HL2.net Comic: The Arena

Druckles said:
Want to explain please?

Princess Jen was this guy, DeathSeeker, who pretended to be a girl. Soon after he posted a girl picture thread, it exploded and soon became a raging thread of hormones. People were banned and warned and it became a whole big mess.

Sounds erm... great. Think Im glad I wasn't there :P

And anyway... how exactly could you make a comic about it :rolleyes:
Druckles said:
Sounds erm... great. Think Im glad I wasn't there :P

And anyway... how exactly could you make a comic about it :rolleyes:

Using magic?
*Looking for a monkey somewhere*
I guess I'm still a n00b. ;)
The Thing said:
But the thread is deleted. There's no way we can see it ever again.

I'm still laughing at the memories. ;(
Awwwww! Awwwww! They didn't have to DELETE it...

...now I'm sad!
Yo, what exactly would you fit? :P
Endlessly burning man?
You've had one already! But you get another one ;)

Sorry the updates a little late, it'll be up tomorrow...uh, later today. I've been playing WoW, which is far too addictive to be healthy. I can easily see how it could ruin lives...
wait, which one was it in?

I must have missed it!

But again is good too :D

/me goes back and looks.
Arena Page 6!

The monty python quote was in fact the first insult ever hurled on the arena floor!

And as for Princess Jen, I think I speak for all of us when I quote Heart of Darkness: The horror!

Anyone remember Supertrooper? Damn right you do, friendlies. :D
50 bucks says Hazar dies before touching the Word Cannon.
RUN HAZAR RUN! Gotta love that word cannon... did you base it off anything or is your imagination the only inspiration behind it?

Somehow, The Nerd Guy having a built-from-scratch HEV really seems to suit him. And sticking debris into Farrow's face? My innermost desire has been fulfilled! :P

EDIT: How could I forget? I am now, statistically, leet. Pray for my soul, for there is no return...
Let's just say that I better make it, I want to see that thing in action :P

Sulkdodds said:
Anyone remember Supertrooper? Damn right you do, friendlies. :D
Aaaw bless - I remember him. I also remember the crushing moment when someone pointed out that he was an already-existing member. We all sort of had an inkling, but it didn't need saying. Bastard. It was like the death of Santa all over again...

Oh and thank you for letting me live :) I clearly absorbed the blows with my spongey consistency.
For some reason, in my mind my "I'm okay!" is said in a Duffman stylee :D

el Chi says a lotta things - oooh yeeeah!
Hilarious stuff, sulk. I am anxious to see the next one :)

Don't ruin it, Edcrab! We can hear your silence!
Haha, I laughed so hard at that guy with the "43" shirt :E
Princess Jen could be a bearded guy in a skirt lol and all these guys drooling over him - Emily Howard from Little Britain comes to mind "I'm a lady!, can i see your lady pictures".

Lol at blood spurting from Farrow.
I use to love reading that thread...

i cant remember if i posted in it...

I wanna be in the comic tho :P
Hey I demand to be put in the comic. I was in the Arena :).
Pressure said:
Hey I demand to be put in the comic. I was in the Arena :).

Oh, the hilarity... there are literally thousands of situations that you could be in... most of them feature the words "Feel" and "great".

"Feel THIS, pressure!"

"OH MY GOD, this thread is GREEA-" SPLAT

"he felt that alright".
Comic Page 7!

Look! It's animated! :D

Sorry it took a while guys, I had to find a filehost, etc, not to mention making the damn thing.

el Chi says a lotta things - oooh yeeeah!

Goddamn right!

The next page will be a normal one. What will happen? Has Hazar got the wordcannon? Who will be the first to spontaneously combust with the sheer tension of it all?
Oops, should have told you not to let it play on repeat! :laugh:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience rocks... and yes, i would like to buy a chainsaw please.
Sulkdodds said:
Oops, should have told you not to let it play on repeat! :laugh:


No, its better like that, it means you're so confident that you're certain we'll want to watch it over and over again :D
(which is what I did when I realised it had sound :p)
Watching it again with looped music is half the fun. It represents the growing insomnia and agrivation that is caused by the pointlessly optomistic adverts that bombard you with trivial, meaningless subliminal images, causing you to degrade into a heap of shuddering, phycotic, paranoid claustraphobic mess and...

Basically spam is dangerous. You can drown in it! Mentally! :p
You should've let Cybersheep dispense some chainsaw loving. I hate those DFS adverts with the "let's-rip-off-a-song-in-an-annoying-way-but-not-enough-to-be-sued" method.

Hmm, music is currently overlapping for the sixteenth time. My braincells are fusing together into one gooey lump. When does it end?!
Very very good - an ad break is the twist I didn't see coming :) And all the better for it! In the next ad break, please kill Linda Barker and Ainsley Harriot in a variety of slow painful ways.

And it goes without saying that Jimi Hendrix is a God. But I'll say it anyway.
Hells Angel said:
lol thats great and it only made me want to buy porn and chainsaws :D
Me too....and give them to sheep! ...CYBERsheep!

...great stuff, dude!
I PMed you, Skulkdodds...

*Hopes he is still making comics*

EDIT: I watched the flash one, made me laugh a little :)