HL2.net Comic: The Arena


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hello everybody, and welcome to The Arena! For those who were waiting, sorry it's late. This doesn't continue from the end of HL2.Net: The Comic and instead is set a while earlier, in more innocent times. Hope you all enjoy it! :D

Arena Page 1!
hehe!! cool i cant wait to see how this unfolds

Tbh include me sumwheres!! :p
Woo! Nice work. like the colour too. Especially the blood
You've got me waiting in anticipation now
Sulkdodds, this is gonna be good - very good. And not just because I'm going to get f*cked by Edcrab. Actually no - the sponge is mightier than the big f*ck-off metal killing machine. Oh yes.
The Arena was very very funny. At times. And then the stupidest play-fighting nonsense other times.
Pre order the DVD now!!!

(sulkdodds... we'll talk, ok?)
Remember! Stay true to the thread!

I'll try. There is rather a lot of it though.... ;)
And if anybody wants to be in it, do PM me...
Sulkdodds said:
I'll try. There is rather a lot of it though.... ;)
And if anybody wants to be in it, do PM me...

I can only assume that those in the thread already will be automatically be a part of the...cast :)
Well since I had my cameo in the first hl2.net comic...and might possibly be in the sequel to it (since the team is still alive and all...).

I think I should stay out of this one.
Two semi-naked women on the front? Can't be too bad!
But will be owned by this comic, I can tell :D
Good luck Sulkdodd's
cameo appearance on the first page!

oh yea, and the cover is pretty frikken' awsome!
That's brilliant! Does it take as long to draw as it looks, or are you just uber leet?

The Arena looks positively massive, in both the literal and atmospheric sense! :D Certain titanic clashes impending- as a wise man once said, "OMG w00t".

It's like waiting for HL2 to be released all over again! 'Cept with less lamers. And no homophobic insults. Or fat jokes. Or 3D Realms comparisons...
I was too "young" to see "the arena" when it was active.. pity.. looks like I'll just have to go press random keys and imagine :)

Those comics always look really cool too btw :p
bliink said:
I was too "young" to see "the arena" when it was active.. pity.. looks like I'll just have to go press random keys and imagine :)

hehe, same here :D

*looks at join date*

heh, I remember the Arena.. never took part, at least I don't think I did anyway. T'was a silly place! :D
I was but a lurking spectator... I'm 94% certain I never did anything directly either. Except talk about it in other places and irritate people :LOL:
Guess I'm too new to know what the arena was...but even without the nostalgia that the rest of ya'll seem to be feeling, I'm sure I'll enjoy this just as much as your last one, Sulkdodds. I await the rest with eager anticipation!
I only saw a very small bit of the arena, then I was gone for a while and it was gone before I got back. If we were in the first comic, will they be in this?
I never watched the Arena, maybe I'll give it a go....
This comic will ROCK!!! Include meh! Pleaseeeeee :p
Erm... what was the Arena
From reading this I see three arenas.
1) The comic
2) The film
3) Something else... what?
The arena was a thread where you could "play fight" and "flame" each other at will.

Most of the time everyone was joking around...then the spam policy got enforced more and the thread was closed.
Arena Page 2!

Two semi-naked women on the front? Can't be too bad!

Yeah, but it got pwned at Cannes.

Thank you everyone for reading this and posting your comments. If you have no idea what the hell is going on, I suggest you go here.
Ah! Now I understand. That was before my day :hmph:
Sounds kind've fun

And is badger really called that because of the redwall books?
hehe brilliant.
Are the redwall books those ones where there are all those furry creatures but theyre like, wearing clothes and stuff?
Druckles said:
Ah! Now I understand. That was before my day :hmph:
Sounds kind've fun

And is badger really called that because of the redwall books?
No, I'm not :p

Ahhh those were the days :)
Haha, awesome commentary and the contestants haven't even started!

Tri-barrel word cannons... woo!
You've done it again, dodds :)

I was around for the arena but I couldn't keep up with it. Made a couple of posts I think. I remember shoving a grenade down someone's pants and throwing them off a cliff. And something to do with a pineapple...

Edit - OMG cameo'd already. Pwn!

Haha... snuffle snuffle.
Am I the only one that noticed that in the first one Gordon is holding his sign for El Chi backwards? :p
That's because "Edcrab" is written on the other side- he's a crafty fellow, he displays the most relevant entry depending on which part of the crowd he's been forced to mingle with :p
looks real good!
i just finihsed your other comic, liked it as well

never saw the arena. wasnt around yet.
Hell, I wish I was around in the days of The Arena :p (natural-born spammer) :D