hl2 only six chapters

Please indicate your Valve reference for this. Or shut up. Thanks.
Um, why are you just coming into this thread saying crap like that? People here don't like that.
I read that big spoiler for the , I don't think I should have read it. Oh well.
goddamit... I READ EVERY SPOILER... couldn't resist!

There should be a confirmation.. you are about to read a spoiler... are you sure? are you sure your sure? ROFL :)
The Bait said:
Um, why are you just coming into this thread saying crap like that? People here don't like that.
I read that big spoiler for the
, I don't think I should have read it. Oh well.

CUT IT OUT Bait!! hehe
Hmmm, okay I remember a game called Unreal II. They said the game had like 15 chapters and as those who played it can tell you, half of them were cut-scenes that were actually counted as chapters so the game was absurdly short. So amount of chapters really means the dogs bollocks when it comes to game length.

Maybe it will be like a movie and in 6 months we can all buy the directors cut. Oooooooo, uncensored goodness. :bounce:
well well thats exactly what fragmaster said in his last post,that the game has been cut to make it in time for holydays
something just occured to me - why the hell would valve put this big of a spoiler right in the pre-load? - why aren't the maps just numbered? (d1_456,d2_457, etc) i think the fact that they put the map names right out where they would be so easy to find may have been intentionally misleading, in a way...

i'm kindof afraid to read back over the list - don't want to spoil it anymore than i already did, just in case...how many maps are actually on there? its still definately over the D3 level of 28, so it could still be a very long game, even with this number of levels...
wayne white said:
well well thats exactly what fragmaster said in his last post,that the game has been cut to make it in time for holydays

That could be true, but I would be more likely to believe they're keeping all the major plot-related stuff/spoiler attack prone stuff non-preloaded until the day before the game comes out.. in a 50mb final preload or something..
Why wouldn't it be possible for more than one chapter to take place within one general area? Each significant event\goal\plot-progression could have it's own chapter. This information doesn't in any way prove that HL2 is only six chapters.
wayne white said:
well well thats exactly what fragmaster said in his last post,that the game has been cut to make it in time for holydays
Yea they did
911error said:
Yea they did

BS!! Why the HELL would they do that. Who cares if they don't make it for the holidays. it's not worth it! :flame:
YES IT IS...I AM NOT WAITING ANOTHER YEAR!!!! Plus it's geting GREAT ratings, so its obvious that it was worth it.
devinlamothe said:
I don't believe that is all of the maps. =/
I don't doubt that it is all of them - keep in mind that maps in source can be vastly bigger than the maps in the original Half-Life. And don't worry, there will be plenty of varied and unique places within those general locations. The whole game's not spoiled simply because you know the names of the maps.
you guys are forgetting that there were letters in the maps that represented a certain section of the level in half-life, like c1a4a, c1a4b, etc.
oddly enough, we only have the preloaded files and we are coming to the conclusion that these are all the maps included in the game. The preload contains material that are most likely not going to change in the final product. Parts of the game are still undergoing extensive testing at Vivendi and there may be more maps that have not quite passed their tests.
6 chapters wtf?

i count 9 different chapter/location names in that list, not including "background", "intro" and "credits"
How is HL2 not long? Didn't PCgamer beat it in 17 hours? 17 hours is a lot for an FPS, and they probably went through it pretty quickly to hurry out the review.
I believe that is the list of maps that were in the leaked version. So that's only 1/3 - 1/2 of the game listed.
I believe there are 12 chapters and the levels are split into various chapters. There may be a couple City 17 levels etc, you cant really tell. Just because the names are similar doesnt mean that there are only 6 chapters.
SubForce said:
Hmmm, okay I remember a game called Unreal II. They said the game had like 15 chapters and as those who played it can tell you, half of them were cut-scenes that were actually counted as chapters so the game was absurdly short. So amount of chapters really means the dogs bollocks when it comes to game length.

Maybe it will be like a movie and in 6 months we can all buy the directors cut. Oooooooo, uncensored goodness. :bounce:

Um, theres no cut scenes in half-life, its all in your point of view, so theres not just "chapters" for cut scenes.
it isn't the number of chapters that matters, it is the number of hours. (about 20)
The number of hours will vary from person to person.. besides, it's the replayability that's most important, and with all the details to explore, and nearly unlimited possibilities with the physics, I don't see that being a problem.