HL2 fans death before the games release.

Citizen 1150421 said:
in "heaven" hl2 hl3 hl4 are all out and running
in "hell" u get to live them

in that case, hell sounds kinda cool... so long as you have quicksaves.

Unless you have to live it as a headcrab. Or the crowbar.

And while we're on the subject. Don't get people's hopes up about heaven. You don't want anyone to die, go to heaven and get blown off with all that enlightenment and inner peace crap when they ask about video games!
Wraithen said:
in that case, hell sounds kinda cool... so long as you have quicksaves.

Unless you have to live it as a headcrab. Or the crowbar.

And while we're on the subject. Don't get people's hopes up about heaven. You don't want anyone to die, go to heaven and get blown off with all that enlightenment and inner peace crap when they ask about video games!

I will be really really upset if there are no video games in heaven!!

Maybe they won't be on a machine(console, computer, colecovision, etc:) but I'm sure there will be something that will blow our minds.
Dead Me: so this is heaven, huh? Looks like an Enya album cover. So where do you keep the video games?

God: Video games? We don't have them here, but you can feel free to communicate with your fellow spirits, bask in the glow of the righteous, contemplate the inner workings of spirituality and existence.

Dead Me: Yeah, but you have some PC's linked up for LAN games, right?

God: no, but I could tell you the meaning of life.

Dead Me: No thanks, this joke stopped being funny three words in and I'm quickly losing credibility.

Oh, and Hell might be more fun... they could decide to do an ironic punishment by making be play games all the time.
Wraithen said:
Dead Me: so this is heaven, huh? Looks like an Enya album cover. So where do you keep the video games?

God: Video games? We don't have them here, but you can feel free to communicate with your fellow spirits, bask in the glow of the righteous, contemplate the inner workings of spirituality and existence.

Dead Me: Yeah, but you have some PC's linked up for LAN games, right?

God: no, but I could tell you the meaning of life.

Dead Me: No thanks, this joke stopped being funny three words in and I'm quickly losing credibility.

Oh, and Hell might be more fun... they could decide to do an ironic punishment by making be play games all the time.

Man that was damn funny:) You should have kept going especially with stuff like "bask in the glow of the righteous, contemplate the inner workings of spirituality and existence". What beautiful words you speak!!
Thanks, spicoli420, I'm a writer doncha-know.

Well actually I quit my job after they created a supervisor position for me and gave it to someone else and the "novel" I'm writing keeps people from making me work at tesco's while I look for a real job.

I only say this cos it's a quarter past one in the morning and I like to be the one to kill threads with off topic rants :D

Oh and in heaven they have half life's (lives?) 2,3 and 4, but it's Hell chosing which one to play first.
sorry it took me so long to reply, i was staring at platinum's avy (is that kera nightley?).

man, i can just imagine someone loading up HL2, and the moment they hit start new game they knock over a coca cola onto their PC and somehow electrocute themselves.
my final thought for the night (for what it's worth)

In Hell, you can play Half life 2 as much as you want. But every time you install it it takes an hour for each 10% and always freezes at 99% when the infernal (literally) computer will crash and need rebooting. It will do this every time, but you repeat the process anyway because you're a Half Life fan, and that means having hope that if you wait long enough, you'll one day get to play the damn thing!!
concerning the fellow with liver cancer, well, my condolences friend. there isn't much to say, but i remembered something i saw on a current affair a while ago and it might help you.

you may or may not know about this already, but here.


good luck.

i'm not going to comment on the hellish hl2 experience, i just needed to bring that link to attention. 'night all.
I don't think i would care about a video game if im about to die.
Yeah I could understand, that would suck LOL going down in a plane thinking about HL2 and all your time you have dedicated to the HL2.net forums (you 2,000+ post people) and never getting to play it. But obviously that would be low on the priority list concerning other things. Anyways, I got attacked by a dog out here in colorado and I have to get reconstructive surgery on my right hand for the next 4 years ( will send pics of hand if wanted LOL). This really sucks but I have an idea. I will have to let my friend play it for me on my PC. I will probably control the mouse and shooting while he controls movement maybe? That would be fun, my original plans.
If I were you, I'd be more sad about never knowing the touch of a woman than never playing a video game.

I know I'm assuming a lot with that statement, but I think it's a safe bet.
Lol this thread has over 4000 views of people thinking someone really died before HL2.

Yeah I could see some 9000+ post people

*camera cuts to airplane*

Pilot: OH MY GOD what just hit us?

Co-pilot: I don't know *over transmission to the passengers: WERE GONNA DIE REPENT UR SINS NOW*

Hl2 fan: Oh no no no no this can't be happening no no no why me noononono

guy sitting next to hl2 fan: I know, my family is gonna miss me too.....

hl2 fan: Family? Who cares about them! I'm not gonna get to play HL2!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

*everyone stares at HL2 fan*

*camera cuts to outside of plane where you see a crowd throwing a man out of the airplane*

edit- Woot 500th post!
Citizen 1150421 said:
in "heaven" hl2 hl3 hl4 are all out and running
in "hell" u get to live them

Thats quote worthy!! my new sig!! ;)
people take this forum way to seriously.

If I were you, I'd be more sad about never knowing the touch of a woman than never playing a video game.

You are talking about sex, right? ;)
about that quote a few posts back, in heaven the have half-life 2,3, and 4. in hell, you get to live them. dude, sign me up for a pass to hell please, id prefer to live it then play it any day.
another-user said:
about that quote a few posts back, in heaven the have half-life 2,3, and 4. in hell, you get to live them. dude, sign me up for a pass to hell please, id prefer to live it then play it any day.

In hell you have to play Daikatana and Trespasser.
In Heaven.. I bet we will be able to play the game IN REAL LIFE as long as you aren't doing anything truely evil, just killing because you have to (even God resorts to that... Actually he killed someone for jizzing on the floor in one bible story)
lazicsavo said:
Induction people. There is no animal (note that I'm excluding plants) that lives beyond 200 years (as long as we have kept records).

It is safe to assume, though the process of induction, that there is no human that lived beyond 200 years.

Of course, by defenition, induction is flawed, so nobody can be sure.

You need to get your facts straight buddy... Sea turtles can live to be 500.

WaterMelon34 said:
You need to get your facts straight buddy... Sea turtles can live to be 500.

There are also bacteria's that can live over a millenia. I should know, my sister is one.
WaterMelon34 said:
You need to get your facts straight buddy... Sea turtles can live to be 500.


Um, you might want to check your own facts. As far as I can tell, know one has any real data on the life span of sea turtles though I've read estimates that say from 50 on up to 120 years, but hardly anything near 500 years.

I'm guessing that you were actually thinking of the Galapagos Giant Tortoise, which has an average estimated life span of anywhere from 100 to 200 years, with the oldest on record as being listed as "over 150 years old". Again, no where near 500 years.

So unless you can provide a link showing I'm wrong, you probably should "get your facts straight, buddy." ;)
For the guy with the liver cancer: I will pray to Fernis and Tor that cancer will either be cured or has a treatment that can extend your life expectancy before it is too late...

Back to the thing about dying before HL2 realeases, I really hope this dosen't happen to anyone. It would suck as soon as you purchase the game, terrorists bust in and shoot the crap out of everyone! (terrorists win)