HL2 MP Details - A few days

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the funker said:
Well, I'm rounding up HL2 news, and I may drop the forum name in the story.

(I work on the UK edition, just so you guys know)

Cool, well if you do mention the forum, let us in the UK know so we can go buy it!! :cheers:
is this the august issue?, cause my july issue said that they had something big in the august issue but they had to keep it a secret. i get the US version which should be here tomorrow or the day after.
RoguePsi said:
Cool, well if you do mention the forum, let us in the UK know so we can go buy it!! :cheers:

Quite a lot of us buy it anyway. I know Abom has a subscription.
I have it. :)

No new info. But there is a screenshot from the new astec map.

Its from the video we have allready seen but in higher res of course. :)
Man, they should just stop making these magazines. Who the hell is interested in HL multiplayer and doesn't have the internet anyway?
Crusader said:
Man, they should just stop making these magazines. Who the hell is interested in HL multiplayer and doesn't have the internet anyway?

i came up with loads of reasons why what you said was wrong but then decided to cut them all and just point out the fact that the magazine shall have more in it than one article about HL2 multiplayer.
Some people prefere magazines, they are easier, they come with demo discs, they are well written and informative....dammit my list of reasons is starting again.

Just be less ignorant.
Yes, and the internet will contain more information on those other games, in all those articles, too.

There are some very well written internet sites, too. And You can select the demos you wish to play from the internet, rather than having a "mixed bag" of demos you may or may not be interested in, so to speak. And the download will probably take about as long as the trip to the newsagents.. and be free.

So though you may have a list of reasons, or should I say opinions, that doesn't mean that they are incontrovertable. :)

I also think people who are the first to throw insults should be the last to call other people ignorant.
I guess looking at the cover in the PCG site, we can say for sure that i's just an article about CS:S :(
Wich makes me sad
Its just a small article about CS Source guys.

Thats all it is. It doesnt even fill a page. The only new thing is the screenshot which is from a higher res version of the new astec movie anyway.

However I forsee a whole new range of rumours about pay to play because they printed this:

"Valve plan to release the newly sourced material on steam, their monthly subscription broadband service."

Why did you guys print this!?!?! lol

We have enough trouble with the ill-informed as it is. This is just gona cause yet more confusion. :(

Other than that, the issue looks nice though. And They also said that they have a DOOM3 REVIEW next month... (Yes I said REVIEW not preview :))
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Other than that, the issue looks nice though. And They also said that they have a DOOM3 REVIEW next month... (Yes I said REVIEW not preview :))

OMG WTFx0rz!!!11 d00m3!!! I'm going to Blockbuster to rent a PS2 game today (finals will be over by then) and I'm gonna get that issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
Djeez, there are laws that forbid this kind of misleading by the press
Varsity said:
Er, isn't it out tommorow?

It may be but does that mean he can't be writing for the next issue?

Ummmm :sleep: *zen like trance to prevent flaming of those who do not think* :sleep: Ummmmmmm
any newws about HL2 is good news(except a delay). but i should get my pcgamer today or tomorrow, also extra-life is ajust a page in pcgamer where they showoff the features of new mods or mod updates.
I have it.

No new info. But there is a screenshot from the new astec map.

Its from the video we have allready seen but in higher res of course.

i doubt this is true , last time pcgamer said they had something big planed they unveiled new pics of HL2 and actual gameplay preview.
Impulse147 said:
i doubt this is true , last time pcgamer said they had something big planed they unveiled new pics of HL2 and actual gameplay preview.
I can confirm that the picture is of a higher resolution - it couldn't have been blown up this big without serious quality problems if it was from the videos we've been given.
i'm still thinking it could be new news.....if it was CS-source why would they say "if you liked counter strike then you'll love this" instead of "NEW CS OMG T3h!!!!!1....and the EXTRA-Life seems more like what magazines would put as a headline for the source upgrades of the games

edit...oops, should have read the whole thread :eek: :x
Impulse147 said:
is this the august issue?, cause my july issue said that they had something big in the august issue but they had to keep it a secret. i get the US version which should be here tomorrow or the day after.

If your talking about the U.S. version, you wont get the AUGUST issue until mid-july....for sure.
extra life is a new feature in the mag, if you bothered to read the rest of the posts.
Oh whoa, then that means Doom 3 will be coming out sometime this month surely.....saweet!
the funker said:
Well, I'm rounding up HL2 news, and I may drop the forum name in the story.

(I work on the UK edition, just so you guys know)

woo! UK edition! havnt seen the US version as I live in the UK , but you guys do a great job :)... PC gamer UK is my bible to the games that I consider should be going in my collection , the reviews are excellent, along with that mild humour.. which is sometimes disturbing on that last page :LOL: .
Impulse147 said:
i doubt this is true , last time pcgamer said they had something big planed they unveiled new pics of HL2 and actual gameplay preview.

You doubting me boy!?!?!? :O

Heheh, jk...

Anyway, it doesnt necceserally mean we will see DOOM3 this month. They said they would have the review NEXT month. So it could be out soon after that. :)
Impulse147 said:
i doubt this is true , last time pcgamer said they had something big planed they unveiled new pics of HL2 and actual gameplay preview.

Well impulse, PCGAMER US and PCGAMER UK are entirely different. There is some weird speculation going on though. JUNE or JULY issue of PC GAMER US said

"We're dying here. On the one hand, we want to tell you all about the earth-shaking exclusive we've got lined up for next issue. On the other hand, it's such a massive secret, it makes the Manhattan Project look like a gardening club. So we must remain mum for now, but trust us: our August cover will unveil a story well worth the wait"

However, the UK one that just came out relates to that quote from the US perfectly....exclusive review...THIEF...big secret...HL2 multiplayer (well for all the idiots that dont know whats been going on). The guy who has been stopping by here though...funker i think? Well he says its all entirely different and that PC GAMER most likely wont even have the same stuff as us. So could it all be the exact things, or could it be veryyyy elaborate on HL2 multiplayer....even TF2?
I plan on buyying the meg tommrow, the UK verson.. I doubt theres going to be anything wonderfull in it though.
Hl2 mp better not be some lame CS or dod in source.
So it is the US mag that is raving about the new exclusive?

Would i be right in guessing PCGUK has this information but isn't releasing it or are they just not making as big a deal...
You would probably be wrong. Either GAMER UK doesn't know about this huge thing GAMER US is going to announce in the August issue or GAME US is over hyping like crazy just announcing THEIF 3 review and CS:S and the other mods coming...in my opinion....GAY
right. I'll go hunt out the mag tomorrow and decipher its cryptic message.
Subz said:
Hl2 mp better not be some lame CS or dod in source.
I think someone said that it wouldn't ship with MP per se, but you got to choose one upgraded/new Source MP game for free when you load HL2 in Steam.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Other than that, the issue looks nice though. And They also said that they have a DOOM3 REVIEW next month... (Yes I said REVIEW not preview :))
When does the next issue come out?!??!/11/
so Doom3 is actually coming out...these games do exist? I thought this was all a big fake?!? Jesus God!


Come on HL2 and what did the article say?
I need HL2, and failing that Doom 3 to keep me going til Hl2...
I think someone said that it wouldn't ship with MP per se, but you got to choose one upgraded/new Source MP game for free when you load HL2 in Steam.

Yes, someone said that. But they were just speculating about what might be cool: they had no idea if it was true.
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