HL2 in german print-mag

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manny_c44 said:
You have to admit it was funny :laugh: !

I'm busting a gut over here thinking of a lawsuit against halflife2.net.
Abom said:
I'm busting a gut over here thinking of a lawsuit against halflife2.net.
Or Limelight networks.

[sarcasm]/me claps

Abom said:
I'm busting a gut over here thinking of a lawsuit against halflife2.net.

Alright, it will never happen again; but you have admit, that was a classy way of violating the TOS!
manny_c44 said:
Alright, it will never happen again; but you have admit, that was a classy way of violating the TOS!

Inventive, yeah, but please don't try something like that again. As much as I'm for the sharing of new media, the rules are the rules, and I don't want to get halflife2.net or limelight into trouble.
If you guys can hold off for a bit I'm trying to sort something out anyway.
On the subject of HL2 previews in German mags, I just noticed an interesting comment on a news article at Planet HL2 Net: http://www.planethl2.net/news.php?newsid=381&showcomments=YES

geschrieben von Gast am 26.04.2004 um 10:06

In der aktuellen Gamestar (ab 28.04. im Handel) steht, dass das Testspielen bei Valve ein riesen Reinfall war, und bei der Nennung der Veröffentlichung im Spätsommer wohl eher Spätsommer 2005 gemeint seind wird... Im übrigen finde ich den Vergleich HL2 <-> FC schon passend. FC ist der erste Shooter seit HL1, der mir wieder Spass macht.

Apparently the topic header of the HL2 article in Gamestar is "Sinnlos in Seattle" which translates to "useless in Seattle" and conforms to a supposedly very negative account the GS journalist(s) give(s) of the demonstration at Valve HQ.
Source: http://www.half-life2.de
Is there anyone here with an early subscriber copy of GS that can verify this?
EVIL said:
a girl? .. for me!?
Not a girl... Maybe a shorter signature?

I resized the signature the other day because even though it is less than four lines it takes up about 7 lines of room.
X-Vector said:
On the subject of HL2 previews in German mags, I just noticed an interesting comment on a news article at Planet HL2 Net: http://www.planethl2.net/news.php?newsid=381&showcomments=YES

Apparently the topic header of the HL2 article in Gamestar is "Sinnlos in Seattle" which translates to "useless in Seattle" and conforms to a supposedly very negative account the GS journalist(s) give(s) of the demonstration at Valve HQ.
Source: http://www.half-life2.de
Is there anyone here with an early subscriber copy of GS that can verify this?

If there is any truth in this then this is very bad news indeed. Even though that german text seems a bit predisposed toward negativity towards HL2 with it's reference to FarCry, I still find this hard to swallow.

Just when the latest scans had my appetite wetted all over again.

Apparently the topic header of the HL2 article in Gamestar is "Sinnlos in Seattle" which translates to "useless in Seattle" and conforms to a supposedly very negative account the GS journalist(s) give(s) of the demonstration at Valve HQ.
Source: http://www.half-life2.de
Is there anyone here with an early subscriber copy of GS that can verify this?
Iv just had a look and google's translation is this..

As we already reported, in on Wednesday the appearing PC Games a detailed Preview will have to be found to help Life 2. Now there is also first information over it, which has to say PC Games editor Heinrich Lenhardt about help Life 2:

Clever opponents, perfect technology, breath-robbing Action. The valve designers control the Shooter handicraft - and some more. The alive play world, characters, which rueberbringen emotions, an high-exciting Story and interesting puzzle beginnings work verflixt promisingly. Who threatens to lose the enthusiasm for PC plays, help Life 2 should to be used up be able.

The enthusiasm seems to want to take no end with Heinrich Lenhardt thus. Further those led PC Games also an interview with gift Newell, in which he confirmed again a release date in the summer. Help Life 2 is in the Playtesting phase and works at present one only on details.

Those are times really good messages. To be waiting it remains only whether gift actually said the truth and which the GameStar, which likewise appears on Wednesday, has to say about HL². Because the slogan of the HL² of article in the GameStar senseless in Seattle lets suspect nothing property
We haven't heard any complaints so far.

I guess PC Zone on Thursday will be the big decider.
LoAll said:
Iv just had a look and google's translation is this..

As we already reported, in on Wednesday the appearing PC Games a detailed Preview will have to be found to help Life 2. Now there is also first information over it, which has to say PC Games editor Heinrich Lenhardt about help Life 2:

Clever opponents, perfect technology, breath-robbing Action. The valve designers control the Shooter handicraft - and some more. The alive play world, characters, which rueberbringen emotions, an high-exciting Story and interesting puzzle beginnings work verflixt promisingly. Who threatens to lose the enthusiasm for PC plays, help Life 2 should to be used up be able.

The enthusiasm seems to want to take no end with Heinrich Lenhardt thus. Further those led PC Games also an interview with gift Newell, in which he confirmed again a release date in the summer. Help Life 2 is in the Playtesting phase and works at present one only on details.

Those are times really good messages. To be waiting it remains only whether gift actually said the truth and which the GameStar, which likewise appears on Wednesday, has to say about HL². Because the slogan of the HL² of article in the GameStar senseless in Seattle lets suspect nothing property
senseless = useless
LoAll said:
breath-robbing Action


Guess we'll just have to wait and see. My guess is that this isn't true, magazines usually never pass judgment prior to previews (atleast in harsh and bitter ways like useless in seattle).
To clarify, Gamestar's biggest complaint seems to be that the game still looks very early and far from finished, with Newell's insistance on a late summer release evoking the remark that he must be referring to summer 2005 rather than this year.

Again, this is still unconfirmed at this point in time, but it does fall in line with a comment Fragmaster made in his farewell post at PHL.
X-Vector said:
On the subject of HL2 previews in German mags, I just noticed an interesting comment on a news article at Planet HL2 Net: http://www.planethl2.net/news.php?newsid=381&showcomments=YES

Apparently the topic header of the HL2 article in Gamestar is "Sinnlos in Seattle" which translates to "useless in Seattle" and conforms to a supposedly very negative account the GS journalist(s) give(s) of the demonstration at Valve HQ.
Source: http://www.half-life2.de
Is there anyone here with an early subscriber copy of GS that can verify this?

The magazine we are talkin about is the Pc Games which say this HL² thing is very! good and well playable etc.
Gamestar just sucks :D Dont like em since 98`:)
What they say is something like this:

"As percieved that Far Cry has already achieved what HL2 is doing gameplay, graphics etc. In their preview they will tell how HL2 is different from Doom 3, STALKER, and Far Cry, they have played some levels and will share info."

Author is very enthusiastic, so it seems positive.
X-Vector said:
Newell's insistance on a late summer release evoking the remark that he must be referring to summer 2005 rather than this year.

.......... :x
X-Vector said:
To clarify, Gamestar's biggest complaint seems to be that the game still looks very early and far from finished, with Newell's insistance on a late summer release evoking the remark that he must be referring to summer 2005 rather than this year.

Again, this is still unconfirmed at this point in time, but it does fall in line with a comment Fragmaster made in his farewell post at PHL.
That really would be a late summer.
manny_c44 said:
If anybody's interested in my Great Aunt Gertrude's wedding, here are a few pictures:


lol :laugh:

me thinks HL2.nets pm stats will be unusually high for today.
oh please.. nothing of that is tru so dont pull that ".......... :x" thing on meh boyh
EVIL said:
oh please.. nothing of that is tru so dont pull that ".......... :x" thing on meh boyh

Even the mere possibility is traumatizing! ;)
Of course, this could just be a case of bad blood on Gamestar's part, because they wouldn't agree with the mandatory HL2 cover.

I think that at this point in time every bit of 'news' on the game should be met with a healthy degree of skepticism, no matter who the source is (including Valve).
X-Vector said:
I think that at this point in time every bit of 'news' on the game should be met with a healthy degree of skepticism, no matter who the source is (including Valve).

By Valve you mean "Doug" :E
X-Vector said:
Of course, this could just be a case of bad blood on Gamestar's part, because they wouldn't agree with the mandatory HL2 cover.

I think that at this point in time every bit of 'news' on the game should be met with a healthy degree of skepticism, no matter who the source is (including Valve).
Yes, everything is muddied by a thick mire of disinformation, rumours and ambiguity.
I don't even think Gamestar has a HL2 preview, the 28/04 issue has at page 25 a one page (because there is Thief 3 on page 26) report about HL2. I seriously doubt that it's the hands on preview.
HEHE I think valve left gamestar out and now its pissed :)
So as I understand whats just been discovered...

Help-Life 2, the sequel to Help-Life (the smash hit of 1998), is due out late this summer (which has been estimated to be August or September of 2005).

Source: Gift Newell

edit: Sarcasm intended... I'm still convinced that it will be out this summer (2004 that is). :E
nothing has been discovered.. its not true unless it is true.. and its not O_o
wendle said:
So as I understand whats just been discovered...

Help-Life 2, the sequel to Help-Life (the smash hit of 1998), is due out late this summer (which has been estimated to be August or September of 2005).

Source: Gift Newell

Sounds like they're making a joke out of Valve's 'summer', meaning it'll be out around August 2005.
yep that's right people the new release date is August 2005, spread the word!!!!
Gamestar came out with an article in December of 2002 saying valve was making a sequal to Half-life based on quake 3 technology, so hopefully that clears this up :D
Lobster said:
Gamestar came out with an article in December of 2002 saying valve was making a sequal to Half-life based on quake 3 technology, so hopefully that clears this up :D

Hahahaha! :laugh: Really?

You really dont know what you have started do you! :o

Oh my god, I can see it now, planethalflife will soon post the news and then there will be a whole new influx of annoying little.... things to these forums.

I think I could go crazie!!!

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