HL2.net Trouble in Terrorist Town revival!


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
If you're planning on joining, consider downloading this map pack. You can get them from the server, but this will save some time in the long run. Unpack it into steamapps\username\garrysmod\garrysmod\maps once it's downloaded. Thenkyew.

So, who remembers this game? (Scroll down if you don't.) There was a bit of an impromptu revival in the group chat recently, but we quickly discovered that using random servers was problematic as we'd frequently get tailed by hackers, trolls and other assholes and have no way to get rid of them. As such, we have a new server up for HL2.netters (and others, as long as they behave themselves) courtesy of alex/milly/dabomb, which will be policed by a few of the group chat regulars. If you feel like participating, the best way for now is probably to hop in group chat and see if anyone is playing, or ask politely if we'd be interested in getting a game going (schedules allowing). We look forward to shivving your ass and drinking those sweet, sweet tears of rage!


HL2.net TTT
Password: hl2ttt
Player limit: 16
Based in Chicago, US


You'll probably be amply warned before any kicks happen, but try your best to abide by them and everything will be sunshine and puppies. <3

# No RDMing. This is the number one offense in any TTT game and will not be tolerated. RDM stands for random death match, and basically means killing people without proper cause. Mistakes are fine as long as they're justified, but if we get the sense that you're willfully killing people for no reason or without sufficient evidence, you will be kicked and/or banned.

# No hacking. Obviously.

# No mic spamming. Chatter is fine, but try to leave the line open enough for people to report the important stuff. Like how large your mother is.

# Don't be a dick. Just don't. Please. There's a fine line between funny and annoying, tread it carefully.

# Not really a rule, but be aware that non-hl2.netters may be kicked to make room for regulars if we're full up. I doubt this will be a frequent occurrence.


For the uninitiated: Trouble in Terrorist Town is a mod for Garry's Mod (INCEPTION JOKE) which turns it into something of a real-time game of Cluedo... with guns. You need Garry's Mod and Counter-Strike: Source to play (both of which are conveniently discounted as of the posting of this thread), without the latter you won't have all the necessary textures/models and will run into a bunch of errors. Also a microphone is basically required, as you won't have time to type and nobody reads that shit anyway. Once you have those, you join the server through Garry's Mod and it will download a few small files from the server, then you're all set! Oh, and don't worry about joining from another country, I play from New Zealand with ~300 ping and it's still playable - it's not a super twitchy game.

Here's a fairly comprehensive run-down of how it works, spoilered for length. Please read if you're a newbie, if you come in asking people to explain everything to you you will be thoroughly ignored. Questions are more than welcome, but it's a relatively complicated game and we're not here to coach you every step of the way. That said, don't be intimidated or anything, as the game is super fun once you learn the ropes, and we try not to take it too seriously. Thanks for your time.~

The game is broken up into rounds, ala Counter-Strike, with each round ending when one team achieves victory over the other. However, you won't always know who is on which team - the key is in figuring out who is innocent, and who is a traitor. At the beginning of each round, you'll have a short preparation period to find your way around the map and get yourself a weapon, after which you'll randomly become either innocent, a traitor, or a detective. As an innocent, you won't be able to distinguish between your own "team" and the traitors, except by observing their actions and making deductions based on evidence and accusation. As a traitor, you will be able to see other players on your team, either by looking at them or checking the player list. Traitors also have a local voice chat which only they can hear in order to coordinate with one another (shift key). A detective is essentially an innocent, but with more powers. Everyone is always able to see who the detective is, which instantly qualifies them as innocent, exempting them from any suspicion. They also have access to gadgets which can shine some light on how/by whom a person was killed. The traitors' goal is to kill all of the innocents, and the innocents'/detectives' goal is to find and kill all of the traitors before this happens.

Seem like the balance is tipped in the traitors' favour a little? Not so, the traitors are always in the minority (I think about 1 in every 4 players, as per the server's current settings), and time is not on your side - if the counter runs down and there are innocents left alive, it's their win. This is where the main elements of the game come into play: subterfuge, misdirection and trickery. As a traitor, you have to keep your poker face on at all times, be ready with an explanation once the accusations start flying your way, and above all try to dispatch your foes quickly and quietly. If you give them a chance to name their killer before they go down, it could spell the end for you. Use discretion in everything you do. Suspicion can arise from anything, even your movements or chatter/lack thereof. The key is getting people alone or coordinating with your fellow traitors to team up on unsuspecting innocents. Lastly, as a traitor you'll have some additional tools at your disposal, which you buy with points that are gained by doing appropriately traitorous things. Each tool will cost one point, but no matter how many points your earn you won't be able to buy the same item twice in one round. Use the C key to bring up the menu, select something to read its description and then click buy equipment if you want it. You'll probably be using the knife primarily, as it's a one-hit kill, making it the quickest and most silent way to kill someone. Use it with care though, as it will stick into your victim when you use it, making it a one-use-only item. The other items you can investigate for yourself, but one more tip: don't be seen with a traitor weapon. Even if you're an innocent who picked it up from a traitor's body, being seen with a traitor weapon will instantly draw suspicion to you, if not outright expose you. As always: exercise discretion.

As an innocent, you're basically a lamb for the slaughter unless you use the strongest weapon at your disposal - your observation (also a big gun). Keep your eye on others at all times, try to take note of people's behaviour, and above all listen. Your fellow innocents will likely be chattering frequently about their own observations, usually to name someone if they're alone with them. If you hear Jack say, "I'm with Jill," and then Jack shows up with a broken crown, you would be prudent to suspect Jill. Similarly, if a traitor is caught with his pants down, you'll usually hear their next victim screaming their name before being abruptly cut off. These are both pretty obvious cues, but pay heed to the more subtle things as well. If a player likes to stalk around on his own a lot, for instance, or if they don't use their microphone to call out observations (inversely, you should try to act as innocent as possible as a traitor :3). Ask questions often - if someone shows up hurt (your health is visible to others if they aim at you) or their weapon matches the murder weapon of an innocent, then be sure to question them. If someone falters under interrogation or gives unlikely explanations, they're probably hiding something. These aren't to be taken as conclusive evidence, obviously, but if the clues start piling up then you should be extra cautious around that person and be ready to take them out at any time. Most importantly: exercise discretion (whoa, deja vu). You might think your best course of action is to kill anyone at the slightest hint of suspicion, but this has a few disadvantages. Firstly: people might think you're a dick. Secondly: people might think you're a traitor just looking for excuses to kill people without suspicion. Lastly, and most directly: your karma will suffer for it. Literally. In the player list beside everyone's name, and next to your own health, you'll see a karma count which starts at 1,000 and decreases whenever you kill one of your fellow innocents. People with low karma will do less damage and (I think) will be less likely to be picked as detective, so try not to go all Dirty Harry on people. Speaking of;

As detective, your job is to assist your fellow innocents by using your status and tools to weed out the traitors. Detectives are even more rare than traitors, however, so you won't see one until about 8 players have joined, and having two in a game is uncommon. As I mentioned, the detective is obvious to everyone by either looking at them or checking the player list. This gives them an edge over other innocents, as they're above suspicion and, as such, have no reason to be killed by other innocents. They're also a priority target for traitors thanks to their tools, so you'll have to be extra stealthy if you want to get away with killing one. Their tools are bought through the C menu, just like traitors, with points you gain from... detective-y stuff (I forget what precisely). These are generally more helpful than lethal, but there's a nice gun in there in case you find yourself without (some maps might have less weapons than people). Besides that, you also start with a DNA scanner which you can use on corpses to reveal their killer - as long as it hasn't been dead long enough to decay. Scanning takes a while, but if successful will place an icon over the killer on your HUD, making them easy to find and identify. As detective, your fellow innocents will look up to you for help and guidance, but be careful - even as detective it's difficult to tell friend from foe. This is basically the hardest role to play effectively and takes a bit of practice, so don't worry too much if you're not sure what to do at first. Just keep in mind your primary goal is to identify the traitors, and take every precaution to stay alive (short of killing everyone - you still take a karma hit if you kill innocents).

And that's about it, as far as I can think right now. Sorry about all the words, this isn't exactly the easiest game to explain. Rest assured, it's much more straight-forward once you know what you're doing, you just need to pay attention. Above all, it's really incredibly fun if you have a good group, so give it a go with us if it sounds like your thing. :)
I'm in. How will I know when people are on? The craze died down before I could really get into it.
I'm in. How will I know when people are on? The craze died down before I could really get into it.

"If you feel like participating, the best way for now is probably to hop in group chat and see if anyone is playing, or ask politely if we'd be interested in getting a game going (schedules allowing)."
Are there reserve slots? Will there be Rcon? FTP access? Why isn't Milly making this thread?
BadHat just sort of offered in the final stages of the server being ready.

Reserved slots is a good idea for the most frequent players, it would save having to kick people.
I assumed they were planned judging from the odd player count.
Can the max player limit be around 14-16? Once you get that many players it starts to be less fun in my opinion.

I'll be there.
I think Milly said something about an issue on the host end, or a delay or something, so they compensated by bumping up our player slots. I think it was originally 16 or something.
Be fun to start playing again, had such fun playing this with you guys when it came out (Nice one Teej!).

What maps are in that pack btw? And was the knife set back to a one hit kill?
May join some night over the Christmas holidays.
I'd love to play with you but my paranoid autumn sale budget doesn't like the idea of a Garry's Mod purchase (even though it's extremely cheap). So if somebody wants to gift it I'll return the favor some time soon.
I'll join if we play tonight, haven't played TTT in a long time :)
Nice thread BH.

I have been a bit preoccupied with school and a personal project, but I'm definitely going to be there for as many games as possible.

The game is excellent fun, and I'd love to see more HL2.netters joining our list of usual players.
Are there reserve slots? Will there be Rcon? FTP access? Why isn't Milly making this thread?
No reserve slots at the moment, I don't see it becoming too much of a problem. I have ULX admin mod installed so you don't need RCON. Nobody but me needs FTP access to the server. I'm not making the thread because I'm lazy.

EDIT: Oh, and if you want me to add new maps, or if you want me to change/fix something within the server, post it here.
I also increased the spectator prop possession push force by about 5x for fun.
just bought garry's mod for $2.50 in hopes to try this out with you guys sometime next week. sale ends monday and that's a helluva price
No reserve slots at the moment, I don't see it becoming too much of a problem. I have ULX admin mod installed so you don't need RCON. Nobody but me needs FTP access to the server. I'm not making the thread because I'm lazy.

EDIT: Oh, and if you want me to add new maps, or if you want me to change/fix something within the server, post it here.
ULX lets you change round time and other ttt settings? Reserve slots are kind of necessary if the server is full of pubs and no admins are on. I want FTP access so I can test upload my furry porn maps without waiting on you.

But really, if anyone wants a particular map ported/fixed, just ask here and I'll do it.
If we have 16 slots, yes, it can happen if there are 5 or something non-admin HL2.netters and a whole bunch of pubs join (remember the other pub servers?).

Besides, it takes the trouble out of manually kicking people, people won't complain about admin's choice, and we don't have to be messaged by people trying to get in.

But NOPE you just have to be difficult in regards to a convenient feature that takes no time to set up.
But NOPE you just have to be difficult in regards to a convenient feature that takes no time to set up.

>Sarcastic comment when I'm not even the one who is setting up the server or making these decisions
>Being difficult
veggie, let's just say if i ever get anal polyps ill know what to name them
I'm running on a 3 year old Mac that runs Snow Leopard. Every time I try to join my machine suffers a kernel panic (screen goes blad and the last quarter second of audio plays over and over again).

Does anyone have any helpful advice?
Vegeta was nice enough to let me use his FTP server for the server's sv_downloadurl, so everything will download faster now.
You don't need to download the .rar in the first post anymore, but I recommend you do to save yourself some loading time.
Question: Where is this server located?

Am I right in assuming it's a US server?
Edited the OP to reflect the new map downloads, but the link's still there if anyone wants it.

Also re: everyone asking why I made the thread instead of Milly, I offered because he'd just spent a couple of days trying to get the server running after paying for it out of his own pocket, so I figured it was the least I could do. :v

I also increased the spectator prop possession push force by about 5x for fun.

Haha, love it.
Admins: XGUI is fixed now, and will work without errors or being glitchy in general.

EDIT: Also, admins can use !fban to open up a quick ban prompt.
Use ULX rcon to change the sv_password.
We've also set the traitor ratio to .30, so that means there are 2 traitors starting at 7 players, and 3 starting at 10. Slightly better balance, I think.
The door is the traitor.

I think I got killed by props more than anything last night. Alex broke my back with a door while I was on the lighthouse, then BadHat hit me with something I never saw which killed me instantly and knocked me off the lighthouse :V

was fun tho.
I hate timezones. Every time many of you play, my body tells me to go to bed.
As of last night and today, the server is down due to a DDoS attack.

Long story short, some annoying griefing guy joined the server, we banned him, and he didn't like us banning him for reason "Stupid". So now he's gone full script kiddie on
us and is DDoSing. Server host confirms it's a DDoS. They're working on it, I will update you guys on the situation.
I guess it was obvious that it was a DDoS given the timing. Let's hope it's sorted soon.
As of last night and today, the server is down due to a DDoS attack.

Long story short, some annoying griefing guy joined the server, we banned him, and he didn't like us banning him for reason "Stupid". So now he's gone full script kiddie on
us and is DDoSing. Server host confirms it's a DDoS. They're working on it, I will update you guys on the situation.
Ugh, that blows.

Oh well, at least the kid deserved the ban.

Mic-spamming and then chat-spamming.
so you are playing this game again?I think I unninstalled gmod long time ago

anyway I still rmenber when we got into a furry server whitout knowing and the server got mad cuz someone made fun of him
If the attack doesn't stop by around [strike]Thursday[/strike] (Working on switching now), I'll probably switch to a new server host. I'm not letting this shit ruin our fun. Yes, it will cost a lot more, but the chance of this shit happening on a bigger host is a lot less probable.
If the attack on our server does stop, we can keep everything the way it is, or I can set the server's sv_region to -1 so you can still join with the IP and add it to your favorites, but it won't show up on the public server list.