HL2.net Arma 2 Ace 2 Information Videos

Maybe there'll be an escort mode too. And timed?
The 'Taking uniform from enemy soldier' part is dumb since he just shot the guy, wouldn't the uniform have a lot of blood splatter on it which would be sure to arouse attention from the enemy soldiers?

Sorry, I can't help but nitpick.:p

Honestly, it's not really a nitpick in a game that touts realism as much as this one. I'm kind of indifferent about on the one hand, but at the same time it's pretty silly.
I thought it looked pretty dumb. It wouldn't be so bad if the soldiers reacted to him being there or something. Maybe saying "Hi" to him or at least acknowledging his presence. I think I'd be curious too if I saw someone who was meant to be on patrol suddenly run around, down the docks and drive off. They should be asking what you're doing down there if they're such high value targets etc.

Nitpicks I know, but still, it could be better.
I'm pretty sure that aspect of the game isn't fully implemented yet. I mean, they didn't even tweak the physics engine yet.
Getting a new PC in a month, so I hope to join playing once I have it (my four-year-old laptop isn't able to run ArmAII sufficiently). Out of curiosity, is it difficult setting up any of the mods you guys use?
It used to be, but not really any more. I posted a guide earlier in the thread.

Also, please tell me you already purchased the game(s) while this sale is still on, instead of waiting?
Basically just this


Oh well.
I've played some PR over the weekend and enjoyed it a lot! The maps are nice and big and there is a lot of teamwork on the go too! Shall be playing more of this. :)
Even though I haven't been playing arma, those videos interest me.
Why would they break that up into 8 parts? They're like 2 minutes each.
You can't do that? Even I can do that!

Kills my back though, and that's not even including when the gun fires.
The purpose smoke made our dance fabulous

And obligatory "raz y u no play with us?" comment.
ARMA 3 News


Arma 3 will be appearing at E3 this year in June, as well as Gamescom in August.

Following E3, a community alpha will launch to gather feedback from users and give mod makers a headstart on familiarizing themselves with the new engine.

Later in the year, a beta will launch. This does mean that the original release date will be pushed back to make sure the game doesn't have a flop release like A2 did. Fine with me, because getting an alpha and beta is awesome.

BIS seems to be taking all the right steps forward to make this the best Arma yet:

DirectX 10/11 has been implemented. PhysX is working - particularly, rag-doll animation looks really impressive! The UI is undergoing a redesign, with the focus upon improved usability. Indeed, ease of use, and particularly accessibility, has been an entire goal in itself. We've heard your feedback, and we want to make the game easier to learn for those new to the game, without sacrificing anything that makes our game unique. We have reworked our animations using completely new motion capture recordings. The result is the most realistic animations ever achieved in the series, as well as additional gameplay features.

We have adhered to a strong focus upon backward compatibility throughout the development, meaning we (and of course even you) are in a position to get older assets into A3 very quickly, just with few tweaks here and there. There are, of course, the new features which would require additional settings.

The scale of the map truly cannot be comprehended from the screenshots... it is HUGE, vastly beyond anything seen previously.

And finally some screens I found interesting:

More realistic lighting, as seen in this head-light illuminated scene


Working vehicle mirrors and even a video feed thingy!

zomg working mirrors! I've been wanting that in Arma 2
The nighttime stuff should be awesome. It looks like it can get really dark, and the realistic lights will make things like the zombie mod even more intense.
Doesn't look like there's dynamic shadows from the headlights though, but I could be wrong :X

Fun times in hl2.net arma. Everyone should be jealous.
The first video is characteristic of most our games, really. :eek:

Here's the "time lapse" I mention at the end, was taking screenshots from another angle. Veg is the truck in case anyone's lost, all other vehicles are enemies. http://imgur.com/a/TrKq7#0

Better be something good, I need info damnit.

As for movement on land, in addition to the existing movement modes (walk, run, sprint), there'll be additional one - what we're calling the 'tactical pace' - which is essentially a jog with weapon raised.
Another feature worth mentioning is 'alternate poses', which is an experimental feature we're keen to validate with the Community Alpha and see if it earns its place. These are extensions of the three basic stances (stand, kneel and prone). With them, you can adjust to have a high/low or left/right variant to each stance. In terms of gameplay, we'd expect to see improvements in finding effective cover and being able to fire from it.

We also aim to improve weapon behaviour, which means tweaking recoil mechanics, precision and weapon sway to more properly reflect the different states of the shooter, factoring in fatigue and injury, for example. Our goal is to not only improve the feel of firing guns, but also make firefights flow as close to reality as possible. The latter will actually be a tough one to crack, and again we hope that the players of the Community Alpha can feed into this process.

What about the way the game engine handles the animations and new movements? Will there be any improvements at a more technical level?
This area is still intensely in development, so I can't be very specific. Mainly, we've focused on the basics. That means smooth interpolation of animations, elimination of warping, increased responsiveness of controls, removal of artificial limitations to player input, and many more!

All very good to hear, and pretty interesting. Can't wait until the alpha.
Awesome. The lighting effects in that chopper takeoff scene were amazing. Night missions are going to be so cool with lighting like that.

And the music was pretty cool too.
The lighting does look great, now I want to see some explosions!
Hours of footage edited down to 26 minutes. This is mostly just funny bits and silliness, but some cool parts mixed in too.
We're playing a dynamic mission where we start in a random location on the map in a prison camp thing, and we have to escape.
This was recorded several weeks ago, before we all started playing the DayZ mod, which is incredibly fun and addicting. It's also incredibly popular, and has caused a lot of people to buy the game, even this close to Arma 3.

Oh god why did you leave in my inexcusable racism.

I'm gonna need a bigger boat. (..or at least a better PC)
I like how dark dark is in the Armas. Most modern games seem to be made to be playable on living room TVs with direct sunlight falling on them.
>shooting people underwater

That's so ****ing awesome.
Really looking forward to playing this, I wish I were around the times you guys are playing (instead of sleeping).

My friend emailed BI asking if they would be using the Steam Workshop for Arma 3 to support mod in a more official capacity and they said that Steam workshop isn't powerful enough for what they want to do (in supporting mods), so I guess they'll have their own official SIX equivalent.
I don't know much about the Steam Workshop, but it doesn't seem like the right thing at all for Arma mods.