hl2 Pushed back..

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Although, I wonder if this could be a fake email. I mean, none of the sites have posted a screenshot of the supposed email.
More like, we are highly, seriously dissapointed. I planned my vacation around this.
Originally posted by bilsmaks
i think i speak for all hl2 fans.... F*CK YOU GABE! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Dont' speak for me either.
Well I'm glad the community isn't as pissed off as I expected---which is certainly a good thing. Good to know most still have their sense of humor intact. And who knows...by the time Half-Life 2 does come out, maybe NVIDIA will have gotten their act together. Good news for NVIDIA users.
Here's what bothers me anout this:

They wait till almost just 6 days before the supposed release date, that the game would be delayed to the holidays?! The friggin' holidays? How is it that 6 days prior to release the figure out that it's gonna be delayed till the holidays. Either something huge popped up like the viability of Steam or they willingly misled us all on this. What a crock of shit!

Edit: I'm not as pissed as that may sound, but I just think it's a little ridiculous that it's gonna be delayed that long when even when Spticofry went to Valve just recently that they still played it along like Sept. 30th even had a chance. Whatever... Guess I'll be buying Halo next week. I hope the 9800XT still come sout soon so the 9800 pro drops soon, but then again if HL2 come sout that much later, I might just wait for the R420 or whatever it's gonna be.
not speaking for me either. If its delayed I'm sure theres a good reason for it. :(
Originally posted by Legend
Well, at least the delayed topics can stop. They've been proven accurate.

Ahh yes.. But now the "OMG you lied!!" threads will begin.

It's a vicious cycle..
Oh, you think that they'll stop? I figure that they'll grow in intensity, that they'll have to rename this forum Half-Life 2 Delay Thread Ranch.

Do not feed the delay threads.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
Man if thats true, screw HL2 bring on DOOM3, im sorry but not good enough, or made HALO PC... cool.
If HL2 is held to the holidays screw them, im on Holidays!, now im gonna have to wait anouth 2 months lol!!!!

im finished :)

I'm with you dude, you can't just lead people on then a week before bomb out like that it's bad marketing, pr, responsibility, and game development. At least put a playable demo (not tech/benchmark) or something out on the 30th. If this is real i'm REALLY suprised because they just shot themselves in the foot and lost a lot of sales to casual gamers who just know by word of mouth, they will forget all about HL2 after a while which means lost sales. And they will lose sales to Far Cry as well. I think i'll wait till the HL2 price drop before I by, I don't support shit development.
Originally posted by Legend
Well, at least the delayed topics can stop. They've been proven accurate.

this is just the start.... soon fire will rain down from the sky, ect. THE APOCALYPSE IS NOW!!!.... like my name :) which is also a great ****ing movie!
shit this really sux.

my friends that TOTALLY BELIEVE EVERYTHING EB says. i been telling them all for the last few days that its coming out on the 30th.....damn i look like an idiot.
Spit, whatever dude. It's a hardware flaw. We are pissed, astonished really.
Or at least it means I can finally get a friggen' Radeon card. And Halo will still be out for the PC. Like I said, the worst part is letting Fragmaster win.
Yeah, don't speak for all of us. We have no idea what went on at Valve, there could be a reason they didn't tell us sooner.
From the surgeon general:
"I am sorry to report that UltimateNinja has sustained 92nd degree burns after reading the untimley delay news. He apparently spontaneously combusted. Luckily he will be back around the holidays. We suspect a spontaneous regeneration then, as HL2 comes out!"
Correction. The community is very pissed lol. Check other boards.
For what good it'll do at 9:23 in the evening...I e-mailed Lombardi with the City 17 news post...here's to hoping he confirms it for us, the fans :cheers:
If this is true, why the hell would they wait until now? Seriouslly, something BIG must have happened in order for this to happen.
Originally posted by Wilson502
well this ****ing sucks i wanted it on the 30th. mother****as

Yeah my initial reaction was that too...but now at least I'm not going to lose more sleep over this silly game
F#$K valve and gabe.
there was NO reason to give us fans hope that it would be out.
They didn't have to announce this SO close to the supposed offical release date.

They have lost any faith i had for them.
Say hello to EA for me Valve.
I'm not pissed about Half-Life 2 being delayed as much as I'm pissed at Valve for not telling us this god damned sooner. What the hell did they have to get us all worked up for... all they had to say was "No, we won't be meeting the release date" about a week ago and no one would have been as disappointed.
At least we'll get it this year, the day will come soon enough, and I'll be playing Halo from the 10th of October.
god damn lombardi. piss me off.

Isn't there even a small chance that there will be a steam release for the 30th?? Notice how he says "but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time" Why would he say in-store?

Everyone forget HL2 if its delayed and get us HALO PC!
Lets just hope for the best, because im not :)

I should change my Sig soon :P
It is tru Shacknews is reporting it also only a matter of time for everyone else to also.
I think Steam is to blame, mostly. It's been a wreck for them and it still doesn't appear anywhere near fixed.
Spit, you were able to sneak a set of janitor keys into your pocket while at VALVe, right? Maybe you can go over there, find Doug, breathe deeply down his neck, every now and then saying: "If truth be the delay, then hell there will be today."
...i bet valve is just doing this to give us a scare...i mean its all for money...
A delay this close to the release date is just uncalled for.
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