hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

It wont let me do it.. I go Search>ANSI String>Highlight G-man

Edit>Replace.. then I put G-Man in search for and replace with Docks.. it just erases EVERYTHING with g-man.. then my games folder doesnt work
Hmm, ok, that was painless enough, extracted the movie the "short" way, thanks to the guy who posted that. It does look very nice.
However i'm going to post about some peoples comments on both of these vids. A lot of peopl say they are running slow, or 10fps and even the best yet, lagging (which is just plain wrong, i won't explain here)
Anyway, these are incredibly detailed and large screen res (for vids) files and as such will need a fairly hefty pc to run nicely on, probably a higher spec pc than needed to run the game ironically.
This vid runs nice and smooth if you have the hardware and looks really nice, you can see so much more than in the gamepsy video.

The green splat on the zombies is a placeholder, Gabe has already stated this. The AA comment, i can see where this came from, it looks like a vsync jobby when the vid was encoded. Overall nothing to worry about, its very pretty and paves the way for the sound quality that we'll hear in the other vids :)

/edit omg 3 mor pages have appeared since i started typing this (and extracting vid) this is a popular post :P
Ahh someone help, I need a host. I got the file encoded for 56kers like the G-Man was!
Ahh.. i got it working.. but im not sure how to put BOTH in the folder.. i can either switch the file names to Docks.. and play docks only.. and switch it back to G-man when i wanna play G-man.. someone help!
ender just go to you steam cache dir and go to the hl2media section, its in the movies dir
Nice of them to make movies that everyone cant watch smoothly cause they dont have a brand new system :(
They could release an alternative DivX/XviD or something, instead of relying on some nice fan to compress it for us all :(

Well well, people get so mad as soon as you complain about something so just forget what I just said....
sweeet! someone pleeeeze pleeeeze host for northwood83, i would if i had the means to do so :)
hmmm if i could find simon's prog on the internet i would do it.. it was called HEX so if someone could tell me where to get it that would be great... if not then i will wait until its official release
I need a host for the 56k version someone please instant message me at the following name for hosting:
Could someone upload the EXE to an FTP or webspace?
I tried and every time I got the popup for This service is currently unavailable, please try again later. No matter if I left the hex editor open or not, and changing it back to G-Man still popped up that unavailable notice so I had to uninstall and reinstall Steam.
Originally posted by Apos
Great, so you hack into their files, rip out something they didn't plan on releasing, and then criticize them for the quality of it? I don't know how Valve possibly has any respect for their fans.

Wtf are you talking about? I was just saying that the video they ARE GOING TO RELEASE is not as good as I hoped t would be. Don't tell me this is a bad version and the real one which looks muuuch better will come later?
I need a host that can handle 8MB of webspace! Someone please contact me, I have the file re-encoded into divx at the same quality as my 56k G-man release! instant message me at Northwood83
I just found HHD hex editor on download.com, couldn't find the one mentioned tbh

I under stand what your saying Seb, but they're not really movies for the masses in that way :(
They are a special realeased like that SUPER high res matrix reloaded trailor was. I had to upgrade before that would play on my system.
Its great that people like northwood are converting them, i saw his version of the gman vid before the full ver, and although it really looked nice, the full quality one was exceptionally better.
Also people have to remember that this is in game stuff and NOT pre rendered, like the "dots" on gmans neck, its just texture ripping and you aree very close to him to see that little bit.

VengR, this isn't bad quality, it must be your system i'm afraid :(
Originally posted by AvengR
Wtf are you talking about? I was just saying that the video they ARE GOING TO RELEASE is not as good as I hoped t would be. Don't tell me this is a bad version and the real one which looks muuuch better will come later?

The fact that you dont have the patience to wait until they release it , you then go into their program and edit one of the files to get it to display early , and then critisize the program you shouldnt be watching is insanely stupid and self centered. They are using these to test Steam.
I still don't understand what Valve is trying to do with this whole cache file thing. Were we supposed to be fooled into thinking that we downloaded this 2nd video instantaneously? I don't see the point... we still have to spend the time downloading the stuff, why not just let us see it instead of making it some big elaborate scheme?
I personally will wait for the official releases... i know how hex editors work, and being such a huge file also know it's just a waste of time since the docks video wasn't the highlight of the E3 presentation.
Originally posted by Chris_D
He's right. I watched it about an hour or so ago.. That's why I posted what I did above.

However he's done it a longer way round.

Do a search in the HexEditor for "Video" and you'll find this bit:

" "Media" {"1" {"Name" "G-Man" "Type" "Video" "File" "media/movies/HL2-G-Man.exe" } }

Change G-man to "Docks"
and change HL2-G-Man.exe to "HL2-Docks.exe"

Save it and launch Steam and run.

I used AXE3 that can be found on download.com.com

you are hardcore
OMG!!! I log on in the morning, nothings happening. So I log off for a few hours to go to work. I come back, and suddenly all of THIS has happened. I can't believe I missed all of it. Im so sad and happy at the same time. Well at least ill get the video once Northwood has found some hosting space.
They probably wanted to stress test steam with something a li'l bigger then 70 MB so they just sent both videos figuring they could just enable the 2nd one later but not really caring if we got it before.
Ok, ive seen the video using the name changing method, but i want to extract it as well. I have bookmared the spots 4767A90 and 7756FFF (where the movie is supposidly held). How do i select all the area inbetween there so i can save it?
Yeah but why couldn't just they enable it for us yesterday? :( It would have been so easy for them... I wonder if there is any good reason....
so that means that 70mb were both movies? like 40mb da g-man and 30 the docks? hmm... nice compression
Jmechy: It is already saved as a seperate file in your steam cache folder, just go there and do what you'd like with it. :)
I have to wonder why Valve has not enabled at least 2x AA for these videos, the jagged edges are really apparent. Although the game is still beautiful.
woah, thanks alot Direwolf, the easiest way is always the most obvious eh? :)
Dunno if it has been posted or not but i just checked my steam and the real Dock video seems to have been "released" for those who dont want to hex edit. I have not hex edited and i got to see it.
shit, mine too... someone get to work, find us the next movies!!
if the real "docks" video was just released, what the hell is it downloading?
so that means that 70mb were both movies? like 40mb da g-man and 30 the docks? hmm... nice compression

Check the file size of g-man.exe, its 68.8MB
Hmm...in the Shaky cam video, the Tech Demo came before this Dock video. Does that mean we wont get the tech demo until the end or something?
man after watching the video i really want to see if you can go inside that half suken ship lol
Hope someone can host that DivX-compressed version of the new movie too.
I'd much rather have 5MB good quality with smooth playback, than 60-70MB perfect quality with choppy playback :(

Well now its bedtime here anyway :)
As soon as steam is done downloading the new stuff check the gcache.gcf file for change. They could be uploading tommorows movie today ahead of time like they did with the docks. We can unlock it again.