HL2 in german print-mag

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yo remember we dont know what screens will be shown in the PC zone mag (lets hope the same and more WHO KNOWS)
got to remember these are and arenot spoilers Because they are from the pc german mag

so when we all get our hands on pc zone mag we will be reading it all to the full knowning alot of cool new things and seeing all the cool pics! so really it isn't a spoiler

it is a spoiler when the americans get the game before us and tell us about it
Magazines can have spoilers. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read the mags, or check out screenshots.
well if you are saying that.. then wat about all the screens we seen and info we know All came from PC gamer and all the other mags remember ;) hehehe
There is some plot info: if you want to go in totally blind, like gordon, don't read.
Every bit of new info contains spoiler information. It's merely a question of degree how much of what info you want to look at.
I will say, however, that the screenshots are quite spoiler-safe. They show perhaps 2 new enemies in blurry bigfoot-mode.

They're more like teasers.
true indeed

i intend NOT to come to any hl2 FORUM when the americans have the game first

you SO know wat some are going to say

"o wow that intro where **** and **** was so cool"
"what do i do with ****at the ****"
"didn't know g-man ******"

lol and all that get it ALL the time with new games!

i will never come online for help with hl2 i plan to enjoy it and love figuring it out on my own :D waited long enough to fly through it with help
commando said:
true indeed

i intend NOT to come to any hl2 FORUM when the americans have the game first

So buy it off Steam and beat out many Americans :)
lol nice reply shuzer lol

i got a coupon that i am gonna buy the game with (but u have to wait 4-6weeks after release for it to come)

so also going to... buy it on the day of release.

naa no steam. want the cd/box/manual hehe
Shuzer said:
So buy it off Steam and beat out many Americans :)

also, i believe that Valve wants a simultaneous worldwide release, both on steam and in stores. that is nice for the consumer, and it also helps on piracy.
Spiffae said:
also, i believe that Valve wants a simultaneous worldwide release, both on steam and in stores. that is nice for the consumer, and it also helps on piracy.
WOW never knew worldwide! cool info thanks
Nah.. it's not going to be a simeltaneous retail world wide release, last I checked.
That'd be cool, though
ah well, i think you're right shuzer... I swear somewhere i heard that they were going to try to make it as close to simultaneous as possible.

here, from the Valve info thread
LoneDeranger said:
Also will the game be simultaneously (wrong spelling probably) released on Steam and in retail stores or will Steam users get it quicker?

Half-Life 2 will be released worldwide on Steam simultaneous with the US retail release.
notice he says steam, nevermind, its usually only a week extra, just have to avoid entering any communtiy areas untill we get it, to avoid spoiling.
Dammit, now I know how the game starts. I was expecting a spoiler, but that is one friggin huge-ass spoiler. The start of the game is one of the most important experiences for me. Shit, shit, shit, shit.
ElFuhrer said:
Dammit, now I know how the game starts. I was expecting a spoiler, but that is one friggin huge-ass spoiler. The start of the game is one of the most important experiences for me. Shit, shit, shit, shit.
So you know where you are, that doesn't really tell me much...
It's the details, the little events that happen that suprise you, not like, ok, I'm in some kind of ****, but what really gets you is, OMG!! The Gman is with me and we are gonna kick some Combine Arse!

So, I don't think that the info from the mag spoiled me at all...
it didnt spoil me. take it into perspective: if your friend told you that HL1 started on a tram system, you'd say, "who cares, that dosent sound fun." but then you play it, and are completely blown away by it. i think the same will go for HL2. they could tell you exactly where youll be, and still be amazed. same thing with knowing that guys name and seeing him behind the question mark. thats not really a spoiler, you just know he exists. i could have told you that there will be an antagonist without playing the beta or reading magazines.
I agree with both of you :)

i think it is a pretty major spoiler, but i'm not annoyed to hear it at all. provided it is true, i think it could potentially be one of the coolest game openings ever. imagine, a deserted city street, you've got no weapon, and all you see are combine guards everywhere... you just walk around, and everywhere you go, there are no people, only combine, and they are constantly watching you. It would raise a lot of questions, both in the player's mind and the character's mind, and that seems like a good way to make sure the player and character are on the same page for the beginning of the game.

sounds like a great way to start the game, and i can't wait. i don't care that i know the premise, because like kaf11 said, if you read in a magazine "you start half-life in a train, and you go into this military facility, and the PA system is telling you about the temperature and the job opportunities at black mesa" you wouldn't have any idea what to expect when you got in that final tram.

It's gonna be a long wait.
YES exactly my point kaf11. I could say, "Douglas" Oh my God! You just ruined the game! There IS SOME GUY NAMED DOUGLAS! AHHH! Now I know that this Douglas guy obviously... he, he does.... umm... stuff?

And so, without further adu, I will name all the characters of HL2:
First we have- *me is beaten and gagged by mods*

Understand my point?
Actually - now knowing that little piece of information on how you begin I'm now even more pshyched about it.
Spiffae said:
I agree with both of you :)

i think it is a pretty major spoiler, but i'm not annoyed to hear it at all. provided it is true, i think it could potentially be one of the coolest game openings ever. imagine, a deserted city street, you've got no weapon, and all you see are combine guards everywhere... you just walk around, and everywhere you go, there are no people, only combine, and they are constantly watching you. It would raise a lot of questions, both in the player's mind and the character's mind, and that seems like a good way to make sure the player and character are on the same page for the beginning of the game.
You just... told everyone... umm....

WOAH look at the time!
Yeah, the opening opened more questions than it answered. It just keeps getting better everytime we get news.
vegeta897 said:
YES exactly my point kaf11. I could say, "Douglas" Oh my God! You just ruined the game! There IS SOME GUY NAMED DOUGLAS! AHHH! Now I know that this Douglas guy obviously... he, he does.... umm... stuff?

And so, without further adu, I will name all the characters of HL2:
First we have- *me is beaten and gagged by mods*

Understand my point?
haha, nice try there. but seriously, this info didnt really ruin anything for me.
vegeta897 said:
You just... told everyone... umm....

WOAH look at the time!

oops, i didn't even think of that. :eek:

i guess if you're this far into this thread, you've probably seen the first post.

if not, i'm sorry!
OH THANKS ALOT SPIFFAE, you just ruiniated the whole half-life 2 experience for me, dab nam it o.O

I agree spiffae

I can now see why gabe said "at first you wont have any idea what is going on"

...or something like that

Of course! so you wont and neither will gordon :laugh:

They cant start a half-life game at a station without a train/tram intro, it would be wrong! wrong i tell thee!, i just cant wait to dive in and play this thing.
Lobster said:
They cant start a half-life game at a station without a train/tram intro, it would be wrong! wrong i tell thee!, i just cant wait to dive in and play this thing.

I would rather they do it like it is said in the article.

That way you cn play with the physics, etc.
Somehow I managed not to highlight that info, despite that fact that I have been wanting new info for months and months...
Moto-x_Pat said:
Somehow I managed not to highlight that info, despite that fact that I have been wanting new info for months and months...

well in that case, i have delivered it upon thee, like a lightning bolt from the heavens!
anyone care to tell me when the pc gamer for the u.s. is going to be released, i still don't know the exact date, is it going to coinside with the pc zone euro date or what?
Sai said:
anyone care to tell me when the pc gamer for the u.s. is going to be released, i still don't know the exact date, is it going to coinside with the pc zone euro date or what?

NDA is lifted on the 29th.. so, I'd check stores/newsstands around the 28th
I don't usually buy PC Gamer, but I think I may just to get some of that preview goodness.

@Shuzer: By the way, is that your post to Amazon about the biozeminades?
If so, what's with the line, ".. a few new enemies named 'biozeminades' which can make themselves look good..."

I think it's hilarious! :laugh:
Since I read the spoiler in the first post, and kinda regret it, here's an short, edited version that doesn't give away any plot points:

Highlight the first half to reveal what will be told. If you want to continue, highlight the rest.
Fictional spoiler example:
New Weapon: Banana
New Level: Train Station.
New Weapon: A Stun Prod.
New level: A Graveyard.
Major Evil (?) character: Dr. Breen
gooball said:
@Shuzer: By the way, is that your post to Amazon about the biozeminades?
If so, what's with the line, ".. a few new enemies named 'biozeminades' which can make themselves look good..."

I think it's hilarious! :laugh:

Yep.. that was posted shortly after E3 2003 lol
Spiffae said:
well in that case, i have delivered it upon thee, like a lightning bolt from the heavens!

Umm...what? Babies everywhere?!?
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