanced and more mind blowing product, then I say delay away. With the original game, Valve famously kicked back an extra year on the release date, and ultimately produced a much better game as a result, people conviently forget this.

If Valve were a company wholly motivated by Money alone, then by now we would probably be playing 'Halflife 6: Son of Gordon' and looking forward to 'Halflife 7: when Barneys go bad' in april. ;)
Kadayi Polokov said:
If Valve were a company wholly motivated by Money alone, then by now we would probably be playing 'Halflife 6: Son of Gordon' and looking forward to 'Halflife 7: when Barneys go bad' in april. ;)

LOL, yeah that's true :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
In relation to the original HL being pushed back a yeah:

I didn't even know about Half-Life 1 until i had read several reviews giving it 95% and higher scores. Valve were nobodies back then and Half-Life was nothing. For example Stalker could be the greatest computer game ever but i have no idea who the developers are and the what the gist of the game is, therefore minimal anticipation. I really don't care at this stage.

Half-Life 2 however is (looks at gamespy.com) the most anticipated game of 2004, and probably ...ever! We know what Valve are capable of, and it makes me wet thinking that this group of guys are making Half-Life 2. Delaying it further, no matter what the reasons are, is going to be tough on lifeless losers like myself :)

I suppose we can thank Valve that they didn't announce it in 1998. Woh nelly, that would have been pure pain.

Edit:I'll also add that HL1 was pushed back partly due to inexperience. Before the delay the game was apparently a pile of garbage. Valve went back to the drawing board and devloped a new way for all the sections of Valve (programmers, artists, animators etc) to work together. They all contributed ideas and eventually moulded the garbage into a piece of gaming perfection.

I find it highly unlikely that the same thing, or a similar thing has happened again. If it has.....woe i say. Woe. :bounce:
I think steam is the main reason for the delay of HL2/CS:CZ. Steam wasn't ready for very high datatraffic back in september 2003. I think they didn't had time enough to test steams credit card system etc. etc. and in 2003 steam was full of bugs. Now at this time steam is getting better and better :) . I think the last 4 months valve is testing steam over and over again to be sure nothings goes wrong at the major release of Hl2. I think HL2 will hit the store in april, remember the 'sdk soon' and the limelight news? I think Valve is getting closer and closer. :) Limelight is preparing his servers and checking everything to be sure nothing will go wrong.

Is there any news releated about the nvidia/ati drivers and anti-aliasing in Hl2? Did they solved that problem yet?
Yeah the anti-aliasing problem was solved.

Assuming HL2 was finished, releasing it on Steam back in September last year would have been a momentous failure. Steam problems were indeed a huge reason for the delay. But now the pieces of the Steam puzzle are all coming together. If Condition-Zero is released on steam in March my hopes for HL2 will increase dramatically.

In fact, i think that's the sign we should be looking for. The release of CZ!
I think they need to get Condition Zero out the door by feb to be ANY kind of success and it might still not be, a poll at PHL that was titled "Will you buy cz" 63% voted nope lost interest I allong was one of that 63% if the game was released within a fair amount of time after it went gold I think they would have seen decent profits... in the case of halflife1 mods etc time is definately a issue with bigger games around the corner.
zdub said:
awfully optimistic fenric.

I've only seen delays from them, HL1, TF2, CSCZ and have yet to see them release something on time....so im leaning towards delayed again since the odds favor it a hell of alot. just wish valve would let people know if its delayed or not. I have no faith in their release dates whatsoever. prove me wrong valve.

I will second that. Most game developers usually released some sort of demo at least 3 months before their game actually is done. Valve hasn't said, released any type of media nor statement regarding the game's progress, which leads me to belive the game won't be released this year.

Despite all this, i'm sympathetic towards Valve and spetially Gave. He seems like such of nice person, it's a shame they are going through all this. ;(
Retailers will post whatever date Vivendi gives them. If they are not given any date, they either make one up or go with the last confirmed date.

All retailers want is your money ahead of time.
Having been here since around E3 I put absolutely zero stock in anything a retailer says. As far as I'm concerned its not delayed until it becomes unanimous.