hl2 Pushed back..

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maybe its a faaake!!

boohoo.. but all signs point to no..
Originally posted by phlux
god damn lombardi. piss me off.

Isn't there even a small chance that there will be a steam release for the 30th?? Notice how he says "but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time" Why would he say in-store?


Vevindi (sp) wont like that because they get the money from the in-store sales and VALVe get the Steam sales :)
Originally posted by spitcodfry
For what good it'll do at 9:23 in the evening...I e-mailed Lombardi with the City 17 news post...here's to hoping he confirms it for us, the fans :cheers:

Thank you spit. If there's one person in this community (outside the HL2.net news staff) I trust, it's you. And I mean that, too.
Originally posted by Legend
A delay this close to the release date is just uncalled for.

Can you honestly say that you're shocked over it? Please.
I also bet you $10,000 it won't be released this year.
Originally posted by Legend
Correction. The community is very pissed lol. Check other boards.

Hell yeahh Everyone is freakin pissed off ..Including me!!! Guess i wont be able to play HL2 on my vacation.. Guess ill buy HAlo 2 for my vacation game!!

But im really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really, PiSsEd!!!!!!!!!! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Half-Life 2 officially delayed officially sucks.....talk about dangle a carrot in front of you and then take it away!!!
Why wait until now to say its delayed?.....I want to hear more from Valve about why.....
Oh yeah, and


People will be more mad about frag getting off scott free than the delay.
Originally posted by EC2
Spit, you were able to sneak a set of janitor keys into your pocket while at VALVe, right? Maybe you can go over there, find Doug, breathe deeply down his neck, every now and then saying: "If truth be the delay, then hell there will be today."

I'm disapointed in valve.

I hope this isn't going to start a trend. Infact, the release of steam was total sh!t.

The sequal is never as good.

I was stupid to be so excited.
Originally posted by nostgard
I'm not pissed about Half-Life 2 being delayed as much as I'm pissed at Valve for not telling us this god damned sooner. What the hell did they have to get us all worked up for... all they had to say was "No, we won't be meeting the release date" about a week ago and no one would have been as disappointed.

EXACTLY!!! But fi they knew they were going to have to put another month or two of work into it, they must have known a couple of weeks back. Heck, they probably had a good diea that it was going to be delayed when all the delays rumors first started. So friggin' annoying...
I will be gettin HALO soon, should tied me over til mid October.. if HL2 isn't out by then then I will be to busy with holiday stuff to bother with HL2... But of course if comes out I will have it on my HD one way or another ! :D
Least we still should get the benchmark on the 30th. I mean, it's not the game, but it's better than nothing.
Originally posted by Seikeden
not speaking for me either. If its delayed I'm sure theres a good reason for it. :(

4 new lovers bonk the bed, M$-Xbox-Vivendi-Valve (in order of evilness).
I'm not surprised but i am pissed that they let us all believe this shit for all this time only to yank the rug out from under us...
All you idiots who "believed" in valve (the "benevolent" company, who REALLY CARES ABOUT THEIR FANS!!11!!! :rolleyes:) can now shut up and run away with your tail between your legs. Valve has a pretty good delay track record, as I've previously shown.

They f.ucked up CS 1.6.

They wait until the last minute to officially delay the game, despite knowing it would be delayed for months, thus giving their fans false hope. Dishonesty reigns supreme.

Yep, it's the same old valve.
I'm not surprised, or pissed. I'll just accept it, look at Doom 3, realize that I haven't seen any sort of release date for it, and laugh.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
LoL! there will be 50x more now.

Man, i told you yesterday to change your signature... I told you...
Originally posted by EC2
I'm not surprised, or pissed. I'll just accept it, look at Doom 3, realize that I haven't seen any sort of release date for it, and laugh.

Gabe could take some tips from Carmack
Doom 3 saw Halo 2 and decided to take a long vacation.
Ack. I'm really disappointed. I thought that for once, a gaming company was going to live up to their claims of a finishing date.

I wouldn't mind *at all* if it was a week or two, but two months seems ridiculous. I mean...they were *WAY* off base for this game being finished. Man.
Its was so freaking stupid of Valve too come out with a delay this late. And why the hell dont they come out with official statement on there web site ore something?
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Gabe could take some tips from Carmack

And make Alyx and the G-Man look like plastic?
Wheres 'qwik' and his magical french canadian content server now?
Originally posted by wowyouareacow
Its was so freaking stupid of Valve too come out with a delay this late. And why the hell dont they come out with official statement on there web site ore something?

Their website is shit...they don't even have Half-Life 2 posted under their 'projects' section. They have Steam, but not Half-Life 2.
Originally posted by wowyouareacow
Its was so freaking stupid of Valve too come out with a delay this late. And why the hell dont they come out with official statement on there web site ore something?

It is a stupid move, I feel totaly disrespected as a fan because of it. THere was *NO* reason to not say anything a week or two ago.
I'll still be getting HL2 right when it comes out, but I expected them to be a little more forthcoming with the whole release date. I'm not really harboring any anger right now, just a little frustration. Hopefully, there will be an explanation for the delay. I'm sure a lot of the fans will demand one because they really did wait till the last minute to make it official, one way or the other. Plus, everyone figured that if it was going to be delayed it would just be a week or two, but now it looks like a couple of months. How'd they just figure out now that they've got two months of work left to do???
Hey guys, if you stay in this forum, and keep hitting F5, it turns into an IRC channel. Honest!
lol their website really is shit. It looks like it's trapped back in '95.
FUX FUX FUX FUX FUX FUX jebus omg wth am i to do with my life now weoweoweoweoweoweoweoweoweoweowe dadadadadadadadaadad hohohohohohoh raarg eat my shewty ballzz VALVe :I R KILLS SELF::x :bonce: :borg: :devil: :flame: :eek: :sniper: :dozey: :frown:
Originally posted by dis
Here's what bothers me anout this:

They wait till almost just 6 days before the supposed release date, that the game would be delayed to the holidays?! The friggin' holidays? How is it that 6 days prior to release the figure out that it's gonna be delayed till the holidays. Either something huge popped up like the viability of Steam or they willingly misled us all on this. What a crock of shit!

Edit: I'm not as pissed as that may sound, but I just think it's a little ridiculous that it's gonna be delayed that long when even when Spticofry went to Valve just recently that they still played it along like Sept. 30th even had a chance. Whatever... Guess I'll be buying Halo next week. I hope the 9800XT still come sout soon so the 9800 pro drops soon, but then again if HL2 come sout that much later, I might just wait for the R420 or whatever it's gonna be.

You definatley make good points here and I agree with you completely. Valves lack of any official press releases and instead using email correspondence with fansites doesnt really promote the community the way it should. Instead of having a thriving fan base we have people posting emails from valve, then flaming eachother for days about validity, and then finally figuring it if its fake or not. Even if it is real, everybody then argues over every goddamn nuance of the sentance looking for things that arent there.

I think Valve should really switch to a more blizzard-ey approach, that is, having an amazingly in depth official web site and a forum where you can interact with employees.
Originally posted by EC2
Hey guys, if you stay in this forum, and keep hitting F5, it turns into an IRC channel. Honest!

LOL i was doing that at work today...
No joke, a little e-mail like that? Give us meaty press releases...
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