HL2 in german print-mag

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WHAT??1!! 2005!!1?? so it is true after all! i should have known it!!1!1!1 DAMN!!11!!!!1!
Warning Sarcasm Detected - Danger - Danger Gordon Freeman
marksmanHL2 :) said:

Mu reliable sources tell me that is correct.
lol, meh, whatever. Oh and nice editing of my post, I didn't even notice right away. To be honest I don't care so much anymore. So many people just seem to want to believe the rumours rather than the evidence provided that it seems pointless argueing...
As long as we know the truth it's all ok, plus I think stirring the anti valve people up is fun.

EDIT: I'm leaveing so somone else will have to take over the job of sending people the link, if you get a 404 error it's because the NTL technition has noticed a spike in bandwidth usage :laugh:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
To be honest I don't care so much anymore. So many people just seem to want to believe the rumours rather than the evidence provided that it seems pointless argueing...

It's everyone's prerogative to believe what we want to believe.

Besides, there can be no evidence regarding a future event such as the release of HL2; the fiasco of 30/9 is a case in point.
why is this not in the home page as the topic story?

i'm just asking
who actually has the scans now?...and who do i pm to get me greasy mits on em?
Because I'm lazy!!

I thought someone would have done it by now.
heh i allreaddy saw evreything that dude said...
the pod and rail trak thing..
[SARCASM]bad planning my ass[/SARCASM]
Sai said:
why is this not in the home page as the topic story?

i'm just asking

Probably because it deals with magazine info and not info released specifically by Valve.
Actually... I've just realisd it's because there's not much we can post at all. I can hardly post the spoilers on the front page, and the rest of it is irrelevant.
Aahhhh good. I don't feel so dirty knowing about Breen now. I thought i had ruined things for myself. Wonder what tricks are left up their sleeves if this is considered a small enough spoiler to be in a magazine.

I think valve knows enough about there own game that they can give out details that they know wont spoil the game. There was still nothing about multiplayer, and i dont think we will see it till its released.
Orange, how do you figure Breen was a spoiler? what did you think you knew that had spoiled something?
Awsome new shots of HL2! (not even from the beta)

i cant post links though.. need proof?... uh... ?... mods?
if some1 would be so kind and pm me the screens i would appreciate it :)

got em thx.
I have been saying for months now that the release date for HL2 is AUGEST 04.

No one believed me. :( :(

Now we got a solid prove. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Abom said:
Evil said:
please people just pm the guy and dont clutther this thread with "pm me" messages!

I'd like to emphasise this. Threads have gone this way before, and have needlessly had to be closed.

Read this guys.
Guys/gals can you please stop requesting scans. If you want to see them get the magazine or wait until they're released legally on the web next week.
whats wrong with de chopper pic.

the pic has an extreme width and the buildings in the background are not lined up vertically...
skynet6 said:
whats wrong with de chopper pic.

the pic has an extreme width and the buildings in the background are not lined up vertically...

what are you talking about? you mean the perspective distortion? that's to be expected if you are looking upwards at a helicopter.

i just wanted to point out the new bullet ricochet effects in the helicopter pic... looks better then last e3... though it seems to be floating off the chopper.
They ask not to post scans to protect the site, and two posts later, someone posts the scans? Could it be that there's lead in the water where you live, or did you come by your brain damage the old fashioned way?
well, if you post a link to half-life2.de, and they have scans, is it really so bad? i mean, sure, hl2.net can't host scans. but can they not even aknowlege that scans exist?
Apos said:
They ask not to post scans to protect the site, and two posts later, someone posts the scans? Could it be that there's lead in the water where you live, or did you come by your brain damage the old fashioned way?
Maybe they are used to warez where laws have no meaning. :P

Spiffae said:
well, if you post a link to half-life2.de, and they have scans, is it really so bad? i mean, sure, hl2.net can't host scans. but can they not even aknowlege that scans exist?
It probably isn't illegal but why take the risk. Anyone who really wants to see them won't have to look very hard anyway.
G0rgon said:
I have been saying for months now that the release date for HL2 is AUGEST 04.

No one believed me. :( :(

Now we got a solid prove. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

I'd hardly call a quote from Gabe "First I've heard of it." Newell solid proof.

I wouldn't even call it a solid prove. ;)
it looks like they have the world model finally working for the right gun ;), look at pic hl2_3
I dunno, never heard of the mag before, how reliable is it?

(Didn't read all 16 pages of this thread btw)
Oh they are slow alright.
And the preview is legit Jadewolf, dont worry about it being fake.
ahhh! I cant see the screeshots!

please can give me the screeshots in a private message?
:laugh: the geniuses at hl2world are trying to convince each other that the screenshots are custom models imported into the stolen build... one guy is like "yeah, i don't think that chopper is in the beta.. probably an imported model"

yeah, or maybe Valve has been finishing up the game.
Looks like they finally fixed the MP7 world models. If those aren't placeholders anymore, I'd bet the other ones (blood & gibs, etc.) aren't either.

Is it worth it to read the spoilers around this thread? I don't want any plot info.
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