HL2 Flashlight in Action

oh yes...thats a problem...perhaps he has a hidden name sign on his suit ^^
Joeyslucky22 said:
my god.. those antlions look like shit... :flame:

I'd consider visiting the docter if my shit was yellow with purple and has 4 legs.
I'd consider a doctor if i were you no matter what my shit looked like.. then I'd contimplate suicide.

only if I were you though.
I have always wonderd where the flash light beem comes from...

It looks awesome.
PvtRyan said:
I'd consider visiting the docter if my shit was yellow with purple and has 4 legs.
:E:E:E rofl...yeah particularly when it can fly and bites me ^^
The flashlight beam comes from down and to the right of the player's view.
Eat Fresh said:
The flashlight beam comes from down and to the right of the player's view.

Exactly where the right arm is located.

That explains it all! so the new HEV suit has a flashlight at the right arm.

Brian Damage said:
Looks centralised to me...

Eat fresh actually witnessed it in motion, so I'll take his word for it. :)
You know how stationary screens can be = misleading.
And that was the impression gained from the picture of Gordon...

[EDIT]: Is that Eat Fresh from that other forum? Oookaay, then, I'll take his word for it...
The shadows of the antlions themselves aren't done very well...their shadows look as if the lights is coming from directly above them instead of from the flashlight.
im not impressed by the antlions textures.. on the legs, the texture is all stretched and looks bad..
Lethal8472 said:
The shadows of the antlions themselves aren't done very well...their shadows look as if the lights is coming from directly above them instead of from the flashlight.

I dunno, it looks to me like the shadows below aren't actually being generated by the flashlight, but by a lightsource overhead. maybe that skylight thing?
Yeah, I don't think the flashlight casts dynamic shadows. Gary said he still wasn't done with it, so I don't know for sure. Remember: HL2 (unlike Far Cry and others) is made to run on a Geforce 2.

Kon said:
im not impressed by the antlions textures.. on the legs, the texture is all stretched and looks bad..

Remember - the reson why valve hates giving screenshots is that the game looks like shit in screenshots. It's the animation/motion that makes it the total opposite. Actually all good games look like shite in screens - it's in motion that they actually look amazing!

The antlion has specular effects as well as normal mapping - so it's hard to notice the normal mapped skin, will look better in motion. It took me a while to appreciate the hi-res normal mapping - I seriously thought it wasn't present untill I noticed carefully.
lans said:
Remember - the reson why valve hates giving screenshots is that the game looks like shit in screenshots. It's the animation/motion that makes it the total opposite. Actually all good games look like shite in screens - it's in motion that they actually look amazing!

The antlion has specular effects as well as normal mapping - so it's hard to notice the normal mapped skin, will look better in motion. It took me a while to appreciate the hi-res normal mapping - I seriously thought it wasn't present untill I noticed carefully.

i'll agree to that theory.. it definitely makes sense.
it's a 'cut and paste' from another pricture or fan art or something. note the lighting on the right antlion. the source is on the right but the shading is on the right...hmmmmmm. and there is a clear detail difference between the right antlion and the left one.

and ytf doesnt the left one cast a shadow on the wall behind??? this is either a complete fake or an old screenshot from valve.
Eat Fresh said:
No, thats the origional picture that Gary sent to me yesterday.

Were the antlions equally detailed, Eat fresh or did Gary purposely showed you a low res one and high res one for comparison?
lans said:
Remember - the reson why valve hates giving screenshots is that the game looks like shit in screenshots. It's the animation/motion that makes it the total opposite. Actually all good games look like shite in screens - it's in motion that they actually look amazing!

I think your right, and I think its a little opposit with Doom 3. It's pictures look amazing, but the video's are hokey, thats why the new e3 video had a million heart beat fade in' and outs'.
and please tell me that that greenyellow texture was not there when you played it.. it looks like crap imo.
I dont care about shadows.... the game is whats important... BTW nice pic.
I'm pretty sure they are equally detailed. I haven't played the game yet, but the antlions looked like that when I saw them.


pfft, j/k looks fine to me, I'm not playing for graphics anyway
no dynamic lights in hl2, altho valve say source can support dynamic lighting :/
nw909 said:


pfft, j/k looks fine to me, I'm not playing for graphics anyway

Thank god I dont own a sarcasm detector... I think I would have been blown out my window by the sheer force of the explosion!
ukfluke said:
no dynamic lights in hl2, altho valve say source can support dynamic lighting :/

HL2 has dynamic lights..
it does not, however, have dynamic shadows.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Thank god I dont own a sarcasm detector... I think I would have been blown out my window by the sheer force of the explosion!

Dim Gray strikes again!

Ohhhhhh! I see the light, I see the light :eek: And the bump mapping. This is giving me a heart attack just looking at it :x
hmm yeh, the Antlion textured bumpmap looks discoloured and odd, but maybe its exaggerated to show off the effect?, who knows, well the screenie is nice n e way :)
Shuzer said:

They look alot better when it's not so horribly discolored (hopefully, they didn't change the antlions to look like that)

I think it's just a bad screenshot - I thought the antlions sucked when I saw the old screenshots back in 2003 (before seeing any video). Then I actually saw them in motion in the bugbait video - and had to change my opinion.

I think the white light makes them look yellowish. Or they could be another type of antlions. I mean there new types of headcrab,anyway so why not antlions?
Either way the antlion looks awsome, I was deadly impressed with the one in the direct 9 test video.