HL2 MP Details - A few days

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I have the mag, and all it is about is Counterstrike Source and all the original Half Life content being transferred to source, it also says that CS:S will be part of the special collectors pack and that CS:S is not HL2's multiplayer.

Also if you are wondering about Extra Life, it is just a new section in the mag about mods and add-ons for released games.
Volcane said:
I have the mag, and all it is about is Counterstrike Source and all the original Half Life content being transferred to source, it also says that CS:S will be part of the special collectors pack and that CS:S is not HL2's multiplayer.


edit: so a DM style or TF2....YAY! PC GAMER US must have a big secret for us then, just a few more weeks to find out that TF2 is HL2's multiplayer.

Volcane, could you possibly scan the article or type out word for word over the half life stuff?
Errr, I wouldnt trust that if I were you...

I mean they probably made it up or took it from the rumours like every other magazine.

Not saying it isnt true. It could very well be. But I for one wouldnt bet any money on it...
Well as for what PC GAMER US has to say about a big exclusive and then a huge secret that it well worth the wait, it's very possible they will announce the HL2 multiplayer, either DM or TF2....but from there last issue or 2 issues ago they said something about it, and they are quite certain TF2 is the multiplay...

marksmanHL2 :) said:
Errr, I wouldnt trust that if I were you...

I mean they probably made it up or took it from the rumours like every other magazine.

Not saying it isnt true. It could very well be. But I for one wouldnt bet any money on it...

Of course it's true, if they got a new screen shot from valve of CS:S AND its confirmed that it's in the special edition, then for sure valve said it's not the multiplay for HL2.
I have the magazine. I have since yesterday morning.

I know what it says, and I am saying take it with a pinch of salt.

I aint saying it isnt true. It could well be. I mean its what I kind of expect anyway.

However I dont think they got the word from valve....

I dunno why but I dont trust them after they wrote this:

"Valve plan to release the newly sourced material of Steam, their monthly subscription broadband service"

I dunno why the hell they printed that, it just makes it sound like you have to pay for steam monthly. And that annoys me since we all know its ballocks. :|
Steam is a subscription service, the subscription is just optional. Still true, although misleading. I hope to god what they said is true, and HL2 will have it's own multiplayer instead of a CS rehash.
Sounds cool, hope people will sca-erm tell us a little about it.
tokin said:
it's very possible they will announce the HL2 multiplayer, either DM or TF2....but from there last issue or 2 issues ago they said something about it, and they are quite certain TF2 is the multiplay...

hasn't it been repeated many times on this site that Valve have confirmed TF2 will be a standalone product?

seriously.. this TF2 speculation is getting annoying now.. not to pick on u in particular tokin.. :|
if i were to place bets, i would say that TF2 won't be the multiplayer. I have read through everything there is to read as far as what Gabe an Co. has said, and i remember them saying that TF2 is not the multiplayer. If anything, it could just be renewed DM, with new maps, and the added manipulator. Just wait and see...
They also said it was amazing so I doubt it's just DM. Its definitly something special, something we havent thought of.
well pcgamer was supposed me be out today in the US, but guess what?.. its a federal holiday(actually its a former presidents funeral) so its delayed one day
One thing I'd like us all to agree on is that it'll be Deathmatch. I'm not saying all of it will only be but I can't see them not including it.

So lets all say out loud "Bicka you are right, as always"
hasnt the july issue been out? I heard the big suprise is in the AUGUST issue and that isnt out until mid July.
um i got my july issue in on may 15th so i'm expecting the august one anytime now.

pcgamer has always been fast on releasing thier magazines.
and that's why they are crap

OMG!!!....bring out the flamer boys we got a loose cannon.

what the hell are u talking about, they have the best magazine, honest, funny. i've never bought a game without checking my pc gamer first and i've never bought one bad game since i got my first pc gamer. if they waited the we wouldn't see a magazine for the next 2 months and thats not what my 24.95 is paying for.
Impulse147 said:
OMG!!!....bring out the flamer boys we got a loose cannon.

what the hell are u talking about, they have the best magazine, honest, funny. i've never bought a game without checking my pc gamer first and i've never bought one bad game since i got my first pc gamer. if they waited the we wouldn't see a magazine for the next 2 months and thats not what my 24.95 is paying for.

I've on multiple ocasions relied on info given by PC Gamer, I have spent my hard earned cash on shitty games like Battlefield Vietnam, City of Heroes just to find out that one is an unbalanced disease of a once noble series, and the other is a repetitive spark spamming pedophile playground.
Six Three said:
I've on multiple ocasions relied on info given by PC Gamer, I have spent my hard earned cash on shitty games like Battlefield Vietnam, City of Heroes just to find out that one is an unbalanced disease of a once noble series...

Amen brother. :cheers:

The only reason why I still read that magazine is for their writing (its pretty good).
I don't think that hl2 MP will be tf2....

I seems more likely that the MP will be some deathmatch style maps with "traptown-like" physics traps etc. It will be like playing in a giant "Mousetrap" boardgame map (anyone remember that boardgame?)... It should be a given that Valve will take advantage of the new abilities of Source engine and maximise gameplay using these abilities in MP.

TF2 will be a standalone product (as it has always been) and I can see it shipping with a TF2 special-headset etc.. anyway, I can wish !!

That's my take on hl2 MP... and while I'm at it, I think Valve should have this game out the door by the middle-end of August (they would know when Doom3 is coming out and may even be holding back a bit to let the Doom3 hype settle (and gamer's wallets fill again) before they release hl2....

Bring on Doom3. I can't wait for that either....
six three, man all u do is bad mouth everything, BF:vietnam was awesome, and quite a few ppl would agree with me, i love it more than bf1942 , second when was the last time a mmorpg was good right out of the box
Impulse147 said:
six three, man all u do is bad mouth everything, BF:vietnam was awesome, and quite a few ppl would agree with me, i love it more than bf1942 , second when was the last time a mmorpg was good right out of the box

I Bad mouth everything? Dude, you just met me :S
Maybe those people would now say that BFV is good, but remember when it was released? I waited in a friggin 2 hour line to get it, to go home and load it up and find that it doesn't work. The first 2 weeks everywhere (including ea's forums) were posts about "why doesn't BFV work!?". 90% of Radeon users could not get a decent FPS, and more than half of them could'nt play the game for more than 5 mins without it crashing to the desktop. Including me.

Six Three said:
I waited in a friggin 2 hour line to get it, to go home and load it up and find that it doesn't work.

Wow, 2 hour line.... that store must have sold hundreds and hundreds of copies that day.... :rolling:
i think hl2 mp will be something new,not just the tired dm,something like that battlefront game ...hehe i forgot the name.
denlife7 said:
Wow, 2 hour line.... that store must have sold hundreds and hundreds of copies that day.... :rolling:

435 copies in one day :) I asked :)

and Wayne, are you talking about Star Wars Battlefront?
wayne white said:
yea im sure hl2 will be like a mmog.

I wouldn't take it that far :) I still think that 32 players will be the max..
i got a crazy theory,didnt you guys remember gabe asking the media at e3 who were playing wow ,and admiting he was?...so hl2 mp=mmog!
wayne white said:
i got a crazy theory,didnt you guys remember gabe asking the media at e3 who were playing wow ,and admiting he was?...so hl2 mp=mmog!

That would be awsome! In the End it turns out that HL2's MP is World of Warcraft hehe :) Good thinking mate!
shit thats right wayne white, thanks for reminding me.

and on that note, this thread stinks like rotting mince...

close it.....
To err is human. To moderate, divine.

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