HL2.net Comic: The Arena

Do I sense a reference to monkey island?


I like it either way. :)
Oh noes, FLS is a moderator in the comic ;( so he won't be able to fight with me?
Awesome job so far Sulk!! You are the master of hl2.net themed comedy! And the drawings are superb too! Let's hope for another awesome comic. :)

Too bad the "Arena" was way before my time ;(
way before mine aswell

Did i mention WAYWAY :P
sounded lieka cool place tho what was it like ?
Comic Page 3!

Oh noes, FLS is a moderator in the comic so he won't be able to fight with me?

You'll get your chance... :cheers:

Funnily enough I never posted in The Arena but I was reading it. When I came back from holiday it was 106 pages long and had been locked... :P

Veterans may find there are many nostalgic surprises in store for them ;)
Oh man, that's just brilliant :D

Lennie looks freaking awesome, and I especially like how you've done his projection lens :D

:D I can't stop grinning!

Now, the obvious conclusion is that I kick El Chi's ass in every way possible. However, don't you just know that won't happen? The laws of humour always counteract the laws of... well, common sense- the best I can hope for is a draw!

Better show willing... 90 on me, 90 on El Chi, 500 on at least setting fire to my foot with a personified sponge full of water!
What do you know... is that Harij's cloud avatar floating above the proceedings? I hadn't noticed at first!
What do you know... is that Harij's cloud avatar floating above the proceedings? I hadn't noticed at first!

Not even I've spotted all the easter eggs in my comics :laugh:...I wonder if anyone will spot Badger's buttons...
'Splode slap slay kick! What happens if he misfires?! Or does he just abuse people who try to complain to the ref? Not that there is one...
100 and a pickle on Edcrab.
Nice comic, Sulkdodds. :)

I PM'ed you, just incase you didn't know.
Hilarious stuff Sulkdodds, I guess I'll have to live with being a cloud in your comics :D

I absolutely love it how you squeeze all these funny details and thingies everywhere. :)
Maybe y'all can have a section on the main page specifically designated for Sulkodd's comic strips (Since they are about Hl2.net)? That way, you can show the strip to people who don't normally come into the Art&Design section of the forums...Just an idea :)
Sulkdodds said:
Funnily enough I never posted in The Arena but I was reading it. When I came back from holiday it was 106 pages long and had been locked... :P
Yeah it's kind of a shame that we all know the ultimate fate that this cartoon is going to suffer :)
The cartoon's awesome, Sulkdodds - bravo indeed! :cheers:

I'm gonna go for £80 and a soft-boiled egg on Edcrab :)

EDIT: Sod this, I'm gonna raise the stakes. £100, a soft-boiled egg AND a Scotch egg on Edcrab.
£20 and the Steps greatest hits CD on me winning.
Yeah, you like that, don't you?
Sulkdodds said:
Funnily enough I never posted in The Arena but I was reading it. When I came back from holiday it was 106 pages long and had been locked... :P

Veterans may find there are many nostalgic surprises in store for them ;)
I never did ether...I think I signed up to hl2.net two days before the thread was created...by the time I stopped lerking the thread got closed.
I bet 200 bucks on Edcrab!!! :D Nice comic! I love the cameo! :thumbs:
MUAHHAHAH! i know what happens!!!

aaaw, what the hell. i'll tell you. At the beginning of page 3 edcrab <snip>

...hey wtf? why can't I say <snip>?

<snip> isn't even that much of a spoiler!

<snip> you!!!

argh. i'm <snip>ing off.
Lol, that's great Sulk :D
Im not going to bet on anyone seeing as I hve no idea who's going to win ;)
Considering I'm not going to get broadband until May 4th (DAMN YOU BT) I wouldn't be surprised if there's a prime example of why you should never give a fusion-powered killing machine a 56k connector for it's AI sub-routines :laugh:

El Chi: I'll see your eggs and add a packet of Twiglets to the table! C'mon, are you really sure you want to risk anything when the stakes are this high?!
Edcrab said:
Considering I'm not going to get broadband until May 4th (DAMN YOU BT) I wouldn't be surprised if there's a prime example of why you should never give a fusion-powered killing machine a 56k connector for it's AI sub-routines :laugh:

El Chi: I'll see your eggs and add a packet of Twiglets to the table! C'mon, are you really sure you want to risk anything when the stakes are this high?!

/me steals Twiglets

Don't make me report you to the Department of Gambling on Online Comic Grudge Matches! They'll hunt you to the ends of the earth!
Edcrab said:
Don't make me report you to the Department of Gambling on Online Comic Grudege Matches! They'll hunt you to the ends of the earth!

I am the Head of the DoGoOCGM. The tables have turned on you!
Oh. Heheh. Uh.

...let's forget the time I temporarily swapped my avatar for a 2,000 ton Behemoth-class war droid for one particular match, 'k? It wasn't particularily unfair! Here, take a Twiglet multipack and we'll forget all about it...

*wipes sweat off forehead*
Edcrab said:
El Chi: I'll see your eggs and add a packet of Twiglets to the table! C'mon, are you really sure you want to risk anything when the stakes are this high?!
Ouch..Erm... Okay Edcrab, if you're going to play things like that...
I see your twiglets and I'll raise you small cubes of cheese and pineapple on cocktail sticks.
And if that's not enough for you I've got a bag of Bombay mix with your name on it... :naughty:
LOL! This got an interesting start. Looking forward to see more pages :D
And great work with the first hl2.net comic too :thumbs:
I wasn't around for the Arena :(. Comic looks good, it has a lot to live up to, after the original comic :).
:laugh: This thread is getting hilarious

Anyway, (question aimed at sulkdodd's) is this comic going to be totally parallel to the topic, or more flexible than that?
brilliant comic sulkdodds.

and is betting strictly party foods only?
Jangle said:
and is betting strictly party foods only?
Not too sure - maybe to be perfectly clear you'd have to ask Sulkdodds himself.
But as far ass I'm concerned, it's as good a thing to bet as anything else. :)
How're you going to swap teh winnings? Through the modem???
Edcrab said:
Considering I'm not going to get broadband until May 4th (DAMN YOU BT) I wouldn't be surprised if there's a prime example of why you should never give a fusion-powered killing machine a 56k connector for it's AI sub-routines :laugh:

Sulkdodds has 56k too... you're alike :D
Druckles said:
How're you going to swap teh winnings? Through the modem???

The winnings have to go through me because I am the self-proclaimed head of the DoGoOCGM.

Joims said:
:D joims sees jioms likes

You misspelled your own name.
