hl2 Pushed back..

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****MARK MY WORDS******


Who's ready to get *HYPED* for the next release date. Lmao.

This is money-hungry valve we're talking about here. They just love f.ucking things up. It's what they do best.
Originally posted by Hyped
****MARK MY WORDS******


Who's ready to get *HYPED* for the next release date. Lmao.

This is money-hungry valve we're talking about here. They just love f.ucking things up. It's what they do best.

ROFL! if vavle dont make sep 30th, thats whats going to happen :D

I think they might scrap it all and release next year in september :LOL:
Money-hungry Valve? Um..Gabe Newell is a millionare(or very very rich..he has alot of stocks in Microsoft). It's more Viviendi's fault, they were the ones that were pressuring Valve into releasing for a holiday release.
Gabe's fat ass probably fell over and crushed the gold copy. Ugh...whatever...I'm just pissed like everyone else.
I think he fan support and free marketing we have provided the fine folks at Valve entitles us to atleast a demo or at the very least a playable benchmark. I'd email Gabe in reference to a demo to hold us over, but they never respond to me.

I'm pissed, but come on -didn't we all kinda figure?

Why would Valve be so cool about everything else and so crappy about this.
Yeh fuk it, im allying with FRAGMASTER, and im going and spending my hl2 money on ****ing doom 3, this sensless shit is starting to piss people off.

First ****ing swg, which sux ass btw, now this shit, let em keep on doin that shit, oh god dman. Gone be some prison style ass rapin goin on now. 1 ****ing week from release and we get this hit, FUKC the ass holes who couldnt have the foresighte to tell us earlier about this. If someone who has been workin on a project for 5 years, was gona turn it in to there boss, then a week efore they turn it in say, "oh umm sir, i wont have that report by next week"

boss: whats that....

You son of a bitch! get that shit on my desk before monday or im gona ****ing frame you for rape, get you sent to prison, pay the guards to leave you alone in a room, while we let all the inmates stand in a line that reads, "Kiddy ****ing this way!" and let the try out the newest barb pluged raper condoms on you sweet virgin ass!

got that you piece of shit?

Employee: "Stairs blankly as shit flows freely down his legs."
Damn. Yeah, that sucks. Ah well, life goes on. I'm guessing they'll make one of those November dates that've been floating around. Maybe it'll be out on HL's 5th anniversary. That'd be cool. Until then, we've got HALO, and maybe a benchmark if we're lucky, though I doubt that'll even come out. Knights of the Old Republic looks awesome, but that's out in November I think, right? And Doom3 is out "when it's done" a.k.a. 2006, so that's not gonna happen. Oh well, I can play Homeworld 2.

Meh. Why do game companies do this? Why not REALLY REALLY overestimate when they announce a release date, and be like "Yah it'll be out in December for the holidays." Then when they're done like 2 months EARLY, they can:
a) Release it early and make everyone happy! w00t!
b) Playtest it extra extra long to get all the bugs out.
c) Playtest it until they find some unfixable bug that takes an extra few months to fix so it comes out in April.
d) "Look at all this extra time we've got! Let's make a new engine!" ...and the game comes out in December...2009.
Originally posted by dis
I'll still be getting HL2 right when it comes out, but I expected them to be a little more forthcoming with the whole release date. I'm not really harboring any anger right now, just a little frustration. Hopefully, there will be an explanation for the delay. I'm sure a lot of the fans will demand one because they really did wait till the last minute to make it official, one way or the other. Plus, everyone figured that if it was going to be delayed it would just be a week or two, but now it looks like a couple of months. How'd they just figure out now that they've got two months of work left to do???

It's called STEAM. "Ok everyone, here's our uber cool Steam launch, the new content delivery system for HL2" CRASH!!! LAG!!! SPLAT!!! "Um, Half Life is delayed until the Holidays."
Half-Life 2 Delay Officially 100% Confirmed 9 Comments
9/23/2003 21:12 PST | Half-Life 2 | by Fragmaster
Here's the bad news from Valve's Doug Lombardi:
The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.
We're very glad all this release date nonsense is over with and think Valve should have confirmed this earlier.
I dont think valve will wanna release hl2 so close to dm3 wich is expected early 2004 you wanna grab the market before dm3 hits shevles. So I dont see any more delays.
God, the nerds who instantly turn on Valve as soon as they find out it's delayed are the lowest forms of life. I LOVE GABE AND VALVE, <3 U FOR ETERNITYZ ERIK JOHNSON!!!!1 over the summer, and then I HATE U VALVE! GABE, I ALWASY THOT U WERE FAT I JUST DIDNT SAY NETHING BE CUZ I THOUGHT IT MIGHT DELAY HL@ BUT NOW I CAN SAY UR FAT, FATTY

Doing a bunch of :angry: faces won't accomplish anything, we know you're angry that you don't have yet another avenue through which you can while away your lives, but simulating your anger with a bunch of forum smilies just makes you look roughly as pathetic as you probably look in real life. Everybody knew, on some level, that Valve wouldn't be able to make the date, so what's the big ****ing surprise here?
At least there's Max Payne 2 and XIII to tide me over, as well as MOHAA Breakthrough. Not that tragic...
Site Director Nerd
Posts: 64 #2 Sep 23, 03 - 9:16 PM

Edited by [GSI]Fragmaster on Sep 23 2003 9:35PM

In Reply To #1
Boy, that sure was interesting. Now I can finally shut the hell up. :)

EDIT: I hope you guys understand why I've been such a retard about the delay stuff. I strongly believe Valve should have been more forthcoming and honest to their most loyal fans.

It would have been a hell of a lot easier for me to just keep my big mouth shut and pretend like the game wasn't delayed, but I'm not a very big fan of bullshit.

But it's over now, and let's move on. Hooray!
No. I do not agree. People have the right to be mighty pissed. Valve didn't attempt to communicate this one way or another with their fans, but it seems like the retailers have known all along. Am I wrong?
Originally posted by Frizz
Site Director Nerd
Posts: 64 #2 Sep 23, 03 - 9:16 PM

Edited by [GSI]Fragmaster on Sep 23 2003 9:35PM

In Reply To #1
Boy, that sure was interesting. Now I can finally shut the hell up. :)

EDIT: I hope you guys understand why I've been such a retard about the delay stuff. I strongly believe Valve should have been more forthcoming and honest to their most loyal fans.

It would have been a hell of a lot easier for me to just keep my big mouth shut and pretend like the game wasn't delayed, but I'm not a very big fan of bullshit.

But it's over now, and let's move on. Hooray!

Yeah he wasn't shitting us...maybe we should start hurling flaming turd e-mails at Gabe instead of Fragmaster...but no, that would do no good.
Originally posted by Tyrion
Money-hungry Valve? Um..Gabe Newell is a millionare(or very very rich..he has alot of stocks in Microsoft). It's more Viviendi's fault, they were the ones that were pressuring Valve into releasing for a holiday release.

This is probably the stupidest thing I've read on these forums, and that's saying a LOT. It's not even worth refutation.
Krarg, simmah down. People are venting, which is good, it relieves pent up anger and stress.

LOl, thanks for making me laugh even though I'm not really angry at anyone, but I guess in a way I won't believe anything Valve says again till I either a) see it with my own eyes or b) read it in an official press release or on a reputable gaming site. This e-mailing fan crap has to go if they're not even going to be straight with us.
I went through all this with hl1 so many of us are probably seasoned veterans. Atleast with hl1 is was a "WHEN ITS DONE" policy wich helped not build up our expectations.
yay my first post...

now...Excuse me




ok...every one remain calm...i have a plan

- Considering, we KNOW at least the Majority of half life 2 is Stored in there office's, And, we have a Insider, whom can map the entier place out, Bit, by bit, we need to storm that location....like the rebel mob we are.....burn 50 copys of it, and give one to every state !

WE will meet outside there office bulding in 2 days, 3 hours, and 19 min...ready GO !
If its delayed to the holidays, which countries holidays?

Im into my first week of holidays in australia.
The only bright spot is that "hopefully" they will feel the need to mollify the fans a bit AND RELEASE SOME NEW FREAKIN' CONTENT. Then again, that just might make us excited again.
I know this is going to set off some insane hacker somewhere. He will do a maximum retaliation on them, taking HL2 for everyone.
Originally posted by dp1
I went through all this with hl1 so many of us are probably seasoned veterans. Atleast with hl1 is was a "WHEN ITS DONE" policy wich helped not build up our expectations.

And this time they give us a release date and completly gut themselves.
It was better when it was "when its done".
U.S/Canada holidays most likley.

I think hl1 came out around the U.S's thanksgiving if I am not mistaken.
Is it a possibility that Lombardi is lying to us...and that we'll all find the game in stores on the 30th? I frequent the land of Oz often...but this may be no fantasy.
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