HL2 in german print-mag

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Sounds like they're just trying to bring down Valve. I mean, in this kind of a game, how can you make "a move that is not anticipated"? There are like ten million objects in the map, so would Valve have scripted only like 14 of them, which they expect the reporter to interact with, to have physical properties? That sounds like bullshit to me. It's no big deal if the game crashes, it wasn't finished in March when reporters were invited to playtest the game ;)
yea, i was just on tech tv's website right after i looked (thats where i found a link to the website) at the german article, and i was like wtf mate?
Dark2Light said:
well i found this www.gamestarmag.com english version :-\ did that come out?
I live in the Netherlands... And it says free issue...
If I fill in my adress etc. will I get a free issue? THE free issue with HL2?
nevermind, only USA and Canada :(
Seppo said:
Sounds like they're just trying to bring down Valve. I mean, in this kind of a game, how can you make "a move that is not anticipated"? There are like ten million objects in the map, so would Valve have scripted only like 14 of them, which they expect the reporter to interact with, to have physical properties? That sounds like bullshit to me. It's no big deal if the game crashes, it wasn't finished in March when reporters were invited to playtest the game ;)

Game was slated to release on September 30th it is still unfinished? or may be it is too tightly scripted, in any case not a good news. :bonce:
Alright, I'm really confused right now.

Like http://www.gamestar.de/magazin/heft/062004/inhalt.pdf says, on page 25 there's an article about HL2. I first thought it was some news and rumours discussed by them, but it turns out that it's the preview. Errr like one page long...
But where the f*ck is the cover? I just think Gamestar is just stirring up shit, trying to make the game look bad and stand out of the massive crowd that also have HL2 previews.
But I'm waiting for the 1st of may with the PC Gameplay preview, they're always objective and they'll tell the truth.
Well, Gabe has apologized for the September 30th incident. According to him, they had a bad scheduling, the source code leak has nothing to do with the delay. The game probably was far from finished in September.

And now I'm confused. So this thread was started based on a German magazine "PC Games". And now people are talking about some Gamestar mag, which seems to be a different thing and is "stirring up shit"?
Urrgh, I was preparing to post something lengthy, arrogant, and confusing, but after reading all that my brain hurts. I guess I'd agree that they're just trying to stir up trouble until I read otherwise.

Oh, Superfish, you alone can guide us in our hour of need...
X-Vector said:
- The promised 1 hour interview with Gabe Newell was shortened to 15 minutes.
Anybody who has worked in any kind of news industry knows that things change all the time and that a shortened interview is par for the course. The fact that they would even point this out indicates that they're amateurs.

- The hands-on gameplay was strictly supervised by Valve personnel.
Half-Life 2 was the best kept secret in the gaming industry for 5 long years. Why do they suddenly expect Valve to give them the run of the game without supervision?

- When by chance one of the GS reporters 'made a move' that wasn't anticipated by Valve, the game crashed.
What?! A beta crashed??!? Say it ain't so!!!!
Game reviewers rarely slander games that havn't been released yet, they benefit alot more from creating hype, this seems very odd.
I agree mrChimp, maybe this is a way to get attention, but it doesnt seem right...
What did that German magazine say about HL2? Also negative, or were they positive about it when they played it. As far as i heard PCGameplay (the dutch mag) was pretty enthousiastic about it, and they always try not to go with hypes like these...so
Victor1 said:


I wasn't joking about what I said before, so a week ban delivered as promised.
Abom said:
I wasn't joking about what I said before, so a week ban delivered as promised.

Mwhaha, some people never learn.
250+ People visiting this forum because of this article. Where'd they all come from all of a sudden? Can Gabe really bring us out of hyper-halflife stasis that quickly? I guess so
Night-Hawk[Qc] said:
OMG. Bad Scheduling ? More like Horrible/Retarded scheduling. That Gabe Newell guy is funny :|

Nice new info we have here, thx :E
-That is the only schedualing that VALVe has, what do you expect. :P

I have heard from very trustable resources that what those people were playing (as MountainMan made a mockery of the comment) was not complete and was often "fake" maps where major parts were not finished but made to look as if they were. The source shall remain anonymous at his will. Although this same person said somthing else that turned out completely false so i geuss he's not so trustworthty :)
I dunno whats up with gamestar, but if its just them i shouldnt worry, there a bit like the inquirer in many ways, post wierd rumors and strange articles about nothing relevant, i would say there pissed off for a more personal reason, maybe valve made them pay the air fairs.. lol

They also posted a "hands on" preview of the beta they supposedly made at a "LAN" .. just shows how proffesional they are in my opinion.
OMG, Democritus, try and read the thread next time before posting something people have been begged over and over not to post.
Sorry 'bout that. Next time I'll read ALL 23 pages of the post before posting what I saw tons of people posting on the first 10 pages of the post.
Well PC Gamer said the game is all they had hoped for.

therefor im very skeptical about some semi amature 3rd rate magazine saying the games bad.

Anyhow... PC Zone is out in 2 days.
Since most other mags already gave me the feeling they like what they saw, im gonna give them the benefit of the doubt, instead of going with gamestar
Look, whenever a game goes on a PR round like is happening now with HLII, someone is somehow winding up mighty pissed for some mysterious reason.

Now, if it would be PCgamer or zone that would come shouting out with a story like this I would pay very close attention indeed, but I have never heard of this mag (Gamestar)before and it's quite unlikely that I will have any dealings with them after this.
Dougy said:
Well PC Gamer said the game is all they had hoped for.

therefor im very skeptical about some semi amature 3rd rate magazine saying the games bad.

Anyhow... PC Zone is out in 2 days.
im with you on this one.
well then, we'll just have to wait a couple of days :D

and then, we will open flamethreads for Gamestar!
Mountain Man said:
When did they say this? If it's true then it's excellent news.

Either in the back end of the 10th anniversary mag, or in the "part 1" UK magazine.. can't remember, but they did say that :)
Mountain Man said:
When did they say this? If it's true then it's excellent news.

In Part I of the preview (that came out this month) they said 'It's everything we've hoped' and 'It's fantastic, Valve hasn't lost any of it's genius for pure gameplay design'
Yes, that is true indeed. I have to say, that really makes me relax a bit. Allthough I'm pretty sure I will personally be blown away by this game, it's great that the press seems to like it too :)
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Lets act a fool.

Man, I knew this game will kik butts. The screenshot of the dead Flying Skeleton (Dam thats scary shit) Imagin that with 5.1 500Watts mEGA sUBWOFFER omg.

The Sound of the Skeleton KREEEECHESHC + GORDON MP7 BOOMBAM + SOME Crazy Cool electronic Tones.............That will be Huge. AWSOME :laugh
yea so what this thursday now? is that's when the pc gamer thing is coming out i think
PC Zone comes out on thursday, with its (yes im saying it again) 10 page preview, dunno about pc gamer.
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