HL2 in german print-mag

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Ok, some has to hook me up with a PM on these, please dear god please
Sorry buddy.. that site with the initial posts has been tracked down by teh germans and they shut down the scan running business. So... have to find somewhere else.
wendle said:
Sorry buddy.. that site with the initial posts has been tracked down by teh germans and they shut down the scan running business. So... have to find somewhere else.

Doh, thats a no gooda Mario

thx for the heads up man
Damn, the scans were the best part of this news.

Let this be a lesson to those who tried to post them here. :P
*drool* *drool*
for all the people that saw the scans, THAT HELICOPTOR WAS AMAZING!! IT LOOKED SO 1337! OH GOD I CANT WAIT MJHM@@#1!!
Cutey_Kaite said:
*drool* *drool*
for all the people that saw the scans, THAT HELICOPTOR WAS AMAZING!! IT LOOKED SO 1337! OH GOD I CANT WAIT MJHM@@#1!!
word up. it looks badass.
grrr, has this definitly come from an official source...i am scared and confused, why is germany getting the news before english papers, nothing against the Germans but this kind of thing doesn't usually happen does it?
if you all should check this thread, you would see that somebody already posted a site that hosted the screenshots... ill give you a hint (it's a german site .de !!!) jeez
cenmocay said:

good morning guys, just woke up.

hmm... actually this site took my scans and someone called maniacoli said they were his, so the site simply wrote their url to prove its theirs on them... but who cares?
Rupertvdb said:
so is there a valid URL we can go to to see these shots?

doesn't really matter where you view the images, they're still scans of a magazine and technically copyright infringment etc..etc.. but they are on some german hl2 site if you really want to see them.
BlueIce said:
good morning guys, just woke up.

hmm... actually this site took my scans and someone called maniacoli said they were his, so the site simply wrote their url to prove its theirs on them... but who cares?


Some people are pathetic
So let me get this straight. A german magazine has broken the embargo of the 29th? A GERMAN MAGAZINE?! Or was this just subscribers getting it uber (German - geddit?!) early?

They invade Poland, have absurd sausage sizes, drink too much beer and brought the world Oliver Kahn. Must they incur our wrath anymore?!
RoguePsi said:
So let me get this straight. A german magazine has broken the embargo of the 29th? A GERMAN MAGAZINE?! Or was this just subscribers getting it uber (German - geddit?!) early?

They invade Poland, have absurd sausage sizes, drink too much beer and brought the world Oliver Kahn. Must they incur our wrath anymore?!

as said before, i'm a subscriber and get the mag 2 before it's in stores.
But your right, it comes out on 28th, one day before the "embargo"

no comment on your lines about us germans...
RoguePsi said:
So let me get this straight. A german magazine has broken the embargo of the 29th? A GERMAN MAGAZINE?! Or was this just subscribers getting it uber (German - geddit?!) early?

They invade Poland, have absurd sausage sizes, drink too much beer and brought the world Oliver Kahn. Must they incur our wrath anymore?!

cant you just say thank you for bringing the new hl2 info ?
RoguePsi said:
So let me get this straight. A german magazine has broken the embargo of the 29th? A GERMAN MAGAZINE?! Or was this just subscribers getting it uber (German - geddit?!) early?

They invade Poland, have absurd sausage sizes, drink too much beer and brought the world Oliver Kahn. Must they incur our wrath anymore?!

Even if you are trying to be funny, it is pathetic. :sleep:
No I was trying to be funny but I apologise it offends anyone in particular. Feel free to delete the post Mr mod man. Anyhoo...fact remains, why did this get out before the embargo?

And I wont thank anyone for new HL2 info as I haven't read any yet. The fact that this has all come out before the embargo makes me suspicious which is why I asked about it. I don't think Valve will look upon it too kindly. No review copy for PC Games magazine! ;)
RoguePsi said:
They invade Poland, have absurd sausage sizes, drink too much beer and brought the world Oliver Kahn. Must they incur our wrath anymore?!

Hahaha! That is so funny... because you're getting banned.

Just kidding
Yeah I am sorry! I'll never should have mentioned Oliver Kahn.
did you read this thread? the entire thread is based around these images, and how you're not supposed to post them.
Gah, I sure as hell hope this forum doesn't degenerate into the state some others are in! A lot of might-be-possibly-spoiler content about, and I'm too much of a chicken to click links or highlight the info...

So, what the hell is going on with the NDA? Does this mag have the same content as PCZ, or less/more/completely different set? What the hell are they actually revealing and should I stop worrying about seeing it?

Answers to those questions and more, next time on... THE FORUMS!
Theres enough mad russian evil beta spoiler sites out there without this one joining in.
OMG I like saw teh new superfish asND ITS rellyt good TWO POLTYGsGONS and IM SeurE teh lINKS is bonda fide YAH!!1 dont slook if yu diont want ruintion its your onwqn fua,tlt!1! TESH FISH WILiL Be FIGHITGNI WITSGH UBERSPIDER AND HTe PSCYHOCRAB!! REAds BELOW FOSR MORW!!

See what I mean? You can't trust anything these days. What are we meant to do, instaban anyone who tries to say anything or upload anything remotely HL2 like untill the games actually released?


  • hl2_leak_spoil_221bastardfake&^.PNG
    5.5 KB · Views: 767
Edcrab said:
OMG I like saw teh new superfish asND ITS rellyt good TWO POLTYGsGONS and IM SeurE teh lINKS is bonda fide YAH!!1 dont slook if yu diont want ruintion its your onwqn fua,tlt!1! TESH FISH WILiL Be FIGHITGNI WITSGH UBERSPIDER AND HTe PSCYHOCRAB!! REAds BELOW FOSR MORW!!

See what I mean? You can't trust anything these days. What are we meant to do, instaban anyone who tries to say anything or upload anything remotely HL2 like untill the games actually released?

How dare you spoil the ending! Wish I hadn't looked at the image, I hate you ;(
NO! Don't get me banned! It was an accident! I honestly didn't mean to post content that was clearly pilfered from an unsavoury website! I thought it came from microsoft.com! PLEASE! SPARE ME!!

In other news, I really want to see what magazines are going to be bringing us in the near future (I mean, 29th should see me grabbing PCZone, as long as it appears in all counties on time for once). Plus, E3 is soon! And I'm still hoping that'll mean a good dollop of information, videos, and even some sort of reassuring luxury like an accurate release date, if we get lucky...
Release date? I dont know if I want to hear a releasedate. they should have used the "when its done" tactic like id software. They havent delayed doom3 once.
could be.. valve said they continue updating source, I wouldnt be suprised if source will power Half Life³ to.
EVIL said:
could be.. valve said they continue updating source, I wouldnt be suprised if source will power Half Life³ to.
lol I think he was refering to the image of the Fish Edcrab posted.
by the way, only two days 'till 29th! I'm gonna check tomorrow if my local stores had the magazine one day earlier.
H-L2.de has posted a breakdown of Gamestar's controversial article on their trip to Valve:

Endlich halte ich nun auch die GameStar in den Händen und auf Seite 25 ist der Artikel zu Half-Life 2 zu lesen. Keine neuen Bilder, keine neuen Eindrücke oder Infos.

Für alle, die trotzden nun noch weiterlesen, werde ich den Artikel kurz zusammenfassen:

Die erste Enttäuschung für die GS-Redakteure war das Interview mit Gabe Newell. Statt der versprochenen 60 Minuten durfte man nur 15 Minuten mit dem VALVe-Boss reden. Als man dann endlich selbst Hand an HL² anlegen durfte, wurden sie streng überwacht. Als sie dann aber trotzdem einen nicht von VALVe geplanten Schritt machten, stürzte das Spiel ab. Außerdem waren zwei der drei anwählbaren Level schon von der E3 2003 bekannt.

Weitere Spielinfos gibt es von der GameStar nicht. Zwar ist der Unmut aufgrund des nur kurzen Interviews verständlich, HL² aber aufgrund dessen und vielleicht noch aufgrund eines Absturzes zu verurteilen, ist wohl aber sehr unsachlich.

Ich kann euch also nur vom Kauf der GameStar abraten. In der PC Games findet ihr dagegen ein Interview, Infos und neue Bilder. Ein Pflichtkauf für HL² Fans.

No time to translate, but it comes down to the following criticism:

- The promised 1 hour interview with Gabe Newell was shortened to 15 minutes.

- The hands-on gameplay was strictly supervised by Valve personnel.

- When by chance one of the GS reporters 'made a move' that wasn't anticipated by Valve, the game crashed.

Sour grapes or not, take this for what you will.
I'll be happy to hear from the english mags. I want to be able to read it myself and hear what they say.
I wonder what they consider a 'wrong move'.

Did the leak crash when you made a move that was totally different from what you've seen in the vids?

Mr. Redundant said:
where are Gamestar getting their info? I thought they didnt go...

I don't know if they went or not, but they don't have a cover of HL2 (which was a condition to go on the trip) or a big preview in the June issue.
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