HL2.Net Deity

HL2.Net Deity

  • Cpt. Stern

    Votes: 31 31.6%
  • Absinthe

    Votes: 11 11.2%
  • 15357

    Votes: 4 4.1%
  • Munro

    Votes: 23 23.5%
  • Short Recoil

    Votes: 29 29.6%

  • Total voters
You can't vote for a HL2 deity when it's clear that Absinthe is already God.
Munro, because he would be the most consistently hilarious god ever. :D

And moses stood before the sea and raised his staff...and nothing happened. And lo, the Lord said 'sorry, this water parting thing is a bitch, give me another two years.'

And Peter prayed, but the Lord did not answer him, because the Lord was on holiday.
Dammit. Samon the - , no, nevermind. Munro then. Because, he's never here.
Stern, i have always seen him as the demi-god of hl2.net, particularly the politics forum :)
Oh my god! Short Recoil posted in my thread! I am thrilled! Pleased to meet you sir. *kisses feet*
short recoil said:
Stern, i have always seen him as the demi-god of hl2.net, particularly the politics forum :)

So, how much man sex is he giving you to say that?
I voted for Stern since he is the only one that comes close to being me. :D
Ikerous said:
What i'm wondering is wheres Ennui, TheSomeone, OoCyberman, Spooky, Que-Ever, tr0n, shens, qckbeam, steve and all the other ppl that are way kewler than the guys up there :p

And no one voted 15137 cuz he has scarey 'believes' :|
*gasp* I am loved :D <3<3<3

voted munro, because... well, I didn't think it through very well =P
Qckbeam is still king! Bliink is queen! And FarrowLeSparrow might be the jack. What the **** is a jack anyways?

-Angry Lawyer

short recoil. or munro.

btw, I'm not a commie. I have never been more insulted (except being called a 'jap'). And what scary beliefs do I have?
Angry Lawyer said:
WTF? Hetairia owns your ass, Numbers.

-Angry Lawyer

Yeah, you told me that already. :)
Short Recoil is our God! We shall Forever Live in Prosperity! Death to the Heathens!
Kamikazie will own your all your asses! Kamikazie is GOD! Kamikazie is the force that you will never experience!

ahem, you can take numbers off and put the great Kamikazie in his place
The Short Recoil Song -by Solaris

I used to search the forums
And flame all the m'rons
While thoose persitent Moderators
Tried to ba-an me
But every time they did
And I ran away and hid
A man fourght on regardless

Come out ye Moderators
For youre all hetairian traitors
Show your boyfreinds how you banned n00bs
Who ignorance show-owd no fear
Show them how the Short Recoil way
Made you turn and run away
To the godforsaken plains of Heta-rea

Now not many know him well
But they know he broke down hell
And for him it was just a vacation
How he got you one by one
With nowhere to run
And he took you down into damnayaytion.

Come out ye Moderators
For youre all hetairian traitors
Show your boyfreinds how you banned n00bs
Who ignorance show-owd no fear
Show them how the Short Recoil way
Made you turn and run away
To the godforsaken plains of Heta-rea

The time is coming fast
And it'l soon be here at last
When HL2.net will again belong to the PEEOOOPLE
And short recoil will be gone
But still we'll sing this song
For he truly was the peoples HEEEROOO

Come out ye Moderators
For youre all hetairian traitors
Show your boyfreinds how you banned n00bs
Who ignorance show-owd no fear
Show them how the Short Recoil way
Made you turn and run away
To the godforsaken plains of Heta-rea
Absinthe, he's got his head screwed on the right way and I quite fancy him. GO TEAM PANTHER!
btw, if there was shens, I wouldn't have voted due to the hard choices.

Zeus said:
ahem cough cough
I concede that Tenjin can either mean

Celestial Being/God

Or a snack cake that is made peculiar to Japanese monks in that region.

So you can keep your title I guess
Our glorous leader Munro embodies everything this organis... I mean, website stands for.

phew. I almost gave away the secret that HL2.net is in fact... a potato factory.
And Munro was the result of an experiment gone bad - researches tried for years to produce a better potato...but they went too far. They succeeded all too well. While we initially regarded him as an experiment gone horribly wrong, we were soon forced to admit he was an experiment gone right. And that scared me. It chilled me to the very bone.
And, on that very climactic night; the night that endless hours of work and toil had accumulated to build... our creation muttered the answer. It was a speech so great, so enthralling, that many of the staff broke down and cried. It drove others mad; the words digging into their skull like a... giant... skull digging... thing. You see, on that night, Munro said:

"Reality is a big potato".
you say potato i say munro lets call the whole thing off lol

-Angry Lawyer
I'm discovering a vegatable vibe here, the 'Carrot Incidents' and now these Potato rumours....
15,000 people, and their God is decided on the views of 67 people. :laugh: