HL2:Episode 2, Portal @ gamespot

There wa nothing special about the new portal video. Just the same maps. He did say that at the end perhaps we will get some cake, with a little cake icon on the board :)

The 9th for the U.S. 12th for us? :x

King of page 9? amirite?
You're talking about the extra crosshair thingie made for the xbox.

I'm talking about the fact that the flashlight no longers uses AUX power in episode two.

Two different things.
Yeah I'm talking about the crosshair but I was also explaining to that guy that the PC won't get the 360's different method of notifications for ammo/health/power pickup etc. as well, and from your post saying the entire thing was incorrect made it seem like you were saying that the PC version will look like that when it will really just look like Episode 1 on PC. Flashlight ≠ HUD display.
Can anyone host this to YouTube? Because that Gamespot streaming really sucks alot.
Not sure of any way to grab the video from gamespot rather than streaming it.
Yeah I'm talking about the crosshair but I was also explaining to that guy that the PC won't get the 360's different method of notifications for ammo/health/power pickup etc. as well, and from your post saying the entire thing was incorrect made it seem like you were saying that the PC version will look like that when it will really just look like Episode 1 on PC. Flashlight ≠ HUD display.

Makes sense then.

Wasn't too comfortable with these big ammo icons, anyway :hmph:
Damn video keeps stopping after a few minutes!!!
Hunter... "She"? :D

Energy darts stuck to physics objects. Cool.

People who keep getting stuck; try turning off streaming.
I don't think it means quite lost, just not the right direction and wondering where to go.
Damn, looks like I'm going to have Alyx following me the whole way, telling me what to do again... I suppose it makes sense her telling us what we're meant to be doing, I just hope she doesn't give too many hints or guide us through it, that would spoil it quite a bit IMO.
Damn, looks like I'm going to have Alyx following me the whole way, telling me what to do again... I suppose it makes sense her telling us what we're meant to be doing, I just hope she doesn't give too many hints or guide us through it, that would spoil it quite a bit IMO.

She wasn't too bad in EP1.

I mean she couldn't figure out how to get past a pile of debris while there was that guy in the orange suit with the gravitygun in her face.
I just want to say, very loudly, very clearly...


"They don't seem like the same creature to me, Darkside." "Look at such and such contradictory evidence, Darkside." "I really don't know what I'm talking about, Darkside."

Please, go ahead and suck it. I extend all those people (you know who you are, because I forgot most of you) my personal invitation.

Never doubt me.

Oh and uh, rest of the video's good too, I guess.

(suck it)
Well, this has been known since we first preloaded the EP1 content.

Ministrider.mdl !
I'm trying to get you unbanned. So less cheek/sarcasm in Darksides direction, huh. :p
I'm trying to get you unbanned. So less cheek/sarcasm in Darksides direction, huh. :p

Hah, don't worry, it's just one or two days long :laugh:

I would have never thought just mentionning the leaks gets you banned on spuf :eek:
Well, this has been known since we first preloaded the EP1 content.

Ministrider.mdl !
See, man? Someone gets it. The new guy gets it. But you'd be surprised, Cube, sooooooooooooooooo surprised how many times since Ep1 I've had this argument. It's ridiculous. Seriously, search for "Hunter" posts by Darkside55, and look at how many times I've had to defend that position. It is RIDICULOUS.

I would have never thought just mentionning the leaks gets you banned on spuf :eek:
I hate that damn rule. I really do. I just can't understand the need for it. It's not like it's hurting anyone anymore (assuming you're referring to the leaked HL2 content, not episode content), and there's so much wealth to be tapped there.

Valve knows people played the leak. They don't care, man. It's not like it's affecting sales or anything.

Why, I just went out last month and bought another copy of HL2, just because it was a box I didn't have. It has a santa hat on it. :laugh:
Yeah, Valve do care. They don't want it talked about etc. It's still illegal.
Awesome, just watched the video on my friends laptop. Can't wait to get my hands on TF2 the most. YAY. Hopefully they'll hit that October release date. :)
Yeah, Valve do care. They don't want it talked about etc. It's still illegal.
Well they shouldn't. *Grumbles*

I could make an argument that the leak actually SOLD copies of Half-Life 2.

But rules are rules. Stupid rules. I won't break 'em.

(But I might bend 'em :p)
Well, this has been known since we first preloaded the EP1 content.

Ministrider.mdl !

Okay, I'm dieing to know, what is preloading? Does that download the game at the rate they finish it? I doesn't understand... :|
Van_Halen - some assets (encrypted, but you can get the list of files) are available for download before a game is released. That way, when the game is finaly released, you don't have to download the whole thing, because you already have most or all of the files (so you pay for the game and can play it right away).
I remember there were two or three preloads before Episode One's launch.
I'm confused about the whole Hunter-Strider connection. From what I can see, they share two traits.

1. They both have 3 legs.

2. They both serve the Combine.

Therefore, they're exactly the same thing?

Is there something I missed, here?
I'm confused about the whole Hunter-Strider connection. From what I can see, they share two traits.

1. They both have 3 legs.

2. They both serve the Combine.

Therefore, they're exactly the same thing?

Is there something I missed, here?

Same relationship between a gorilla and a chimp, man.
Who said they were the same thing?

They're just in the same synth family. It was reported by valve themselves, therefore its true and thats it :naughty:
Remember when everybody thought that the ministrider was just a 1/16th strider prop for background scenes? Good times...

Edit: Thanks for the "king" status btw.
I'm confused about the whole Hunter-Strider connection. From what I can see, they share two traits.

1. They both have 3 legs.

2. They both serve the Combine.

Therefore, they're exactly the same thing?

Is there something I missed, here?

I know. For ages now Hammer's had "ministrider" in its list of entities, so I knew from the start that according to Valve, the Hunter would just be another type of strider. You're right to think they don't have much in common though, as far as I can see. It still makes me angry when I see the word "ministrider"...
Same with the misspelling of the Combine Adviser's model filename, so everyone things it's the "advisor". Go figure.
You're right to think they don't have much in common though, as far as I can see. It still makes me angry when I see the word "ministrider"...
Incorrect. They have a lot in common. Just cross-search my name with "Hunter."
Incorrect. They have a lot in common. Just cross-search my name with "Hunter."

I found a bit of stuff, after a while. You said they move similary, like an ape, leading with the shoulders or something. I can see that striders seem to walk with their shoulders most of the time, but the only time I saw hunters doing that was when we saw them coming over the hill in the extended Ep2 trailer. All subsequent videos have shown them generally moving their whole legs a lot more, particularly that new Gamespot interview (the one this thread's about, I remember) which showed (spoiled) the first encounter with one. I mean the one looking through the window in the radio station - come on, it practically leapt away.

Also, you said they make the same noises. I can't check those alert2 and alert4 wavs you mentioned due to not having HL2 currently, but the noises I've heard in the trailers sound more like demented cows than striders, who seem to use a simple tone and modulate its pitch.

I think they have way more differences than they have similarities, TBH. I'm not denying that they are related, not after Valve has basically confirmed it (and the name "ministrider"...), I'm just saying they don't look, act or move that similarly. Just out of interest, do you think the Combine gunship and dropship are related too?
No. I think those are from different planets. I had a theory where the dropship never even flew on its native planet...it was aquatic, akin to a crustacean. It might have lived on an ocean world.

The gunship was a giant insectoid, and therefore lived on a world with a high oxygen content (which would allow a creature with an exoskeleton to increase to large sizes without gravity crushing its innards), and probably lots of leafy foliage as a result. The gunship would have used its dragonfly design to skim over the canopy, swooping down on prey or perhaps even being vegetarian and feasting on the treetops.

All highly speculative, but given the way they look and what we can take from terrestrial species, that's how I see them.
You really do deserve your title.

I kinda enjoy reading your non-generic theories.

The SHEPARDS GORDONS NEPHEWs are getting so old :hmph:
V-Man's opinion on the great Darkside55

I think Darkside is not only the ultimate Half Life 2 speculator/researcher, I think that he is as great a person related to Half Life as you could get without actually working for Valve.
Darkside, you should work for Valve. Have you actually invented any of your own random Xen creatures? Also, how would high oxygen content stop gravity from crushing something's innards?
Darkside55 - Finally great theory after all those Cloverfield monster travesty posts.
Good point with aquatic origin of Dropships, they even have "legs" which reminds lampreys.