HL2/HL3 Engine


Jan 1, 2004
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What do you think will be used to power HL3?

The Source engine, or a modified version of it, or a completely new one they will develop ina few years?
Source version XX, in my opinion, but it's too early to say...

(You might want to shorten that siggy, BTW, Loach.)
I think that depends whether or not the source being leaked would make them wanna make a new engine. From what I know, Source is ever developing. So there wouldnt be any "modified" version of it.
yeah, that's kinda where i was leaning too, but would Valve start on HL3 right after they are done with HL2....or wait to upgrade/develop Source or a new engine?
Depends on how long they want it to take to get out. If they want it to come out in 2006 they can develop a whole new engine. If they want it to come out in 2005 They can modify the Source engine or use the Source all over again.
Valve have tailored HL² to run across a range of machines covering a whole wealth of configurations, naturally the power of the source engine has been compromised as a result. The skeleton of the Source engine is probably capable of handling much more than is being shown by the HL² videos or the 'beta'.
I agree. it will use the Source engine, or Source3 or something...
Maybe they'll use a modified version of the Quake 4 or Doom III enginge? they did for HL with the quake 2 game engine
no there definately going to use source, which incidently is actually based on the HL1 engine despite going from only OpenGL to OpenGL and DX to only DX.
Yep, very likely a modified version of Source. I wouldn't be surprised if they already started on idea's for the next version, stuff they wanted to put in this one but couldn't aswell as currently impossible idea's that by the time HL3 is being made will be entirely possible.
ray_MAN said:
Depends on how long they want it to take to get out. If they want it to come out in 2006 they can develop a whole new engine. If they want it to come out in 2005 They can modify the Source engine or use the Source all over again.

it took them 5 almost 6 years to come this far with a new engine what makes you think they could make a whole new one in 2 years? it would prolly take them 2 years to modify the engine and another 2 years to make the game and while they modify the engine they can have the music and story be made. so prolly another 4 maybe 3 years if they really hurry after HL2 if they decided to mod the Source engine if not it could take another 5 years
I bet it'll be a very updated version of Steam. A comparable case would be the difference between the Lithtech engine for NOLF1 and the Lithtech engine for NOLF2.
It has to be a new engine..Its like saying q4 will use the q3 engine
doesnt have to be. I think HL3 will prolly just use a heavily modified source engine.
He@t! said:
It has to be a new engine..Its like saying q4 will use the q3 engine

Well, Doom 3 uses a heavily modified Q3 engine, and Q4 will use a heavily modified Doom 3 engine. So technically it will be using Q3 :p .
It's a matter of it's not broken, why fix it. If the fundamentals of an engine are sound and there is scope for large scale adaptability without compromising speed, then you build upon it. Naturally the next big step with regards to gaming is going to be DX10 instructions. Given how close Valve and ATI are and how ATI are involved in the development of DX10 with M$, I'd be very surprised if source was incapable of extending to DX10 instructions at some future stage.
dont talk about dx 10 i only got my dx9 card 2 months ago. :D itll be obsolete soon i know but id rather people didnt rub it in. lol. :)
I think DX 10 due for release in 2005 and then you have to wait for the developers to use it, so it's not something you should be getting exited about yet, especialy as current cards arn't even useing DX9's full feature set includeing PS3.0 and whatnot. Anyway by the time we have HL3 we might be at DX11.
Is the source engine a very strong modified Half-Life 1 and so a Quake Engine? Why was Half-Life 1 written in C++ and is using a Quake Engine, but Quake 2 was written in C??

Perhaps Half-Life 3 uses the Doom 3 Engine. ;-)
smwScott said:
Well, Doom 3 uses a heavily modified Q3 engine, and Q4 will use a heavily modified Doom 3 engine. So technically it will be using Q3 :p .

DOOM 3 uses a totally new engine developed from scratch
i think they will use Source.. but they will improve it ofcourse, light and stuff.. but i think they will most change the AI, make em smarter and give us a very realistic xperience when we play it :)
smwScott said:
Well, Doom 3 uses a heavily modified Q3 engine, and Q4 will use a heavily modified Doom 3 engine. So technically it will be using Q3 :p .

I say only that this is wrong.
You can google the info that it is in fact wrong for yourself. :dozey:
Sure, there will be parts of modfyed source from Q3 in, but why inventing the wheel again ? For example the console or input/controll-code from Q3. There`s no improvement needed in my opinion, so why redo it for another game ?

And as i said before in a very long post, the Source engine is not a new engine.
Its a heavly modified Quake/HL1 engine. They just added highres texture support, the havoc engine (bought) and added crappy DX9 shaders instead of OS independent OGL2.0 shaders. Damn M$ "standard" ass lickers. :angry:
And how many Q1 Sourcemods added highres and md3 support to this engine ?
Just look at tenebrae how heavy they moded the Q1 source. And a "professional" company like valve (which is in fact overrated) needs YEARS to mod it in that way ? :dozey:

I wont buy HL2 because it wont run under linux, **** DX in general, its a M$ only thing. I use both OS but i prefer software running under both OS`s. Give M$ "standards" no chance, dont buy products containing/based on M$ only technologie.
This last paragraph is _my_ opinion_ so dont start to flame about it.
burzum said:
I say only that this is wrong.
You can google the info that it is in fact wrong for yourself. :dozey:
Sure, there will be parts of modfyed source from Q3 in, but why inventing the wheel again ? For example the console or input/controll-code from Q3. There`s no improvement needed in my opinion, so why redo it for another game ?

And as i said before in a very long post, the Source engine is not a new engine.
Its a heavly modified Quake/HL1 engine. They just added highres texture support, the havoc engine (bought) and added crappy DX9 shaders instead of OS independent OGL2.0 shaders. Damn M$ "standard" ass lickers. :angry:
And how many Q1 Sourcemods added highres and md3 support to this engine ?
Just look at tenebrae how heavy they moded the Q1 source. And a "professional" company like valve (which is in fact overrated) needs YEARS to mod it in that way ? :dozey:

I wont buy HL2 because it wont run under linux, **** DX in general, its a M$ only thing. I use both OS but i prefer software running under both OS`s. Give M$ "standards" no chance, dont buy products containing/based on M$ only technologie.
This last paragraph is _my_ opinion_ so dont start to flame about it.

The Source engine has very little HL1 source code in it, anything that used OpenGL has been ripped out and replaced with it's DX equivalent, the geometry and math systems have been completely rewritten and the DX9 shaders are certainly not crappy. The havok engine was certainly not easy to implement or modify the way valve have done it, makeing the engine more capable of handeling high polygon counts, implementing new types of lighting, 3D sky box, AI, material system and countless other things. The source engine is arguable the best on the market from a developers point of view and your saying it's just a souped up version Q1... I don't think so.

As for not buying it because it won't run on Linux... go you, I don't even play the games that can run on linux in Linux... although thats mainly because I can't find the binarys for UT2003 and NWN.
I won't probably buy Half-Life 2, too, because I'm using Linux only.
mrchimp said:
The Source engine has very little HL1 source code in it, anything that used OpenGL has been ripped out and replaced with it's DX equivalent, the geometry and math systems have been completely rewritten and the DX9 shaders are certainly not crappy. The havok engine was certainly not easy to implement or modify the way valve have done it, makeing the engine more capable of handeling high polygon counts, implementing new types of lighting, 3D sky box, AI, material system and countless other things. The source engine is arguable the best on the market from a developers point of view and your saying it's just a souped up version Q1... I don't think so.

As for not buying it because it won't run on Linux... go you, I don't even play the games that can run on linux in Linux... although thats mainly because I can't find the binarys for UT2003 and NWN.

"makeing the engine more capable of handeling high polygon counts, implementing new types of lighting, 3D sky box, AI, material system and countless other things" <-- how many Q1 or Q2 sourcemods has done this 2-3 or 10 ? ;)
http://www.tenebrae2.com/ take a look at the screens. Q1 modded nearly to Doom3.

New type of lighting ? Its still the good old lightmapping technolgie and looks crappy. Even q3map2 produces (with the right settings, 8x bounce for example) better looking lightmapping than what ive seen on some HL2 screens.

Removing the OGL code and replace it with DX was the dumbest thing ever.
DX9 shaders are maybe technologiewise not crappy, but they are crap for the fact, that it is a M$ only thing. Imagine, you buy a car and you can drive it only on special roads...stupid or isnt it ?

I dont like UT2003 so i dont play it but look here...
If it wont work just to download the linux patch and installing it, google for yourself where you can get the linux executables. Just ask in a linuxforum or contact the support, i guess you have an original UT2003. I think its not that hard to find...youre just to lazy maybe ? ;)

And NWN Linux is with just a bit google easy to find
I hope this helps you.
i think that they will use an upgraded Source engine, or probably
a new engine all together. But they will only strat planning in about
four years.

but the current engine looks promising!!
You guys should wait for HL2 to come out, I don't even want to think of what type of theft HL3 will be involved in... :|
Is there really any information that confirms they're working on HL3??
burzum said:
I say only that this is wrong.
You can google the info that it is in fact wrong for yourself. :dozey:
Sure, there will be parts of modfyed source from Q3 in, but why inventing the wheel again ? For example the console or input/controll-code from Q3. There`s no improvement needed in my opinion, so why redo it for another game ?

And as i said before in a very long post, the Source engine is not a new engine.
Its a heavly modified Quake/HL1 engine. They just added highres texture support, the havoc engine (bought) and added crappy DX9 shaders instead of OS independent OGL2.0 shaders. Damn M$ "standard" ass lickers. :angry:
And how many Q1 Sourcemods added highres and md3 support to this engine ?
Just look at tenebrae how heavy they moded the Q1 source. And a "professional" company like valve (which is in fact overrated) needs YEARS to mod it in that way ? :dozey:

I wont buy HL2 because it wont run under linux, **** DX in general, its a M$ only thing. I use both OS but i prefer software running under both OS`s. Give M$ "standards" no chance, dont buy products containing/based on M$ only technologie.
This last paragraph is _my_ opinion_ so dont start to flame about it.

(quoted to put it into perspective)

From: Brian Damage [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 6:36 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Source engine = Quake engine with knobs on?

Hello Mr Newell.

Sorry to bother you, but if you could just lay this to rest I would be much obliged...

At HL2.net, there has been a bit of debate about whether or not Source is just the Quake 1/ Half Life engine with shiny bits. I personally don't believe this to be the case.

So: Is Source just a modified version of the original Quake 1 or Half life engine? And, if so, how much of the old engine code is still present?

Thanks in advance.

Brian Damage.

uh, no.
@Brian Damage: Cool! Thank you for asking Gabe Newell. Please post his answer, too. :)
Errr... I did. That's his answer in bold at the bottom.

Seems he's been very brief with his answers lately.
Brian Damage said:
Errr... I did. That's his answer in bold at the bottom.

Seems he's been very brief with his answers lately.

Oops ... what a nice answer. ;-)
smwScott said:
Well, Doom 3 uses a heavily modified Q3 engine, and Q4 will use a heavily modified Doom 3 engine. So technically it will be using Q3 :p .

Wrong. DooM 3 uses its own engine, with a Quake 3 Arena Style Console and Editor, but a new engine. :)
well good to see valve is still on top of things.
burzum said:
"makeing the engine more capable of handeling high polygon counts, implementing new types of lighting, 3D sky box, AI, material system and countless other things" <-- how many Q1 or Q2 sourcemods has done this 2-3 or 10 ? ;)
http://www.tenebrae2.com/ take a look at the screens. Q1 modded nearly to Doom3.

New type of lighting ? Its still the good old lightmapping technolgie and looks crappy. Even q3map2 produces (with the right settings, 8x bounce for example) better looking lightmapping than what ive seen on some HL2 screens.

Removing the OGL code and replace it with DX was the dumbest thing ever.
DX9 shaders are maybe technologiewise not crappy, but they are crap for the fact, that it is a M$ only thing. Imagine, you buy a car and you can drive it only on special roads...stupid or isnt it ?

I dont like UT2003 so i dont play it but look here...
If it wont work just to download the linux patch and installing it, google for yourself where you can get the linux executables. Just ask in a linuxforum or contact the support, i guess you have an original UT2003. I think its not that hard to find...youre just to lazy maybe ? ;)

And NWN Linux is with just a bit google easy to find

I hope this helps you.

Thanks for the Link :thumbs:

I Know Tenebrae2 is very pretty but it doesn't really compare to the source engine in terms of features and useabuility. I really do think you should read the Source white papers before makeing these accusations.
I've never seen on any screenshots or videos water in Doom 3 and in Tenebrae 2. What about great water effects like in Half-Life 2?