HL2 is violent! (Joe Liberman)

PvtRyan said:
Thank god we have CptObvious to save us here, where would we be without him and that giant M or 18+ on the goddamn box that should be a f*cking hint for parents not to buy it.

Dude, you're in the Netherlands - what do you care?
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Its all this liberal shit thats being brought into video games now. Liberals are against game companies, because they make more money than they do. Liberals are socialist, and want the government to run everything. They are just jealous because they suck, and the game companies are making 10x as much money as these liberal morons do..
NOTE: The following political labels will refer to the US usage of the terms. I say this because they often carry different meanings in other countries (and this forum is not solely comprised of people from the USA).

Liberals are typically against censorship of any kind. They don't want the government to have control over what people do with their free time. Normally, the people that fight sex and gore in movies/games the most are the more religious conservatives. Conservative means you favor more social control and less economic regulation... while liberal means the opposite. The "socialists" (which is actually the more extreme label of this category) are a mix of liberalism and conservativism that favors more of both types of government intervention... and the opposite of that would be libertarian.
Liberals are typically against censorship of any kind. They don't want the government to have any control over what people do with their free time.

Actually, you are very wrong. I know Democrats/Liberals in Europe and other places are far different than in America, but IN America itself, Democrats/Liberals are for more Government control over the public. It always makes me lmao when I hear Democrats crying cause of to much Government control. Kind of ironic IMO
if your child has trouble telling the difference between a video game, and reality, you have failed terribly has a parent.

that is all i have to say about that.
Actually, the fact that a very Liberal News Station is the one reporting this should clue you in. Oh yeah, Joe Libierman is a Democrat also.
Really!? Funny, try to make a film in Norway. Films in Norway are subject to censorship, primarily on grounds of violence and erotic content. The production of Norwegian-made feature films is subsidized. Its pretty hard to BUY porn here. Most of our content is off the internet.
Dsty2001 said:
Actually, you are very wrong. I know Democrats/Liberals in Europe and other places are far different than in America, but IN America itself, Democrats/Liberals are for more Government control over the public. It always makes me lmao when I hear Democrats crying cause of to much Government control. Kind of ironic IMO
Actually, that's what the labels mean. If they aren't following the labels they aren't a strict liberal. Not everyone falls directly under the labels of either liberal or conservative. They might be economically liberal and socially conservative (which, if this wasn't a 2 party system, would make them "socialist" as you called them)... but they identify more with the liberals, so they call themselves liberals. For example, I am socially liberal but I don't agree so much on their economic ideas... making me, technically, a libertarian but since the Libertarian Party has no chance and most people don't even know what a libertarian is I just tell most people I'm a liberal.
thank you OCybrManO for actually making sense.
thats like saying all conservatives are like George Bush, which is not true.
i hate Liberman and i am a democrat
OCybrManO said:
NOTE: The following political labels will refer to the US usage of the terms. I say this because they often carry different meanings in other countries (and this forum is not solely comprised of people from the USA).

Liberals are typically against censorship of any kind. They don't want the government to have control over what people do with their free time. Normally, the people that fight sex and gore in movies/games the most are the more religious conservatives. Conservative means you favor more social control and less economic regulation... while liberal means the opposite. The "socialists" (which is actually the more extreme label of this category) are a mix of liberalism and conservativism that favors more of both types of government intervention... and the opposite of that would be libertarian.

Well than what the **** is Joe Lieberman? Another bitch with sand up his ****? Is there a political term for that?
Ghost Freeman said:
Well than what the **** is Joe Lieberman? Another bitch with sand up his ****? Is there a political term for that?

Yeah it's called moderate, LOL, and take your happy arse back to the U2 forums.
That is why they have ESRB ratings. I think this whole violence crap is being stretched too far...In my opinion, I think people should keep their mouth shut, and just not buy the video game if they don't want it...

A game is only as violent as you make it...

I know the difference between reality, and fiction. I know how to be civil. However, it pisses me off when people complain about such great games...Violent games have not made me a violent guy. People say that video games will make kids think about joining the army. So what? They want to defend their homecountry! I haven't had the thought of joining the army, but I do support it, and I'm glad that they have the skills, and know how to defend our country.

Its all this liberal shit thats being brought into video games now. Liberals are against game companies, because they make more money than they do. Liberals are socialist, and want the government to run everything. They are just jealous because they suck, and the game companies are making 10x as much money as these liberal morons do..

Thats my 2 cents worth...

A liberal would actually be very much against censorship...at least that's what they are in America.


Economics -

Liberals are for more government (social programs, therefore higher taxes, etc.)

Conservatives in this category are for less government.


Liberals are for less government in this category (less government intrusion into personal liberties and freedoms, government to push for equality

Conservatives are usually for more government here (more laws/restrictions).

[Of course there are exceptions, like the gun issue, but this is generally how things go].

And, just in case you don't believe me, from wikipedia.com:

"Liberals agree on the idea that society should have very limited interests in the private behavior of its citizens in the areas of private sexual relations, free speech, personal conscience or religious beliefs, as well as political association. Assurance of personal liberties and freedom, particularly in the case of individual expression, is highly important to liberalism."

It isn't 'the liberals' that are trying to take your game from you.
I'm a dem and I wanted to vote for Kerry but I'm only 17. (you must be 18 or older to vote). So sorry Europe for having to deal with captain redneck for another 4 years! :frown: Joe Liberman was the first guy saying video games are bad. He created the ESRB system. This guy is like the a nazi when it comes to any games. He just believes any game is gonna brainwash you. Anyways its the parents fault in my opinion. I have a cousin in Missouri who I witnessed went trigger happy with a gun. Fired off 10 bullets in 8 sec in the woods. He had help with his grandpa though cause he was only 7 at the time! He had never seen a fps only Jimmy Neutron games. I showed him the classic Battle Tank game and he was instantly hooked on it. He could'nt put down the game. Sure my 7 year old cousin has his own knife and knows where his grandpa stores his gun and thinks its fun to crush grasshoppers. Yet this boy lost a puppy over the summer. He understood the dog would never come back and cried. I think its the parents fault. If you are exposed to very much constant violence, then your ****ed up. Just like people who fight in wars. You will always remember that event. I say watch your childs attitude after he plays a game parents. Don't think the crappy rating system is going, "to do the parenting".
look at the name of this group who named these game:
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
bunch of cultist crack addicts

it's about money and everybody knows it! if some judge down in texas gets stupid and the case goes in favor of the plaintive whose son was killed cause Doom made the defendant do it, the flood gates open and video games go the way of the dodo... this could be a very bad thing considering videogames gross $10 billion a year just here in america... this could bring about another crash of an already unstable stock market.

Also, these retarded liberals have no idea what these games are about!
"Getting points for shooting cops and beating up women."
-you don't get points, you get in trouble WITH THE LAW. Realistic, eh?... assf*ck
-you can beat up guys to... homophobe?

i mean, i play violent games and i'm fine... as many are... these kids who have had f*cked up lives or are ignored by their parents or saw God and He told them to kill in His name, but not to say that and to use GTA III as a scape-goat (or whatever the f*ck they are saying now) are obviously not fine and need help. Kids can not be treated for sociopathy because psychologists believe they are not old enough to determine that, even if they are indeed sociopaths. Sociopaths are crazy and will manipulate anything they have at their disposal to toss the blame in another direction, like these games. People (AKA: assf*cks) like Jack Thompson see this as on opprotunity to shine in the spotlight and maybe make a buck. It's all about money! And it is the parent's fault if their kids are killing people!

Rant is over, sorry if I offended anyone... stuff needed to be said.

Also, here is a clip on violence from roughly a month ago, not a top 10 list, but it serves it's purpose well enough to show you what a bunch of pricks these people are.

http://members.cox.net/thehunter1320/Violent Video Games.wmv
(NOTE: this is my personal webspace and i don't have alot of it, so please RIGHT-CLICK AND SAVE-AS to avoid re-downloads and my ISP bill going higher)
Liberman has been wrong for a long time. Why are democrats so hypocritical when they say that they want to 'protect children' from different 'issues'? This is one reason why I didn't vote for the 'ass party' in 2000. When will he get a clue and just stay away from 'video game violence' as an important issue?

Maniacs and murders should be able to buy and enjoy games like everyone else.
These are probably the same parents that dragged their kids to watch the Passion, which had more graphical violence than any game could possibly hope to have.
i would not buy half life 2 for my kid to play no freaking way!!

Oh yea shes only 13 months old too, I guess ill play it instead untill sheas at leats 24 months old ;)
Its not that violent games turn kids into murders, violent games (from a young age) turn kids into selfish little shits
Actually, both sides of the political spectrum try to censor in America, but they both, wisely and following the constitution, only want it applied to free public broadcast. No one wants to, nor can they by law, encroach on printed press or paid broadcast.

Conservatives tend to filter sex, and liberals tend to filter violence.
Listen, don't bother getting into all that political nonsense. That doesn't matter here.

The crux of the matter is that violent video games don't do much of anything to someone if they are raised well and have the sense to seperate reality from fantasy. Basically, don't blame problems on the video games (Leiberman).

Crappy parents can just scapegoat violent video games as the problem behind their children. Well how bout the parents? Mine knew what I was playing, and raised me well enough that I don't start having "problems" caused by exposure to violence.

Remember when some people were blaming the Columbine incident on violent movies/video games? Did those people ever think to look at the parents? The kids were building bombs in the garage for months, and you'd have to be one hell of a clueless and careless parent to not realize something like that...

I'm interested in knowing your guys' thoughts on this though
hl2 is violent.. so what? **** Joe Libertman and Tipper Gore and politicians for that matter!
I think blaming games on huge horrible events is stupid.

But from what i have seen, lazy parenting combined with violent games at a young age = selfish loudmouth shithead children.

By the time they hit the age when the gap between fantasy and reality starts to show itself (puberty) most of them either "wake up" and realise that they are morons, get all insecure about it and run into mental problems later on in life....or go through adulthood as a loudmouth moron that no-one really likes.

It you want to raise your kids good, buy them a musical instrument at a young age and get them a good music teacher who knows what they are doing.
The big problem is that there are parents stupid enough not to realise they are buying their kids violent games. Their fault 100%.
The institute's list also includes "The Guy Game," which features video of women exposing their breasts.
OMG! This will damage kids...for LIFE! :upstare:

While I don't think younger kids should be playing games like Doom 3 or Half-Life 2, I think that parents should take some responsibility for what their kids are playing.

Walsh said some of the games should be rated "AO" or "adults only," which would limit purchase to those 18 and over. Many stores will not carry games with that rating.
Aside from legally being an adult, WTF is the difference between being 17 or 18? It's ONE year! I don't remember maturing that much between 17 and 18. Apparently they believe that most people grow up between 17 and 18. I've actually found it to be the exact opposite. ;)
Joe Liberman is a twat. He criticises games yet he doesn't acknowledge the violence being shown on the news.

Sort your ****in country out before you criticise us, you dick.
Rossell said:
He criticises games yet he doesn't acknowledge the violence being shown on the news.
I know what you mean! Almost every time I turn on the news they are showing dead bodies with blood everywhere. They showed an image last weekend that almost made me physically ill. What gets me is they show these images without warning. What if you have kids watching the news with you? They really need to be more careful.

You don't see them giving the news a rating. If they did, EVERY news program would get a "TV-MA" rating.
hool10300 said:
Another one is here. HL2 made that list.
they have hl2 above resident evil? LOL

anyways, i'm under age but i'm drawin to violent games and my parent no better then to tri and make me leave them!
but i do worry if i'll get it for x-mas couse i showed my dad some ingame action and he said it looked a little to realistic!
he siad it would desinceatize me to violents!
i've played violent games all my life and i've been getting less violent! so violent game abviosly don't effect me subconcusly!

and if i lost the only good thing in my life i'd go insane.
but my parents now how badly i want this game so i dont think i have to worry to much.
There will ALWAYS be bad parents, there Will always be a scapegoat look all throughout history and you will find people claiming things like,
Elvis' hip movements corrupt the youth
Rock and roll causes Violence
Comic books cause violence
TV causes violence
Punk rock causes Violence
Rap Causes violence
TV causes violence
TV causes violence
Video games cause violence

Every generation of parents has a scapegoat, Why?
Because its simply human nature to find an excuse or a reason that makes their failure seem like it is totally not their fault. I just wonder whats next?

Also the whole theory that It affects you subconsciously is totally crap, And anyone who has taken a basic psychology course knows this, The long term affects of your subconscious on your conscious mind and behavior is almost nil, The short term affects arent all that spectacular either.

Games don't make violent children. I played every violent game, watched every violent movie, watch NFL.... whatever... I am not a violent person and I'll kick anyone's head in who says different!!!!!!!!

J/K about that last part... seriously.. I am not violent because my parents showed me the the difference between right and wrong. They spent time with me and didn't withhold their love. People need to take a deeper look at the issues when looking at violent children. It not their entertainment that's the problem. It's their parents. Parents (and I am one of them - 3 kids) take responsiblility for your children. Don't blame outside sources.
myths about games making kids more violent is BS... take bush for example.. he's the one making comments about war and that everybody who doesn't like it is against him and will also be brought to war... and since that is the US president I think that'll make more of an impression that games do..

to all parents that think kids get violent of games:... it's not the game.. it's you.. who apparently is unable to raise a child with standards...

I was raised with lots of rules and lots of: no you can't have that.. no no no... my parents raised me so that no matter what happends in games.. I won't turn violent
Nobody seems to understand what are games all about.

The parents don't know because they didn't grow up with them, thus they can't know what are games all about. On the other hand, the young people who have grown up with them are too much into games, so they also can't think critically about the problem.
Two weeks ago I had a really lousy day at work. So when I got home I jumped in a stolen car, found a nice secluded multi-storey garage, took out my range of semi-automatics and started shooting innocent pedestrians. Luckily for the world I was actually doing this in the comfort of GTA3. After about 20 minutes I was free from stress, tension and any ill will I had felt.

Ok so I'm 21 and pretty well adjusted (wel I think so anyway). But I agree with the rating system - some children can cope with violence, sexual content and swearing (mainly because they've been brought up knowing right from wrong) and others can't. It's best that we err on the side of caution and stop all kids of a certain age getting the material to be on the safe side.

On another note *puts on his political anger hat*:

How much more scarring do you think it is on a young population that their government is filling their heads with tales of terror in order to keep them subdued and subserviant? How much worse is it on someone's mind to live in a world of hatred, war, starvation and genocide? We play games for a few hours a day - maybe more, maybe less. We live 24/7 in the real world. Which is going to affect us more?
I just came up with a new organization against parents who don't know how to take care of their children. It's called GAIPG.
Gamers Against Insecure Parents and Guardians
I think this would be a good idea...
The problem isn't videogame violence- something we all agree on.
The problem is that regardless of how many of us actually think this way, there are too many corrupt politicians and too many weak minded fools who can be easily led by brainwashing with fear, or who are happy to accept these excuses as it covers over their own faults as parents.

The government use these things to smokescreen the real issues they can't or won't address.
The media whirls it out off all control because it is cheap to report and because it sells so well, the more of a stink they create and the more they warp the real story- the greater the public interest.

For anyone who lives in England, a prime example of scaremongering can always be found on "Trevor McDonald Investigates", the way they dramatise everything and sensationalise, it makes me sick- sometimes they go totally one sided on the issue aswell, but even when they don't, you're still left with the feeling you only got one side of the story- simply because of the visual bombardment and "real life case studies"!
I remember they did a show on violence in games, and to be fair the main point they came up with was that parents should take more interest in the games their children are playing, and also that game stores should be more thorough in their ESRB checks..... but even tho this was the conclusion, I was still left with the impression that they were just trying to either scare the shit out of parents or provide a sound base for increasing censorship restrictions - the conclusion was in the small print if you get what I mean!
- There was one story on about a kid and his(freaky psycho) friend who had been playing manhunt, and one day his friend says- "Hey, let's go down to the park, I'm meeting some girls there". They get to the park and his friend then says- "Right, you kneel on the ground there and look out for the girls; I'm justing going to stand over here for a moment..."
Then his "friend" pulls out a hammer and strikes something like 60 odd blows to this lads head and body.
They even said that the child murderer would probably have killed someone eventually anyway, but that playing the game gave him ideas.... but even so the program is about selling games to underage children, even tho from their own example the program should have been about- not selling the game to unimaginitive psychopaths with a serious loony condition

I could rant on about that damn program for another 20 pages so I'll stop here and now! The point is tho, that this show is by no means alone on TV, and worse still they are supported by the newspapers.

Politicians in control of what you see and what you read- they can't just take away your freedom from censorship, so instead they control the mainstream of what you see and read, all the while chipping away at these freedoms in the background.

We get gangs of youths building up and terrorising their locality, and intead of addressing the real problems that are:
-lack of amenities, activities and opportunities
-poor parenting partly caused by the baby boom culture of giving money for having babies, parents only having kids to get government benefits.....
-reducing the rights parents have, all the while increasing the rights of children.......(children aren't stupid, and as soon as they realise they are basically immune from prosecution or punishment, hell you can't even restrain the little shits, because if you as an adult intervene, then the courts are forced by our politically correct society to side with the poor abused child)

Instead of sorting these the government latches onto something juicy that they can stir up and control, anything but take the rap and sort their house

America has gone shit crazy since spongebrainsquarebush got in power and turned 9/11 into his own personal vendetta of fear and conspiracy, the results of which have left thousands dead, increased risk of terrorism, oh, and of course the securing of a lovely new black gold pipeline thru Afghanistan and some of the largest oil fields in the world for America....and for this you are allowed to live in a virtual police state.

And now I'm watching my own country go down that same road. I can see the foundations of a really good "democratic" dictatorship being built, and it makes me very sad and mad to think that we are being led down that road. The only positive is that the government is so ****ing inept, that we may get a reprieve for the forseeable future.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I believe a good investment for anyone who values freedom and morality above all else, would be a nice cheap automatic rifle.......would you be willing to take up arms, to reconquer your own country from the corruption at the top that bleeds you dry and beats you down?

Answers on a postcard please:E
How much more scarring do you think it is on a young population that their government is filling their heads with tales of terror in order to keep them subdued and subserviant? How much worse is it on someone's mind to live in a world of hatred, war, starvation and genocide? We play games for a few hours a day - maybe more, maybe less. We live 24/7 in the real world. Which is going to affect us more?

god no shit... why name blame wars and all the other daily violence in our lives? Why would video games be the exception. We grow up in a world with violence there is no way around that. I can understand letting not letting kids play doom3 for a reason... but i would like to see one or two SERIOUS studies that scientifically prove that video games has a correlation to violence in teenagers and adults. Tada! once again it is just a scapegoat like other people have been saying and a lot of the influence is from the parents. Gaming doesn't cause violence...

Well i'm gonna follow suit *puts on political anger hat

More on the whole government trying to terrorize people... its the same all over the country... them running "drills" of catastophies like a dike overflowing\breaking and flooding a few counties with water (just read it in my paper a couple weeks ago, it wasn't real but hey we can use it to condition people so they accept it if another attack happens instead of blaming your government which is really responsible. Hey lets give you double and triple the funding after each of these attacks and yea, look at you "protecting us"... make us all fear these "terrorists" that are everywhere and could be anyone... so watch everybody! *rolls eyes)

Just reminds me of the psychological warfare crap from the cold war only worse. Remember how were were promised nuclear annihilation, are you a communist!? pinko!?, and the end of the world everyday.... duck and cover! lol

Don't forget people... soon we'll need biometric national ID cards to protect us from the terrorists! *ahhhhhhhh :rolling:

"This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating." —George W. Bush
lol, now i must admit bush sounds kind of cute there... but that doesn't instill me with much confidence coming from our president :eek: