Hl2.net Game Going On Now, Join

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
0 port 16567

0/64, with a ton of us on our way in.
join now and lets play ;)
That was a really fun game, nice to see we have a large amount of the community that has the demo! I guess I'll start the post-game screenshot posting now.


Looking out of the helo window just before AA takes us down


A look at all the people that joined in our game


Heli cover while we send our squad in to take out the enemy facilities


Me and Redundant taking a point

A lot of fun...Nuff said
Dalamari said:
That was a really fun game, nice to see we have a large amount of the community that has the demo! I guess I'll start the post-game screenshot posting now.


Looking out of the helo window just before AA takes us down


A look at all the people that joined in our game


Heli cover while we send our squad in to take out the enemy facilities


Me and Redundant taking a point

A lot of fun...Nuff said

That's a pretty cool shot (not just because I was flying the helo) but because the sun is shining right off the nose and it looks kinda sweet.
here's a screenshot of a lot of the people who showed up

and here is an awesome screenshot of our squad completely dominating the beach.

also of note, no one likes the support class, so I end up being it everyday now heh. (I don't mind though, just need to change sig)

Dalamari your sig says medic, but 99% of the time you play as (an excellent) spec ops :p

I REALLY cannot wait until this game is released, designing new strategies for the new maps is going to be awesome.

YOU ALL better get the retail game when it comes out! (especially my squad regulars!) :D
Just left the game and it was great. All of you guys are good at this game which makes it a lot better then some of the normal servers. I had some great fights against lemonking and I was always trying to beat OmegaX and Mr.Redundant in ranking and I think I suceeded (just look at the picture of 1 round)! Cant wait for the next game (also who here plays as a commander? We didnt have commanders most of the rounds)
Ye I enjoyed that game, gg guys. Gilray_dyrk I think hes called was using some badass grenading skills. And that 5kill from one bomb by foxtrot owned as well.
Well, that was my first game online :D Once I got into the swing of things, I really enjoyed it. Doing chopper and boat raids is great fun.

Will definitely have to do this regularly :D
Zerimski said:
Well, that was my first game online :D Once I got into the swing of things, I really enjoyed it. Doing chopper and boat raids is great fun.

Will definitely have to do this regularly :D
You need to turn your mic up, or speak louder :cool:
Mr. Redundant said:
and here is an awesome screenshot of our squad completely dominating the beach.

That's an amazing screen! :) Can't wait till I get my new rig so it'll look that good.

Me, Marksman, TIMMY, nofx and a few others adopted a rather cheap tactic of infiltrating their carrier and causing havoc. It was very effective, they had no air supoort for a quite a bit :) It didn't go down too well though, but it wasn't any worse than the Americans bombing the shit out of our airfield spawn :p
Here's 20 of my best screenshots from this session for you all! Have a look at em all... I generally take screenshots of action, even if it means I'm at risk of crashing(which has happened a couple times while I was in a heli, or plane... the 3 second freeze is deadly when taking a screenshot).


We had an intese firefight with this enemy boat who was heading out to the carrier as we were moving from it. We took it out... and slowly drifted next to it. A few of us inside tossed grenades, and KABLOOIE! That'll prevent it from being used for carrier raids again :D


It was literally hell on the carrier at this time. I think there was either an artillery strike, or that chopper unloaded alot of missiles... Crazy stuff! One of my favorite screenies.


Since I have so many screenies, i'm not gonna post much for all of them in regards to whats going on, unless I remember, and it was an exciting moment.


My chaingun killed the pilot before blowing the chopper... Cool!


Heh heh. This was funny. It was me and Redundant only in this boat... we were heading in to the river, when we saw an enemy boat. It was Jimmeh. I kept firing and firing at him, but he wouldn't die. So Redundant said, "Hold on, i'm going to ram him!" As he was speeding ahead to ram him, I managed to kill Jimmeh, and his limp corpse just kind of hangs there.


Helicopter dogfights are rather intense... and I tend to be a cut above the rest when it comes to them... but still, they are much harder than in DC.


My missiles still hit em even though he was trying to make it up to the sun so I couldn't lock on. Some people say dogfights are boring in this... but I love em!


Satako was trying to take off in the jet, using the VTOL flight... and apparently I guess he was a bit new at it. His flight time lasted about 30 seconds before, BOOM!


I got you Korebolter! That'll teach you to come near my carrier, bitch! :LOL:


I don't know 'what' the hell was going down on the deck.


Enemy chopper trying to eat me for lunch! I'm made of metal... and i'll make em limp before they finish me off.


I just love the way paratroopers sail down in this... its so much different than the older games. Some day i'm gonna have to go up real high, jump out... and figure out exactly HOW they work.


Trouble during one of our spec ops missions.


We were All in the boat, heading to the enemy base, and Amish took the chopper... He got frighteningly down close at times... but he's a good pilot :)


Heh... I managed to snap this screenshot seconds before this jet rammed right into us, taking out the entire chopper and crew. What a bastard!


Just our elite squad circling, and capturing yet another flag.


Kablooie! Bird down, bird down!


This chopper pilot(can't remember who, it was a hl2.netter... everyone on the server was) was giving us hell. He was waiting for us as we came in to blow up the arty etc, but we finally made him go boom after some very intense firefights.


Another one of my perilous chopper to chopper brawls. Barely missed him.


Haha... this was fun. I came in to the Hotel, hovering in my jet... and Jimmeh comes over and decides he wants to play. There's a problem however, He hovers better and his more agile than me! I try to kill him, he tries to kill me... I accelerate and get the hell out of there.


Guitar gangsters... I think that is ailevation? Well, he ran over to an enemy apc, rather bravely... dropped a satchel charge or two, ran back and blew it... nearly ending his life in the process... brave guy, excellent job!
Zerimski said:
Yeah, I'm going to try to find a better mic.

Do you have 'mic boost' on? Make sure that is on... EVERYBODY make sure that is on! It made me go from barely audible, to redundant saying I had a super, super clear voice coming through it. My microphone is old as hell too, some headset/mic combo from Optimus... nova 80 model I think. It sits on top of my monitor, 6-9 inches away from my mouth, yet he could hear me just great.

Turn Mic Boost on.
Very nice game we had guys, it was alot of fun, I could not beat Foxtrot in dogfights thou... :x

I hope to see you guys tonight! On the Battlefield!

Edit: typo
rAdIOhEaD said:
Very nice game we had guys, it was alot of fun, I could not beat Foxtrot in dogfight thou... :x
I couldn't beat you either :p
Sounds great, I've seen Amish and Jimbo118 online but have yet to play an uber HL2.net match :E I'll make the time someday :cheers:

Haha... this was fun. I came in to the Hotel, hovering in my jet... and Jimmeh comes over and decides he wants to play. There's a problem however, He hovers better and his more agile than me! I try to kill him, he tries to kill me... I accelerate and get the hell out of there.

Hey hey, if my memory serves me well I blew the hell out of you once you started to level out ;)

Still, it's depressing seeing the same events I saw, but with good graphics :p
Foxtrot said:
I couldn't beat you either :p

Thanks! I just bought myself a nice Joystick for this game, and I thought I would start owning everybody :rolleyes: , jeez, I need more prectice with my pilot skills! the more we play, the better we get! :cheers:
Raziaar said:
Do you have 'mic boost' on? Make sure that is on... EVERYBODY make sure that is on! It made me go from barely audible, to redundant saying I had a super, super clear voice coming through it. My microphone is old as hell too, some headset/mic combo from Optimus... nova 80 model I think. It sits on top of my monitor, 6-9 inches away from my mouth, yet he could hear me just great.

Turn Mic Boost on.

Just found that option. Want to test it out now, but no-one is playing ;(
JiMmEh said:
Hey hey, if my memory serves me well I blew the hell out of you once you started to level out ;)

Still, it's depressing seeing the same events I saw, but with good graphics :p

haha, you wish! Maybe you did... I can't quite remember, but I could have sworn I pulled out of there! I was hovering in that area for a good minute before you showed up.
Mr. Redundant said:
YOU ALL better get the retail game when it comes out! (especially my squad regulars!) :D
ill definitely be there capturing control points with you. cant wait for retail.
I'm now going back, when me you (zerimski) and suicide went and blew up everything, that was fantastic.

See you guys, you better come join.
Raziaar said:
Do you have 'mic boost' on? Make sure that is on... EVERYBODY make sure that is on! It made me go from barely audible, to redundant saying I had a super, super clear voice coming through it. My microphone is old as hell too, some headset/mic combo from Optimus... nova 80 model I think. It sits on top of my monitor, 6-9 inches away from my mouth, yet he could hear me just great.

Turn Mic Boost on.

Bah, that does jack shit for me :(

Tee hee, in the heli with JiMmEh was insane fun. We blasted the crap outa the carrier at one point with me as gunner :D

Haha, I got quite good with that secondry fire misile too.. i got 6 kills at once on the blackhawk at one point :p

Tee hee, after exams i'll play more. I really shouldnt have played at all tonight :S
yeah it was fun. learning how to play the game bit by bit... cant fly for jack though :E
Is this a dedicated server? If so expect to see me on around 4:00-5:00 PST.
If not when will you rehost it?
Excellent play by all, incredible fun as always! I haven't had this much fun in a game in many years. That was some fantastic squadwork guys - the military tactics and chopper insertion/extraction really paid off, and just made the whole experience really enjoyable. The full game will last us for who knows how long, heh!
That was awesome when i ran my buggy full of satchel charges into an enemy APC. It made a huge explosion and i ended up getting 5 kills. That match was great fun and i hope to play again sometime soon.
OmegaX said:
That was awesome when i ran my buggy full of satchel charges into an enemy APC. It made a huge explosion and i ended up getting 5 kills. That match was great fun and i hope to play again sometime soon.
Heh, I saw that while I was driving behind you in an APC. Nicely done.
DrDevin said:
Just left the game and it was great. All of you guys are good at this game which makes it a lot better then some of the normal servers. I had some great fights against lemonking and I was always trying to beat OmegaX and Mr.Redundant in ranking and I think I suceeded (just look at the picture of 1 round)! Cant wait for the next game (also who here plays as a commander? We didnt have commanders most of the rounds)

that pic was when I was eating lunch :p
our squad poned you guys so hard it wasn't even funny :)
we also didn't have a commander (for some reason my squad never does) GLirk was comm for a lil while, but I was issuing all the orders independantly to my squad.
it was an excellent game, and a lot of skilled players joined.
(Im getting addicted to being squad leader, though I don't mind others being one.. I just love to take the lead)
Mr.Redundant likes to be on top, eh?

My squad leaders are jet pilots more often than not, sad stuff :(.

Although I loved being a blackhawk squad leader, everyone would spawn on the blackhawk and I'd drop em off on the MEC's helipad in their base and we'd set up huge seiges, restricting their air support.
Mr. Redundant said:
that pic was when I was eating lunch :p
our squad poned you guys so hard it wasn't even funny :)
we also didn't have a commander (for some reason my squad never does) GLirk was comm for a lil while, but I was issuing all the orders independantly to my squad.
it was an excellent game, and a lot of skilled players joined.
(Im getting addicted to being squad leader, though I don't mind others being one.. I just love to take the lead)

And I prefer to be under the leadership of a gifted squad leader. I perform best as one of the key members of the group. I can do leadership if need be, from my years of PVP in mmorpg group warfare, but I prefer the grunt role.
Mr. Redundant said:
here's a screenshot of a lot of the people who showed up
Wuhoo, I'm there! :D
I was [HL2.net]HouD for all of those wondering who the heck that was.
Still getting used to the game, though. I'm not very good.

But that was a lot of fun! It was so cool to see the community playing together. Thanks for the game guys. :cheers:
anyone have any screenies of that game where there were just a few of us, and I was the commander... I got 37 kills using artillery (and there were only about 8 people on the opposing team).. I think 25 of those kills were narcolepsy. :)
SidewinderX said:
anyone have any screenies of that game where there were just a few of us, and I was the commander... I got 37 kills using artillery (and there were only about 8 people on the opposing team).. I think 25 of those kills were narcolepsy. :)
I hate you. :cheers: I did get to see the awesome physics engine at work, however! :E

EDIT: Ah, just found my screenshot:


  • screen002.jpg
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I forgot to mention how brilliant the netcode is, as well. I assume that server we played on yesterday was American (my latency was around 130), but it wasn't laggy at all with ~32 players.