HL2 in german print-mag

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EVIL said:
thats the dutch pc gameplay..

we are talking about some german mag

Well, I didn't want to make a thread about this image only for someone to come along and close or delete it saying there's a thread about the mag already.
I was referring to the comine guy shooting at the antlions, those guys are the metrocops.
Come on!!! There must be more!! I know there is!! I NEED it!! Come on, just ONE more! I'll wash your car! My preciousssssss!
should i highlight these spoiler tags, or would i be better off waiting?
OMG we got some info, didn't we. I know I'm late and all (111+ already posts) but I'm all excited allready. I like the spoiler tags. I was really hesitating for a moment. But the force isn't strong within me.

/nerdmode off

I'm sorry I've got to go there's a klingon reunion :dork:

j/k of course

[edit: those are some nice pics. can't wait to play it]
If you look at the pictures the spoiler stuff isn't really that much of anything. The first post is really the only one to be weary of.
I have to go do something, carry on PM'ing me but I won't respond striat away.
kaf11 said:
should i highlight these spoiler tags, or would i be better off waiting?

I held myself back for 10 minutes then had a look. They contain nothing that will spoil your enjoyment or that we probably won't find from E3 in a few weeks.
Ghost Valkerie, what did u mean by that kleiner video?
mrchimp said:
I have to go do something, carry on PM'ing me but I won't respond striat away.

Has anyone got the link? So I can PM you?
ok, i went and checked them, and youre right. not too much to worry about, im sure there are going to be so many suprises even after e3 and these magazine articles.
Awsome, Awsome, Awsome.

I loved the pic with the Chopper.

I was shocked with the Graphics level that valve has implemented on the Combine with the Blue Ray Eyes. WOW
G0rgon said:
Awsome, Awsome, Awsome.

I loved the pic with the Chopper.

I was shocked with the Graphics level that valve has implemented on the Combine with the Blue Ray Eyes. WOW

Sorry to break this to ya: but that's concept art.
Ah, sweet. The geometry on the buildings in the helicopter shot still looks like crap though :|
The cemetary shot looks nice though
G0rgon said:
HAH, No way,

How do you know ? :s

The picture that goes by the name hl2_1.jpg is certainly concept art.
Ok folks, time for me to go now. Hope everyone enjoys the links. Everyone else will have to look for somebody else now. I'll be back in a lil over an hour though.
I'm glad Gabe acknowledged the fans by apologizing but wow, that must've been some really heinous scheduling. Is Lombardi in charge of that too?

Btw, thanks for the info.
I'm back

Personally I think some of these shots look a little old, I don't think they are in the same league as the DX9 vid
the last shot hl2_3.jpg I think has finally the MP7 world model instead of the placeholder mp5
Good point EVIL. It didn't register at first.

Hmmm, can't be too long till we get our grubby little mits on it can it?

EDIT: Heheh, just noticed I am now the fearsome Hydra!! :naughty:
anyone PM the links? would be really grateful :) (hope I ain't breaking any rules by requesting the links? if I am mods please edit this post).

mrchimp said:
I'm back

Personally I think some of these shots look a little old, I don't think they are in the same league as the DX9 vid

That could be partly to blame on the quality of the magazine prints.

This taken from a post I made on a certain other game forum I frequent:

NB: if anyone's wondering, screenshots in German game mags have a tendency towards oversaturation; so if you think the colours look funny, it's probably the 'fault' of the mag rather than that of the original art or the scans.

BTW, that certain other forum contains links to scans of the PC Games Hl2 article.

Hint: 3D Helms? General Aiming?
Man, if you people keep doing PM requests, this thead is going to get locked. Is it so hard to quietly PM or email the people who are offering and stop bothering everyone else and getting hl2.net in trouble? And if their boxes are full, isn't it obvious that they are not around to PM you anything at the moment? Sheesh.
We've seen the concept art for the combine bodyarmor guy, but I think this is the first in game screen we've seen of him (the prison shot).
he is also on the other old screens that are on hl2.net's gallery it is just a combine soldier. the other combines (left of same image) is a metrocop.
If anybody's interested in my Great Aunt Gertrude's wedding, here are a few pictures:

Could someone PM a link to the directory of pictures.



Edit -- Never Mind

Kids today... are freakin dumb.

Edit: OMG, don't PM ME! Just because I said be polite and don't announce your illegal activity publically on someone else's board doesn't mean I'm dealing hl2scans out the back of a lorry in some back alley.
manny_c44 said:
If anybody's interested in my Great Aunt Gertrude's wedding, here are a few pictures:


Next person that pulls something like that earns themselves a week ban.
Its real. I saw some of the screens and if someones want em msg me ( madca7 ) on quakenet. :D The Magazin ( www.PCGames.de ) is out on Wednesday in kiosk and today for subscribers.
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